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Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:50:18 pm »
Hello guys, I have been doing this diet for about 7 months and am about to take the next step in my dietary adventure. Got a chance to speak to many about this and I have decided to go on a pet food diet. I wont say the company who is providing me with the pet food, but let's just say it is $2.98 per lb and perfect for a growing college student like me. I thought this may help many like me who are in desperate need for cheaper grassfed meats. The pet food I get is from basically all cuts of the animal and very nutrient dense. It is very gamey and not the best tasting but I am getting used to it. For now the only way I can really eat the stuff is to chew a little then chase it with water. That is working for me now and for the time being it is what I am going to do. Heard a bunch of rumors that water dilutes HCL, but I think that is shear nonsense.

I will be doing a seasonal diet approach. It is not a philosophy started by me, but I believe in it and want to try it. I will be eating only what is available locally, raw, and in season. In other words, Only meat in the colder months and mainly meat with some wild self harvested vegetables and berries in the warmer months. We'll see how long that lasts, but that is getting from the point. I am creating this journal to help those who need a cheaper alternative to higher priced grassfed beef.

I have a bunch of goals with this diet as well.
1) gain muscle mass
2) get leaner
3) lower the aromatase enzyme, lower estrogen
4) Increase Testosterone
5) become more athletic
6) have better health in general
7) have beautiful skin (I've had skin problems all my life)

I quit the raw dairy a couple months back and am already seeing an improvement in my acne.

My diet as of today and for the next couple months will be the following:
-3lbs of pet food a day (3227 total calories, 2079 calories from fat (64%), 1148 calories from protein( 36%).
-Additional raw fat cuts if needed from either suet or back fat.

This probably will more than suffice for all of my nutrients as the pet food is basically like eating an entire animal. I'll probably get like a dime to quarter sized piece of liver every day.

One thing is I may cheat from time to time. The only time I cheat is on special occasion, like dinner with my girlfriend or family, and even then I choose to eat like only rare steak. This will however be once in a blue moon. I'd say my strictness will be around 95% raw pet food.

My high caloric diet costs around $9 a day for 3lbs of high nutrient dense meat, which is a steal. If I factor shipping, costs will be around $10-11 a day.

I dont plan on eating 3lbs of meat a day forever, I may change the ratios a little but I am going to still stick to a pet food only diet. I will be posting pictures of me and my possible progress soon. First I will put in some starting pictures in a couple of days.

One more thing is I will also try to be boosting testosterone with natural products. Leave the arguments aside. For someone who has had low testosterone in the past, I feel amazing with the boost I get from a few natural products.

I will be cycling D aspartic acid ( an amino acid) every couple months and taking a little maca daily. Other than that I may take Dr. William Wong's transdermal bull testicles gel. It is called andrive and is applied right to the testes. Bull testicles absorb right into the testes and bypass the digestive tract. After I boost my Test naturally, I suppose my diet may be able to spare my newer higher levels and I will be able to taper off the test boosters so I will not need them anymore. I will be taking blood tests every month to let you know where I am at.

I usually blood test:
Total testosterone
Free testosterone
lipids (sometimes)
bioavailable testosterone

Even though I have lower levels of T, I am still testosterone dominant. I have a level of 13 in estradiol, which means it is fairly low. My T ranges in the numbers of 300's to 600's. I wish to get my T to a range where my body feels good. The main goal is to increase free testosterone, the only number that really matters.

A guy could feel great if his total T is 300 and his free T is 280. On the flipside  a guy could feel like crap if His total T is 1000 and his free T is only 50. Therefore, the only T that matters is the usable T. If 90% of T is binded to SHBG, it is useless.

Let me know your thoughts and feedback about this adventure of mine. Any would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2011, 12:14:35 am »
I read somewhere if you never had testosterone levels at 900 you never lived life !!

Show us the blood tests please :D
Very interesting journal you started looking forward

How old are you?

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2011, 12:20:45 am »
    What kinds of water do you drink?
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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2011, 12:24:10 am »
I read somewhere if you never had testosterone levels at 900 you never lived life !!

