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9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« on: January 16, 2011, 02:31:52 pm »
Hey, lol got this vid from 30 bananas a day...they basically just feed raw paleos fuel for why fruitarianism doesn't work.

Spoiler dont read if you wanna watch the vid

Basically, he was a fruitarian for 9 years and he did everything that fruitarians say you need to do right. He ate enough fruit cals and exercised very hard. Basically after the 9 years he stopped feeling so high off of fruitarianism and went zero carb on something called the body ecology diet and says hes doing much better.
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2011, 04:33:24 pm »
Going from one extreme to the other!

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2011, 04:50:44 pm »
Wow 9 years...I only could manage to try about 3 months or so. I felt really horrible & my health detoriated quickly...

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2011, 05:21:07 pm »
Yeah... after 9 years of fruitarianism, you can go on for 9 years of zero carb carnivorism to restore a proper balance...
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2011, 10:50:07 pm »
hate to be all Linda Richman, but Body Ecology is neither raw nor zero-carb. Discuss. I skipped around some (loved what he had to say generally but, c'mon man...time) He states immediately after zero carb (note: he means fruit only and not all plant foods) that he eats sprouted grains and seeds and eats plenty of raw plant fats which have carbs. He also mentioned following Calkins and I didn't hear mention of body ecology myself but also with Donna Gates (B.E.), neither of which recommend raw or paleo diets or meat-only.  Even if truly raw zero-carb (just RAF) could be proved to not be the long term answer, you certainly could get far more balance and health than a diet of all fruit, that part is fairly definitive at least in the short term. This guy seems to hint at or clarify all the misconceptions of why natural fruit sugar can be harmful on ANY diet, even more so than the 'less optimal' things that he mentions. Loved the blade runner analogy. Eating fruit is like an exponential half-life for aging and quick destructive energy. People are better off with sprouted grains, cooked foods etc...gets proved all the time with people on B.E. who have gotten sick from such natural nonsense.

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2011, 11:10:26 pm »
Err, the main form of body ecology diet appears to be mostly-raw and mostly-palaeo:-

"Atlanta resident Donna Gates, with Linda Schatz, has authored a book entitled  Body Ecology: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity, about her Body Ecology Diet, which advocates a largely-raw, largely-Paleolithic diet which includes animal foods.  For a review of the book, see this link, and click here for ordering information.  I first heard of the Body Ecology Diet and the book in 1996-98, during numerous visits to Atlanta, Georgia, where the diet is very popular.  Indeed, a wonderful, locally famous 24-hour/7-day-per-week natural foods bar and grill called R. Thomas' Deluxe Grill, located on Atlanta's famed Peachtree Street, features the book and a Body Ecology approach in its menu.  R. Thomas' Deluxe Grille is one-of-a-kind, with truly unique bohemian art deco decor, and a flavor all its own.  This author has had many a fine meal late at night in this restaurant!  There are over 110 reviews of this fine 24-hour natural foods bar and grill on the web, with great reviews by diverse sites.  By the way, despite the reviews and any claims by some of the veggie sites, this restaurant is not strictly vegetarian, and has many animal foods offerings as well. They also have a 24-hour juice bar!  You can't beat it!

Incidentally, there is also another raw diet bearing the same Body Ecology name, developed by Roe Gallo, an author, motivational speaker and lecturer, who has also written a book bearing that name (Body Ecology).  The diet she advocates is a raw vegan diet, and almost entirely fruitarian, and she has described in books, articles and on video, her own fruitarian approach, as well as her "miraculous" rejuvenation from a near-death health crisis (due to Western medical practice) over 23 years ago.  Roe's diet and claims are viewed with some mild skepticism by some in the raw vegan world, because she claims to thrive daily and exercise frequently, eating only a raw fruit diet of 5 to 6 pieces of fruit daily (perhaps 900 calories or less), and nothing else.  Her self-reports may indeed be totally accurate, but many folks in the raw world are justifiably wary after the havoc wreaked on the raw fruitarian (and also Natural Hygiene) world by fraudulent claims made by the late T. C. Fry, and also the inflated claims and hoaxes, and even several deaths (click this link for one story) which have plagued some recently-famous advocates (see also this article) of Breatharianism.  It is the fervent hope (and assumption) of this author that Roe's claims are entirely true and reliable, for many reasons, including the fact that some humans apparently have lived, and thrived, on even far less food than she claims to eat, although this is obviously not something which most people could manage.  Some well-documented cases of people who have eaten no food and thrived for long periods of time include the Indian Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda and the Roman Catholic German saint Terese Neumann. The late Lester Levenson, a spiritual adept and master teacher, was also observed by many close to him to eat almost nothing for many years after his enlightenment experience.   "

taken from:-
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2011, 11:28:43 pm »
sorry, you are wrong here in your assumptions.

