Wattlebird, I am there. It will be 2 years of hard work and prayers, but your invite makes it all much sweeter. Thank you.
I'm enjoying being zero carb. I would still like to explore instinctive, but with zero, or low carb treats like seaweed and fish. Not sweet fruit. Is that possible/healthful IYO?
Other instinto's opinions are also welcome. I realize that ZC is not what GCB advocated, but for me, for now it's helping me recover/rest/heal from carb addiction. Instinctive eating helped too, I had definite stops. I just feel like ZC is best right now, and I want to incorporate instinctive relationship with the ZC foods I am eating.
Hi Adora
since later reading GCB instincto teachings (I came at this from another angle) I respect his work enormously. For what its worth, I cant speak for GCB, but from my point of view from a meditation/spiritual background, one starts off with a particular teaching - some guidelines if you like - then after much work and understanding how and why the guidelines are in place and their implications, one discards the guidelines. Not because the guidelines are wrong, but rather because in the early days one needs particular concepts and frameworks to follow to get ones head around, to give something one to follow. As ones practice continues, and if it continues with dedication for a long time, the guidelines start to fall away, as clutching at 'mind' concepts diminishes, and what has always been there, but has been obscured, starts to shine through.
Then, theres not so much to follow anymore.
So I guess what I am trying to say in a long winded way, is if sweet carbs (fruit) - for whatever reason doesn't work - so be it. For what my opinion is worth, no need to be dogmatic about it, rather use the framework of Instinctive Eating, if you are so drawn, as it relates best to your situation.
And furthermore, life is not static, it is transient, changeable, and so who knows what further changes, there may or may not be in the future.
Kind wishes, J