Show us the blood tests please :D
Very interesting journal you started looking forward

How old are you?

Could you show me this please. I am so interested to read it. I will take pics of my blood tests after my GF comes back today and I can use her camera. I will also take pics of myself.
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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2011, 12:24:35 am »
    What kinds of water do you drink?
Well water
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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2011, 12:27:36 am »
Well water

    Is it your own well?  Have you had its water tested?
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2011, 12:29:44 am »
    Is it your own well?  Have you had its water tested?

Yes this is my own well and had it tested years back. Dont know where its is at now. Its not the water I am concerned about. I heard rumors that water in general dilutes HCl in the stomach, which seems like a high tale.
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Offline achillezzz

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2011, 12:59:18 am »
Could you show me this please. I am so interested to read it. I will take pics of my blood tests after my GF comes back today and I can use her camera. I will also take pics of myself.

Here you go this is the website I read that from its somewhere there. theres alot of tips how to raise your T naturally it even includes buying little electric device and tie it to your balls when you sleep to stimulate your T production this guy will show you how to get it to the MAX.

Look what he says on supplements

Are you looking to boost your testosterone levels?

Would you like to do so without drugs, injections, or artificial hormones?


I'm going to show you exactly how to do that on this page.

I used these techniques myself, to take my testosterone levels from the basement, all the way up into the upper normal range.

I'm here to tell you that you can do the same!

But I have a warning for you!

Cycle your supplements, or you'll just be wasting your money.


Because if you take any product too often, it will completely stop working.

Just read all the website before starting

Here I found it for you where he says about the normal range etc etc...

Normal Testosterone!

I'm going to do you a huge favor, and give you the number you're looking for right now.

800 nanograms per deciliter

Yup, 800 is it!

Get your testosterone up into that range, and you're good to go!

The hundreds of pages on this website that talk all about how to boost your testosterone levels will not apply to you one little bit.

But wait you say!

I'm at 275, and the doctor says that's normal!

Not so fast!

Normal for a decrepit 95 year old man maybe, but not for you!

You see, the way the medical profession arrives at the "normal reference ranges"is to average out the blood levels of everyone tested.

This creates a very real problem!

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2011, 01:20:35 am »
Yeah I have been on that site before and that guy is great. i even tried the ring of power he recommends. I have blood tests proving my T went up 200 points while on the ring, but since I was also taking other T boosters IDK what worked and what didnt. Maybe I should try the ring again. Either way the guy is right about a lot of things but not everything. Specifically, even if you increase total T to 900, if 95% of it is binded to Sex hormone binding globulin, it wont do a damn thing. This is why men with total T even in the levels of the 300s but with high free T can still feel good and function well. 800 is a great total T level and I will shoot for that, but also need to have high free T as well.
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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2011, 01:38:14 am »
Testosterone levels are geneticly determined there is a balance and a limit.

In my opinion to get high T levels you need good diet good sleep and the most important is an athletic target that requires strong competition but the target should be realistic and you have to desire it and move forward everyday seeing progress live the progress lol or you just spinning your wheels

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2011, 01:41:51 am »
Testosterone levels are geneticly determined there is a balance and a limit.

In my opinion to get high T levels you need good diet good sleep and the most important is an athletic target that requires strong competition but the target should be realistic and you have to desire it and move forward everyday seeing progress live the progress lol or you just spinning your wheels

That is definitely true but..... overexercise puts T in its lowest state. This is what happened to me. I became low T because of overtraining. High testosterone needs lots of relaxation as well.
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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2011, 02:51:35 am »
Do the bloods tests I'll do em too and will post them here just so we compare them.

You didn't answer my question how old are you?

Height weight? :D so we compare data in your journal for fun

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2011, 03:04:47 am »
Oh sorry my height is 5'10" and am 170lbs. Gonna post some photos of me later. Dont really care about bodyfat %, just what I look like in the mirror.