I would say next to no one on the body ecology eats raw meat, and grains are acceptable on various stages in the diet as permanent choices. I personally think it is a healthy diet, but its not any closer to raw paleo than any other primal blueprint or paleo solution diet or weston price. Its focus is on gut health, so includes alot of raw fermented foods, beverages and probiotics, as well as cooked meats and raw and cooked veg w/ non gluten grains.

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2011, 12:39:16 am »
It seems you're right. Raw dairy is really the only  raw animal food mentioned re the Body Ecology Diet on its websites. Though, I vaguely recall in past RVAF diet groups some body ecology practitioners who were RVAF dieters in general. Of course, as Iguana pointed out, plenty of people consider themselves followers of a particular diet even if they don't remotely  fit the usual definition of that diet.
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2011, 01:38:21 am »
I apologize I had to change the SUBJECT of this entire thread which is VERY IMPORTANT!


On topic, I would say it only took me 2 months to be depleted on fruitarianism.

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2011, 02:19:05 am »
I was able to go for a couple of years on fruitarian/raw vegan and no animal foods. But I had heavily used supplements like vitamin/mineral pills during that period.
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2011, 04:03:08 am »
  What this guy was talking about was quite interesting, so I went to his Youtube channel. After watching his very first video, I see why his health is so poor. He mentions several times trying to beat HIV. It will be interesting to see if his present diet will improve his situation.


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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2011, 06:18:36 am »
I'm confused.In the OP at the bottom it says fruitarian to zero carb/body ecology.Then in KD and TD's posts they talk about grains,plants and all kinds of stuff.What's the deal?Are we talking about zero carb or not? ???

Also,I've met Roe Gallo several times.She eats very little and it pisses me off >D She's able to get away with it because of her metabolism I guess.The problem is that she seems to expect everyone else to be able to eat like she does.I know she's married and I'm not sure what her husband eats.But,if he eats like she does,I'd be surprised.
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2011, 06:27:40 am »
The problem is that she seems to expect everyone else to be able to eat like she does.

That's Durianrider's problem as well. Very few people can eat more than 20 bananas a day, much less 70 a day lol.

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2011, 06:42:27 am »
That's Durianrider's problem as well. Very few people can eat more than 20 bananas a day, much less 70 a day lol.

I think the fact that he is an athlete enables him to control his insulin levels while eating massive amounts of sugar. Being sedentary and being on that diet would be terrible. Or maybe he is a bloody liar and cheats on his diet and only does this promotional work because it elevates him into some sort of messiah status like cult leaders.
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2011, 08:11:07 am »
This video is interesting.He(same guy) says he is a liquidarian and wants to eat raw meat once a week:!
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2011, 10:16:27 am »
He seems to be discovering his INSTINCTO side.
He craved for raw chicken and he got it.

In the first video he says he lost his libido, lost his jing, lost his erections.
Then he said he was diagnosed with HIV --- which for me is nonsense.
Significant is he says he is homosexual.

Wonder when he eats more and more raw meat, feeling really really good... he then becomes normal sexual... let's see.  Let's see if he admits that it feels really really good to be attracted and have sex with the opposite sex.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 10:22:39 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2011, 11:15:25 am »
Hey, lol got this vid from 30 bananas a day...they basically just feed raw paleos fuel for why fruitarianism doesn't work.

Spoiler dont read if you wanna watch the vid

Basically, he was a fruitarian for 9 years and he did everything that fruitarians say you need to do right. He ate enough fruit cals and exercised very hard. Basically after the 9 years he stopped feeling so high off of fruitarianism and went zero carb on something called the body ecology diet and says hes doing much better.

the man in this video actually has AIDS

im not joking, he mentioned it in a previous video.

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2011, 11:22:07 am »
I'm confused.In the OP at the bottom it says fruitarian to zero carb/body ecology.Then in KD and TD's posts they talk about grains,plants and all kinds of stuff.What's the deal?Are we talking about zero carb or not? ???

basically he uses the term zero-carb himself, but isn't talking about a cooked or raw meat-only diet, only what the low GI raw vegans and B.E. folks would call "no sugar" which basically means no fruits or refined sugars, or whatever starchy foods they also dislike. He's not talking about leafy plants or other non 'sugary' plant carbs. All carbs are sugars but not all sugars react the same necessarily,which is why the obvious contention for animal foods like milk on regular (non paleo) 'zero-carb' diets even though it is obviously not plant carbs.


if we are going by a new title to try to attract or set an example for people quesitoning frutarianism, might not want to mention 'curing' peoples homosexuality. As per usuall, to maintain some integrity and state that not everyone believes such unprecented nonsense, i'll just state for the record that if a single person in the next 50 years is cured of homosexuality through diet, I'll dedicate my life to trying to hook them up with Scarlett Johansson, although she might be 76 then.

