Author Topic: Please help me gain weight on RPD  (Read 6772 times)

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Please help me gain weight on RPD
« on: September 09, 2008, 06:02:21 pm »

I've been on RPD for 9 months now and my weight gain seems to have stopped. 

I hover between 120 - 124 lbs.  I am 5' 5" short. 
In the BMI scale if I input 123 lbs I have 20.5 BMI which is in the normal range of 18.5-24.9 BMI.

My ethnicity is Filipino.

I feel I could add 5 to 10 more pounds.

How do you gain weight on RPD?  How much meat do you eat?  How much fat?  Do I add more carbs?  What kind of carbs?  How much exercise and what kinds of exercise and how often do you suggest?

I'm a web developer.  Sedentary type.

I'm open to all suggestions.  Keep them coming.

Thanks in advance,
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 06:06:23 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Please help me gain weight on RPD
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2008, 06:24:36 pm »
I tried very hard to get fat on RVAF especially when I was influenced by Aajonus's style of getting fat to rid the body of toxins (please note I did not have access to raw dairy)
I could not gain weight no matter how much I ate and i ate a lot, including fruit. I was counting calories making sure I ate 3500 calories a day, I even wrote them down.
Hit the weights, that's the only way, build up your muscle.

You should post photos with your progress if you start, photos are cool,
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Re: Please help me gain weight on RPD
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 02:59:51 am »
If you are sedentary, it would be fairly easy to put 5 - 10 lbs of muscle on by weight training.
You could also wait and see what happens. Tyler mentioned that he's bulkier now than in his after photos and I don't believe he's changed his activity level.

My weightloss stopped for months then lost 5 pounds.


Offline Guittarman03

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Re: Please help me gain weight on RPD
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2008, 04:35:09 am »
I experimented for a time on almost zero carbs.  I ate about 3000-3500 calories a day, 1500-2000 of it straight fat, while maintaining somewhat defined abs, despite plenty of gym time.  The key here is INSULIN.  It is why SADers gain weight so easily.  Here's the gist:

When you consume any carbs, it all ends up as glucose in the blood stream (blood sugar).  Your pancreas then produces insulin to regulate this blood sugar to make sure it doesn't get too high.  Insulin tells you cells to become recpetive to taking in food/nutrients, and to convert any glucose not used immediately for energy to fat.

So... if you are eating tons of fatty meat with no carbs, your body will be more inclined to let much of it pass through and not absorb, no matter how much you eat, because you have not triggered the horomone to make your cells absorb.  The solution to this is rather simple:  eat some non-starchy, non-sweet fruit with your meat.  I will often put 1/2 a bell pepper, 2 jalapenos, 1/2-1 tomato, 1 mushroom in a food processor to make salsa.  I'll mix this with 1 pound of ground beef and eat for lunch, and repeat for dinner.  Also, berries and eggs are a great pre/post work-out combination or breakfast.

Here's a great way to get what your looking for at low demand:  When you get up in the morning, do push-ups.  Install a pull up bar, and throughout the day, stop and do pull ups (maybe in the bathroom - every time you pee, you knock out 5-15 pull-ups).  In a month, start chaning it up.  Spread your arms wide, bring them in close, do over hand, do underand, do combos of all the above.  Prop your feet up and do incline push ups, hell, get against a wall and do hand-stand push ups.  This should be plenty for you to put on 5-10 pounds over the course of a few months.     
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Offline Charlie4444

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Re: Please help me gain weight on RPD
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2012, 10:31:03 am »
I also struggle to get fat on rpd, it's depressing and frustrating to remain skinny when you eat correctly, tons, and just get skinnier!

Offline HIT_it_RAW

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Re: Please help me gain weight on RPD
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2012, 03:20:00 pm »
milk, honey, butter, eggs milkshakes. They are very anabolic. Very high cal due to lots of fat. Good proteins and large insulin response due to the honey and milksugar. They are also the perfect post workout drink for the same reasons.

2x a week very intense but short weighttraining will make you gain that weight easily. and please ignore bmi.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 04:45:40 pm by TylerDurden »
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