notice how virtually all of his criticisms (which were actually quite few in comparison to some other folks) about animal eating revolved around karma and spiritual concerns with
some 'environmental' stuff. Often he labeled animal foods as 'superfoods' which were almost 'too concentrated' and 'too sustaining'. he basically (indirectly) praised marrow calling it an alkaline fat. To me much of what he said as usual was totally interesting and his critiques and acknowledgments (like Cousens) in many ways seem the most possible as having some validity to heavy contemporary meat consumption..particularly in comparison to the utterly simplistic criticisms and pointing at very limited isolated situations and factors of other people in 'health' communities.. In this more plausible regard, he mentions things like bone marrow containing more modern toxins or eating meat that we don't hunt or participate in having some effect on our spiritual well being, as well as of course parasites and such things if eating raw. He did say all the raw meat people he knew way back were 'always sick'. He didn't say they were his housemates though.
To me some of these criticisms are certainly within the range of possibility. They don't make me want to construct some completely artificial way of life, but i'm open to hearing their opinions and suggestions for something that perhaps could be more ideal than blind re-enactment. Many of the other things he suggested regarding longevity and/or cleansing I also see as possibilities albeit possibly unessential for some or some approaches.
Most importantly Wolfe basically praised massive amounts of products that either directly or indirectly came from animals...as long as they didn't come from killing animals directly...which in a way is odd as obviously many involved enslaving animals, creating problems for ecosystems or creating totally artificial processing plants or farms that destroy wild habitats as Daniel then spoke about.
Daniel was basically a perfect counterpoint to probably even the other 'meat eaters' in the talks as expected in discussing how 'unknown' so many diets (including raw foodism of any kind) in fact are. I loved how he talked about how disingenuous it was for 'health leaders' to basically spring spiritual or unrealistic trips as having
known health consequences, when they should really be saying 'hey, would you like to come on an experiment with me? i'm trying something out that has never been done before"
unfortunately not too much or nothing about raw meat eating, and he actually discussed how homo erectus (pre sapien of course) being the one to master fire and apply it to food.
lots of the other breakdowns were great and well articulated in such eyeopening fashion probably for people that have never actually thought about traditional eating or outside boxes filled with raw-vegan dogmas... but probably not much for most folks here.
I enjoyed both these talks. DW might be a bit blubbery as he suggests which in a way is fairly impressive if he actually eats how he says he eats (which is not likely and contrary to most reports) and even just in general as a raw vegetarian...but I think he does have alot to offer...particularly like Fuhrman..at least for constructing higher quality vegetarian diets.
OH LOL, David Wolfe is a creationist? XD
From what i've heard in the past, Wolfe isn't a creationist, although he did reference creationist book. As far as I know he was a proponent of Huge de Vries mutation theory..which does not suggest the world is at all recent, but that there are just massive gaps in the fossil record, that do suggest some species do not 'evolve' over time but change massively in a relatively short periods. I resonate with that more myself.