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Sex drive on a raw diet?
« on: February 07, 2011, 03:49:08 am »
Hey so once again been reading up on to many fruitarians l). But they all seem to have low to no sex drive. They think it means their hormones are in control, I think it means that their body has realized that it can't get any real food and can't possibly supply food for kids as well as themselves so it shuts off their sex drive. My sex drive has not changed from raw food, did any of you notice a change?
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2011, 04:13:58 am »
I was sick with pre diabetic symptoms before this diet, It seems that my sex drive would drop off after each bout of high sugars.

Once I went raw paleo I got a surge of testosterone and had a major increase in drive. I have conceived my 4th child after a birthday weekend feast of oysters and pig testicles.(she is due in a few weeks)

My initial breeding spree has kind of tapered down, but I still feel more potent than I was pre paleo.

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2011, 04:32:32 am »
My sex drive actually reduced a bit when I switched to RPD. I'm more in control of myself now as opposed to previously when I was a mass of hormones.

I still annoy my wife with a constant desire for sex though so I guess it didn't diminish much. :P

My recent experiments with high fruit intake did significantly reduce my drive. Extensive aerobic exercise also reduces my drive.

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2011, 04:44:29 am »
I believe it is healthy to have higher levels of testosterone and sex drive as long as it is not because of some unnatural cause or synthetic hormones. I lost my sex drive completely, even when going on Raw Paleo. I've been doing everything I can to bring my testosterone levels up and estrogen levels down and using 7 different herbal testosterone boosting supplements. This is bringing my overall health back almost completely. My acne and chronic fatigue is disappearing. Sometimes people need some help from herbal supplements in these hormonal cases.

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2011, 10:16:19 am »
i think a feast like sabertooth and some naked sun time will do the trick  :D

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2011, 10:30:31 am »
I am skeptical about most hormone boosting herbs, although my wife and I were drinking some damiana tea, while she was conceiving my 2nd child. We even made Damiana her middle name as a memento of the occasion. I think that plants can provide some temporary effects that boost libido, but I doubt that herbs can somehow fix hormonal deficiencies and believe that they could actually interfer with the healing process. There is room for debate here, I am not saying that all herbs should be avoided. I will agree some people could use herbs to provide temporary improvements while at the same time healing the glands with paleo nutrition.

But going paleo and avoiding plant estrogen should be the key to restoring hormonal balance, there is room for some raw animal hormone boosters, like testicles, or oyster. I can vouch they do work on increasing drive.,although it may not be as dramatic as some may hope for
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2011, 10:58:44 am »
I am skeptical about most hormone boosting herbs, although my wife and I were drinking some damiana tea, while she was conceiving my 2nd child. We even made Damiana her middle name as a memento of the occasion. I think that plants can provide some temporary effects that boost libido, but I doubt that herbs can somehow fix hormonal deficiencies and believe that they could actually interfer with the healing process. There is room for debate here, I am not saying that all herbs should be avoided. I will agree some people could use herbs to provide temporary improvements while at the same time healing the glands with paleo nutrition.

But going paleo and avoiding plant estrogen should be the key to restoring hormonal balance, there is room for some raw animal hormone boosters, like testicles, or oyster. I can vouch they do work on increasing drive.,although it may not be as dramatic as some may hope for

I took pre and post blood tests and did a 1 month cycle on an amino acid d aspartic acid. It increased my testosterone nearly 200 points and took me to a good state. Maca also helps greatly, though I have not done pre and post blood tests. The HUGE increase in ejaculatory volume from maca speaks for itself for me. You know what they say, fetility and testosterone are synonymous and go hand in hand. How bout some RPD sperm donors to help out society?
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2011, 10:59:04 am »
Hey so once again been reading up on to many fruitarians l). But they all seem to have low to no sex drive. They think it means their hormones are in control, I think it means that their body has realized that it can't get any real food and can't possibly supply food for kids as well as themselves so it shuts off their sex drive. My sex drive has not changed from raw food, did any of you notice a change?

Yo Kurite, you are a teenager, right?  19 years old?  You are at the peak of your sexuality, some 18 to 25 years old is the height of it all.  Whether you are on raw or not.

I'd say yes at 38 to 41 (RPD times) I have more drive and more sexual energy than when I was 30 to 37 (fat, sickly on SAD times).

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2011, 11:03:16 am »
I believe it is healthy to have higher levels of testosterone and sex drive as long as it is not because of some unnatural cause or synthetic hormones. I lost my sex drive completely, even when going on Raw Paleo. I've been doing everything I can to bring my testosterone levels up and estrogen levels down and using 7 different herbal testosterone boosting supplements. This is bringing my overall health back almost completely. My acne and chronic fatigue is disappearing. Sometimes people need some help from herbal supplements in these hormonal cases.

