Author Topic: Who wants to go live in the wild?  (Read 3409 times)

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Offline sydan66

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Who wants to go live in the wild?
« on: January 16, 2011, 10:25:59 am »
I have been planning on leaving into the wilderness for several years now and I'm finally ready…Careful practice and planning has made it possible..Going to British Columbia, Canada..well its 100 miles east of Juneau Alaska just north of telegraph creek, a small town…the Taku river…its a salt water river that comes in off the ocean. just north of there is a fresh water river called Teslin river…it is between there where we plan on going. I did weather geographics on that area and it has the warmest summers in Canada as well as not so bad winters…hasnt gone below -7 in 30 years…average temp there is around 2-38 degrees in winter non factoring the wind chill and 55-70 in me Id like to live in a warm climate but unfortunately you need ice and freezing temps to preserve food, hides, water, etc. Shelter with inside heating as well as stocked food and warm clothing will get us through winters no problem. There is also hot springs up there which i was able to get a satellite location on 2 right near where we plan on going…The spot is perfect 40-50 miles from 2 diff towns as well as less than 100 miles from the ocean and Juneau Alaska..salt water is needed for salt as well as a great food source so its a great location. We plan on leaving March 1st 2011…the plan is to meet in Seattle, Washington on March 1st. I spent 2 years in the army and several years studying herbalisms, medicines, curing hides and lots of other survival tactics. We are gonna pan for gold, hunt, etc. Ive been planning this for years just couldnt do it alone and Ive finally found some people to go. So its time to go…So far i have 3 other serious people 3 guys 1 girl total so far and 3 others interested for a total of 6 or 7…If your interested in going with us please email me at and i will email you where and what time we all will be meeting.Leaving March 1st 2011 Hope to talk to you soon.



Offline Caveman

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Re: Who wants to go live in the wild?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2011, 10:42:29 am »
Beautiful.. I would love to join you, but probably not this year. Good luck!

Offline Neone

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Re: Who wants to go live in the wild?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2011, 11:01:48 am »
You're just going to 'meet up' with a bunch of strangers and move them into a small closed community and hope that everything just works out?
That's not paleo.

Offline riy freeman

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Re: Who wants to go live in the wild?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2011, 11:23:25 am »
It might be interesting. Reminds me of Lord of the Flies.
Who's going to be Piggy? ;)


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Re: Who wants to go live in the wild?
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2011, 10:07:51 pm »
That's funny, I had planned to rewild in the same area, though the population of grizzlies had me a bit concerned. I also would have been fleeing from the law, so there's that!  -d

Good luck though, hope you've practiced a lot before you do the real thing. You don't need ANY equipment but you do need a hefty toolbox of knowledge and the will to make it through the varying and adverse conditions. I will probably rewild in the next couple years and wander for a while. Right now I'm building my stores of knowledge.

Knowledge of plants
Tool making
Friction fire
water procurement in desert conditions
bird language (really the language of all animals, but birds do it the most and most noticeably)
Shelter (building/finding)

I'm sure there are some things I've forgotten.

I chose to ease in to my first rewilding experience on the island of Kaua'i in Hawai'i. Back in the valley of kalalau which is only accessible by air, foot or water, no roads. Back in there is a paradise of abundant fruit trees, easy to catch goats and not so easy pigs, plus all the seafood you could want, all the fresh water you could want (i was constantly warned about water-borne disease and not to drink straight water from the streams, I said bullshit and drank it anyway for a week, I was RVAF for 2 years at that point, so I had lost my fear of microbes pretty thoroughly)

Now after having spent many miserable nights outdoors and experiencing some of the adverse conditions that can be encountered I feel wayyyy more confident about thriving in the wilderness. In fact I now feel confident enough to walk out the door but ass naked in the spring time and spend all 365 days outdoors having made all my implements and clothing.

I hope you've practiced and filled your toolkit with knowledge before you go. Sounds like you did! Man, how luxurious would it be to go take a dip in a hot spring whenever you wanted to? Lay under the stars at night. Go swimming in the summer. Wander and totally forget about time. That is the way life should be IMHO.

One question though. You say you'd do warm weather but you need to be able to store food through winter. That seems kind of contradictory. The advantage of warm weather places is that you'd always have plant food once you knew which to take advantage of plus the added benefit of meat from hunting. If you ever read "voyage of the Beagle" by that old codger Darwin  you'd hear about tribes of warm weather islands who had not a care in the world. When they were hungry they would eat, when tired that would sleep, with very little real labor at all. Trust me, after my experience in Kaua'i there is paradise on earth, where even the most clueless hippy can thrive in want of no necessity.


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