Ok, was just wondering. When I hear someone say beast I think of big and strong, and I was just going to say I know from experience bison won't make you any bigger or stronger than beef haha. Was just hoping you were not chasing a pipe dream.
Look I saw a video with daniel vitalis where he compares bison with beef and explains the difference he also eats raw bison in that vid and says thats pretty good meat because its all aggresive and grassfed.
My major problem here is that I have no grassfed beef here totaly !!!
Its middle east you know the desert, grass here grows only 2 months in a year its depends on the rain and as you know in the desert you dont have much.
The top quality meat here is Free range organic with only 2 months grass eating and rest of the time it eats grains.
Is this good enough to support my body when I start workout serious? Right now I don't eat alot because Im not in a team and not forced to workout hard. as soon as I start working out hard i'll need to eat especially FATSS and some fruits for carbs.
I read that grainfed fat is high in omega 6 so I am afraid of eating the meat here in such big quanities.
I want good meat totally grassfed so I wont feel bad about eating it and just eat it happy alottt 2-3kg atleast a day lol I love food.
Im just scared of eating grainfed in big ammounts.
I had the same story with eggs firt I found out I can eat them raw I gave it a try but their tasted and nutrients level sucked because they were regular eggs from supermarket. Then I found out about farms where I can get free range pasturised eggs the yolks were so creammy and tasty they didn't smell like shit.
Recently I started eating eggs yolks in very big quanity almost 1k calories only from the yolks!!! I eat up to 20 a day.
And I am happy with that they make me full and digest so fast AND easy I don't feel hunger for few hours after that.
The story with meat is different I eat raw meat only once a week and only the lean parts All the other times I eat cooked meat.
If I only find grassfed tasty meat/fat that I can actually enjoy like from the pasturized creammmy egg yolks yumy I will be the happiest dude in the world.
What should I do???
I need atleast a plan so I can get grassfed in future I don't want to eat grainfed all my life.