Also in terms of comparing bloodwork, what exactly are you doing? Are you on a T boosting plan as well? If so, this could be very interesting.  :)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 03:10:07 am by pioneer »
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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2011, 11:29:40 am »
Just updating everyone. I have already had very positive results doing this pet food only journey. My skin has never felt this soft since I was a toddler. I am constantly touching my face now and feeling how smooth it is. Seems that I have lowered my facial inflammation as when I used to touch my face, there were areas that were painful and many times broken out with acne. My minor acne is beginning to fade completely and my skin gets better every day.

I feel better in general and can sleep a lot more soundly. My workouts lately are nuts. I am pushing out more and more personal records than ever. I am getting leaner and leaner, while eating 3000+ calories a day. I just hope that I will not start losing weight, but the scale doesnt lie and every morning I am the same weight so currently this is not the case.

Sorry I was unable to post photos yet, I have not obtained my camera from home. My GF also forgot to bring hers to college the other day. I will also be posting blood tests with my body pictures by the end of the weekend. Any ideas on why my skin is clearing and getting soft so rapidly on carnivorous ZC? I also have one large BM a day and it is very pleasant/ odorless, this is good. I am going in the right direction. I can now tell that I was not properly healing on AV's primal diet with the raw dairy. To think that he tells all those people that no one has raw dairy problems baffles me.
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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2011, 09:36:43 pm »
Great Pioneer! Waiting for your pics and blood work. It is rather important to get analysis confirmation of what you see and feel. Bcs very often the sense of well-being is just temporary exiting of new way of nourishing but if one gets blood work with improvements it is serious confirmation of right direction. All the best and keep us informed.

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2011, 10:33:44 pm »
Great Pioneer! Waiting for your pics and blood work. It is rather important to get analysis confirmation of what you see and feel. Bcs very often the sense of well-being is just temporary exiting of new way of nourishing but if one gets blood work with improvements it is serious confirmation of right direction. All the best and keep us informed.

Absolutely true, but then again sometimes we also have to realize that a blood analysis is just a piece of paper. There are many people out there with perfect blood panels and still feel like crap. I hope this is not just temporary either.
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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2011, 06:27:57 am »
Does anybody know how to make the file size of photos fit in these messages?
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2011, 11:45:26 am »
5-10% off your first purchase at with dicount code: KIS978

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2011, 11:48:42 am »
Glad to hear you're doing so well!! :)

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2011, 12:10:28 pm »
Aren't testosterone binding sites important also? if your not actually using the testosterone then it's useless.

I was talking to a powerlifter yesterday who takes testosterone. He got addicted to it in his 20's and said he felt really good. It doesn't work so well now he is in his dirties but he is still massive.
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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2011, 08:09:54 pm »
Aren't testosterone binding sites important also? if your not actually using the testosterone then it's useless.

I was talking to a powerlifter yesterday who takes testosterone. He got addicted to it in his 20's and said he felt really good. It doesn't work so well now he is in his dirties but he is still massive.

Yes, there is this nasty little sugar called sex hormone binding globulin, which binds to testosterone and renders it inactive. There are ways to inhibit this SHBG though. Nettle root (urticia diocia) is one of them. Yes free T is all that matters.
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2011, 04:56:31 am »
Hate to say it guys but I am bailing on this pet food thing because I simply enjoy eating my muscle meat in its purest form. Eating ground meat is okay but not as enjoyable. I now eat 1.5lbs chuck roast per day, .5lbs of slankers suet, and .5lbs of organs from liver, kidney, adrenals, brain, lung, etc... I am blessed to have an AV rawsome food club 45 minutes away so I am taking advantage of it.
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

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Re: Pioneer's Pet food only Journal
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2011, 05:06:37 am »
that aspect seemed mostly out of convenience. now you have something more convenient or at least also doable. Given the option, the only reason to stick with pet-food only would be in some dare like capacity, not as a real need or desire. Unless maybe you could get sponsored by the pet food, but that is unlikely given their policies.


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