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2011, 11:44:50 am »
i'll just state for the record that if a single person in the next 50 years is cured of homosexuality through diet, I'll dedicate my life to trying to hook them up with Scarlett Johansson, although she might be 76 then.

There are billions of people in this world.  Probability wise you will have to hook them up with Scarlett Johannson.  Although she may not be pretty in the eyes of a different race.
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2011, 11:54:04 am »
the man in this video actually has AIDS

im not joking, he mentioned it in a previous video.

Not anymore.In a later video he says he is now HIV Negative.Cured by Diet,Herbs,Supplements and Minerals by Truth Calkins who runs Tonic Bar in Los Angeles.
Sometimes this guy calls himself a "supplementarian",sometimes a "liquidarian".
His biggest point is that fruitarianism has only short term benefits.Myself,I'm not into all the bottles,potions and elixirs.But,if he cured himself of HIV/AIDS,I give him credit for that.
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2011, 11:55:45 am »
Not anymore.In a later video he says he is now HIV Negative.Cured by Diet,Herbs,Supplements and Minerals by Truth Caulb(spelling?) who runs Tonic Bar in Los Angeles.
Sometimes this guy calls himself a "supplementarian",sometimes a "liquidarian".
His biggest point is that fruitarianism has only short term benefits.Myself,I'm not into all the bottles,potions and elixirs.But,if he cured himself of HIV/AIDS,I give him credit for that.

Now that he is into raw meat, he will be curing more than AIDS.  He will have his jing back.
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2011, 12:09:37 pm »
It's hard to take seriously someone who refers to himself as liquidarian  ;D

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2011, 12:37:26 pm »
There are billions of people in this world.  Probability wise you will have to hook them up with Scarlett Johannson.  Although she may not be pretty in the eyes of a different race.

and yet probably the same percentage of homosexuals since year 0 or year 50,000 B.C. I can't confirm that however, only confirm significant presence among ancient peoples and the 1500 animal species who practice homosexuality eating 100% raw diets. If cooked Weston Price or Natural Hygine fruitarians claim the same thing and honestly think they are putting forth a cleaner diet/environment (soy free!) than the ancient Romans, then I don't think raw meat proponents are in very good company.

More to the point, if you are insistent on badmouthing fruitarianism and setting a good example, probably better to stick with facts. I could say the same thing about HIV, many people have tried raw approaches and died, not exactly a subject for armchair commentary.

also I didn't say I would succeed in hooking them up, only agree to waste my life trying, as its not going to happen.

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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2011, 04:29:54 pm »

if we are going by a new title to try to attract or set an example for people quesitoning frutarianism, might not want to mention 'curing' peoples homosexuality. As per usuall, to maintain some integrity and state that not everyone believes such unprecented nonsense, i'll just state for the record that if a single person in the next 50 years is cured of homosexuality through diet, I'll dedicate my life to trying to hook them up with Scarlett Johansson, although she might be 76 then.
  Well,there are people who naturally switch their sexuality during their lives. I have heard of men switching completely to homosexuality after decades of happily married life with a woman, for example. Though, of course, I agree with you that diet isn't a factor in making people gay.
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Re: 9 Year Fruitarian Looks Back: Fruitarianism Doesn't Work
« Reply #24 on: January 18, 2011, 12:17:05 am »
 Well,there are people who naturally switch their sexuality during their lives. I have heard of men switching completely to homosexuality after decades of happily married life with a woman, for example. Though, of course, I agree with you that diet isn't a factor in making people gay.

right. For me I would even admit to say I would could never argue definitively that diet or health isn't a factor in the genetics of such things, or that even in animals this isn't a reflection of poor genetics. I do not happen to believe this based on the evidence is not very likely, but I don't feel like it is ridiculous. The ridiculous part is that people that are already fully formed up their diet on levels that wouldn't even be on par of 'neolithic' ancients to 'cure' what is obviously a pan-species and not a cooking/toxic phenomenon. It is obviously very selective and wide spectrum in such results compared to obvious links to diet to diseases of civlization in all periods of life. Homosexuality by comparison to diabetes or anything else labeled a disease like changes in race or color, will not statistically happen (out of nowhere where such things are latent) later in life do to poor food choices.

I'm not saying there arn't tons of people who will claim they have shifted their orientation either though religious deprogramming or even genuinely, only that becoming less toxic would not by default reinstate 'default' heterosexual tendencies.


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