You know, Iguana, every now and then, you come up with some very pertinent points I could never have possibly come up with myself. I will use this excerpt in an upcoming mega-essay on the benefits of raw foods/disadvantages of cooked foods, on
It seems you underestimate yourself. Anyway most of my points such as this one come from GCB’s findings, even if he didn’t express it exactly like me.
I'm a little bit irritated about your questions. What has cow milk to do with raw eating?
I thought we agree that diarys are not suitable for humans.
Sure, we agree on that. It was a metaphor of your paragraph
“We don't have to look back we have to look foreward. Even if our ancestors have eaten more carbohydrates due to the environment they lived it could NOW be better to reduce the supply of carbohydrates” intended to show the
similar way of thinking between admitting we can arbitrarily
reduce the supply of carbohydrates and introducing dairy in our nutrition. We don’t eat dairy because it’s not a typical Paleolithic food (amongst other reasons), so reducing the supply of carbs is neither a Paleolithic thing since prehistoric hominids had no idea what carbs are about and therefore they could not reduce their supply.
Doing so is a typical dietician approach and hence it’s diametrically opposed to the very basic views of instinctive paleo nutrition. In the latter, we try to avoid any interference of current scientific knowledge about food composition in a bid to eat as much as possible like our ancestors did before they knew anything about carbs, proteins, fat, vitamins, enzymes, antinutrients, minerals and so on.
Back to the problems with carbohydrates: It is my personal experience when selecting food only by smell, taste and salvation flow I prefer mostly tropical fruits. At the beginning of raw eating I have had no problems doing this (or wasn't be able to realize them). But know I realize them: cold hands and feets, muscle cramps, confusing dreams, feeling stressed and others. So I decided to reduce the supply of tropical fruits (I don't buy them anymore
). I lost wheight but know I feel much better and my healing processes continues.
I don’t eat much tropical fruits since I’m here in SW France and I didn’t notice any significant change in my health except that I felt rather better when I could eat a lot of very ripe tropical fruits such as papayas, mangoes, plantains, pineapples. But some other parameters have changed almost simultaneously and it’s difficult to infer any correlation. For example I get cold feet if I’m the whole day behind my computer while I don’t have this problem after a long walk.
Eating raw is a personal experiment and we have mentioned it before: one has to observe very acurate what is happening with body, soul and spirit. In theory instinctiv raw eating is logical and plausible. But maybe our instincts are confused because of deficient imprinting in our childhood. So it can be very useful to use intuition and intellect too. 
As I said, food is by far not the only factor (especially for
"soul and spirit"!), so any such conclusions on a single anecdotal case are hazardous. Standard cooked dieters may eat tropical fruits, so if tropical fruits were forbidden in raw paleo diet, I would immediately return to cooked diet to be able to eat tropical fruits! I’ve eaten a lot of them for several decades and I feel great with it (and no tooth decay at all). Of course, we must also eat enough raw animal food, but for me the balance is automatic and totally instinctive: I feel when I have eaten enough fruits and thus I look for something else such as vegetables, meat, fish, shellfish or eggs.
Of course, for someone who has never eaten a mango before, eating a lot of mangos for the first time at 30 or 40 years old can trigger detox reactions.