I have been suffering from the same symptoms for years. RPD is helping, but slowly. This is expected though, since my hormonal shutdown was for like 3 years, the shit takes time. My serum blood leves are rising though. Herbs do help. Staples for high T for me are maca, nettle root, and d aspartic acid. From the diet, I just make sure I get plenty of cholesterol. I also use Dr. William Wong's andrive, which is the first ever orchic (bull testicles) extract cream. The bull testicles get better absorption in your bloodstream via cream rather than ingesting them and hoping your stomach acids wont destroy any of the testosterone nutrients.
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2011, 11:03:41 am »
Oh yes I do claim the benefits of sunbathing?tanning beds.
I will get a huge boost in drive after sunning or tanning, I can feel the testosterone increase.

I have a protocol that seems to guarantee success for increasing sex drive as well as overall wellbeing. (At least it works for me)

The basic plan involves tanning at least once a week. Eating oysters,egg yolks, and testicle regularly along with the raw paleo diet that works for you. While avoiding known hormone disrupting foods.

(although I am not sure what women should do about replacing testicles in the diet)

Eggs yolks have cholesterol and B vitamines that are used by the body to produce hormones
Oysters are high in zinc DHA and other minerals that are used by the gonads
Testicles have all the minerals needed by the male genital tract as well as useable amounts of testosterone.

If I had the money I would add caviar onto the list as well. I haven had any since going raw but it is renowned for putting people in the mood.

I am sure there are many other raw foods that would work as well. I wanted to try maca but never found a fresh source.

The raw diet along with highmeat, tanning, moderate exercise, daily stretching(yoga) have given me the closest thing to hormonal nirvana I have yet to find.
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2011, 11:22:14 am »

I think as long as you arn't walking around thinking about murdering people when you arn't getting laid having a high sex drive is fine. hehe

I disagree of course with even high sex drives necessarily corresponding with illness per se. As pointed out..its only certain pathological needs caused by hormones and probably mental issues is the problem. There is no fight or flight need to procreate during extreme illness as far as I know. I've seen dogs die and they never tried to fuck things on the way out. Its possible excessive meat or something might effect hormones negatively I guess, I dunno, but the vegan criticism is plain ascetic duds. I went for a whole year without barely even jerking off. Big deal. Today I'm more transcendental then ever.

Although I had some pretty hefty hormonal issues based on some of the conditions I had, I never seemed to have too many problems afterward tho at least with sex..even before I began diets. I can say that although i've usually been able to have sex 2 and MAYBE 3 times in one night most of my 20's, the other day was the first time where I actually came... went to the bathroom and and threw the condom in the toilet or whatever and then got right in there again right away.   O0

The raw diet along with highmeat, tanning, moderate exercise, daily stretching(yoga) have given me the closest thing to hormonal nirvana I have yet to find.

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2011, 11:40:06 am »
Oh yes I do claim the benefits of sunbathing?tanning beds.
I will get a huge boost in drive after sunning or tanning, I can feel the testosterone increase.

I have a protocol that seems to guarantee success for increasing sex drive as well as overall wellbeing. (At least it works for me)

The basic plan involves tanning at least once a week. Eating oysters,egg yolks, and testicle regularly along with the raw paleo diet that works for you. While avoiding known hormone disrupting foods.

(although I am not sure what women should do about replacing testicles in the diet)

Eggs yolks have cholesterol and B vitamines that are used by the body to produce hormones
Oysters are high in zinc DHA and other minerals that are used by the gonads
Testicles have all the minerals needed by the male genital tract as well as useable amounts of testosterone.

If I had the money I would add caviar onto the list as well. I haven had any since going raw but it is renowned for putting people in the mood.

I am sure there are many other raw foods that would work as well. I wanted to try maca but never found a fresh source.

The raw diet along with highmeat, tanning, moderate exercise, daily stretching(yoga) have given me the closest thing to hormonal nirvana I have yet to find.

Nothing makes me get an erection easier than nude sunbathing. I know exactly what you are speaking of kurite. Maca is absolutely amazing as well. There are many plant sterols in it that convert directly into testosterone and progesterone in males and females. I can vouch for the ejaculatory volume as it gives me "money shots" like a pornstar.  ;) Maca and zinc are absolute staples in my T boosting nutrients. I take vitamin d as well, but I dont notice any libido effects from it, just from the REAL sun.
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2011, 11:43:19 am »
  and probably mental issues is the problem.

No, this has been proven wrong time and time again. If sex drive were a mental issue, why does the "little blue pill" work so well? It used to be the norm to tell a male it is all in his head until docs started learning more about male physiology. It really is 3 things. Dopamine, Hormones, Blood. Mess any of those up and you have a formula for low libido.
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2011, 11:59:36 am »
No, this has been proven wrong time and time again. If sex drive were a mental issue, why does the "little blue pill" work so well? It used to be the norm to tell a male it is all in his head until docs started learning more about male physiology. It really is 3 things. Dopamine, Hormones, Blood. Mess any of those up and you have a formula for low libido.

sorry, I guess I worded that wrong. I meant people that have mental issues and screwed up hormones...give high sex drives a bad wrap. : ) In other words people think the are holi compared to reved up kids on exciotoxins and bad internet porn. I agree the hormones (high or low) are due to larger physical problems/diet.

I actually bought some maca and have been trying it out. has to be about the worst tasting thing on planet earth. Might I ask what you do with it?

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2011, 01:37:29 pm »
Might I ask what you do with it?

It goes well with cacao and honey IMO. I can't eat it strait, I would be surprised if anyone does.
I await pioneer's response.

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2011, 09:19:41 pm »
I once went halves in a blue pill as a joke at a party with a girl I'm friends with. end of party for me.

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2011, 09:39:16 pm »
I'm pretty sure yoga causes estrogen dominance.

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2011, 10:09:17 pm »
sorry, I guess I worded that wrong. I meant people that have mental issues and screwed up hormones...give high sex drives a bad wrap. : ) In other words people think the are holi compared to reved up kids on exciotoxins and bad internet porn. I agree the hormones (high or low) are due to larger physical problems/diet.

I actually bought some maca and have been trying it out. has to be about the worst tasting thing on planet earth. Might I ask what you do with it?

I actually like the taste and smell of it. I get mine from for $10/lb. All I do is mix it with water. I take about 6 tablespoons of the stuff a day as there is a threshold, though it is different for everyone. I just play it safe and consume more. If you mix about 2 tablespoons with 16 oz of water, the water will dilute the maca and it will taste fine. When I used to drink milk, I mixed maca with milk and it tasted friggin amazing, but I am over the dairy. Trust me, there are worse tasting things than maca, try free form L arginine, stuff smells like semen.  -[
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 02:03:31 am by pioneer »
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2011, 10:13:54 pm »
It goes well with cacao and honey IMO. I can't eat it strait, I would be surprised if anyone does.
I await pioneer's response.

Yeah, unless you eat the actual maca root, it is impossible to eat it straight. Just mix the powder with water and drink. Anyone who absolutely can't stand the powder should be taking Dr. wongs andeanessence maca product. He is able to fit 4 tablespoons of the stuff in 1 capsule, and that is all you need to take every day.

Taking maca at the right times helps as well. For instance: we make testosterone at 2-4am, and 2-4 pm. Therefore, the best times to take maca are before bed and early afternoon, although, I suppose it really does not matter too much. I suspect you want the stuff in your system before your body makes the juice though. But, if you are consuming it regularly, it should pretty much always be used IMO.

Anybody experiment with macuna yet? I tried it and did not notice anything. I am practicing to become an herbalist and I am tincturing Catuaba, muira puama, ashwaganda, and nettle root right now to make a super libido formula. I will let you guys know how it goes in the future.
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2011, 10:49:58 pm »
MMMMMmmmmm :) I just mixed maca in with my ground meat and ate it. It was damn good.
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2011, 11:20:12 pm »
I'm pretty sure yoga causes estrogen dominance.

Yoga is not a cause of estrogen dominance, but it could be considered a symptom. If a male is not over burdenend with estrogen and he engages in a yoga practice then it can be beneficial for libido. After about an hour long session of intense stretching and holding positions, I will get fairly randy.

Its a cliche that yoga is dominated by hyper estrogen crazed fanantics. I agree there are many effeminate vegan men that pratice yoga, but that doesn't mean that a macho man cant benefit from the practice as well.
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2011, 03:19:16 am »
Might I ask what you do with it?

    It can taste good with raw uncultured butter and vanilla, but the question is should we risk the vanilla bean?
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2011, 03:33:36 am »
I think it means that their body has realized that it can't get any real food and can't possibly supply food for kids as well as themselves so it shuts off their sex drive.

    I think how we enjoy or dislike smell is important.  Before I tried RAF, some smells bothered me, such as: some men, some sweat, some other body fluids.  Then there were body smells I liked, but it was a lightish "like".  Since eating RAF I have noticed a change in these things.  The reported smells I disliked, I began to finally tolerate.  The smells I lightly liked, I instead them enjoy smelling more than before, if I am recording right.  That's all.

    Wait, ok, I have more, since you're talking about fruitarianism, although I think I never had sex while fruitarian, or at least never started out wanting having it.  Maybe that's why cults can use it. Eating raw vegan diet I could tolerate smells well too, but but did not enjoy smells the same way.  I think this is important to sex.  Also, I have more drive on the RAF, a pure healthy drive is what it feels like.  Where on the raw vegan it the drive was kind of a lost drive, if that makes sense, like a tentative one, like nervous and a little uncomfortable that nothing can really calm instead of sure and deep.

    Eating cooked food can be like being in a blinding smog or fog, whichever.  I guess it can be used to help people multiply, as long as their fertile, or just have more sex if they want sex that way.  I didn't feel good and attractive on cooked.
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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2011, 04:21:18 am »
Raw paleo's been a lot better for me. It wasn't low before either.

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Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2011, 02:43:37 pm »
When I eat a lot of raw meat, esp. fatty parts of wild boar, ram testicles, kidneys, yolks, etc. my sex drive skyrockets to unbeliveable levels.  8)
Physical activity promotes it too - esp. hindu squats, deadlift, which "attack" the large muscles and release lots of testosteron.
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