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Pancreas supplement
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:50:07 am »
Freeze dried pancreas - 'contains significant amounts of protease and lipase"

Anyone tried something similar? Think it could help digestion?

Offline HIT_it_RAW

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2011, 10:03:42 pm »
Enzyme supplements are very usefull when eating cooked food. The upper part of the human stomach holds food for at least half an hour allowing the enzymes in food to start digestion. Raw food contains these enzymes cooked food does not. When eating cooked food it is a very good idea to supplement the lacking food-enzymes to help our body digest the food.

However pancreatic enzymes cannot work in the acidic enviremont of the stomach, in fact they are destroyed offering no benefits for digestion. Look for enzyme supplements made from vegetable or fungus as they do work in the acidic stomach.

Also don't swallow the capsules but chew them with food. Swallowed whole they open in the intestines after the pancreas has released the needed amount of enzymes and therefore do not aid digestion. If foods are properly pre-digested in the upper part of the stomach,  the pancreas will release less enzymes and therefore drains less of your body's enzyme production leaving more for maintenance/metabolism.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 11:33:52 pm by TylerDurden »
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Offline Josh

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2011, 10:58:58 pm »
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately it's raw food I'm having trouble with, I find it hard to eat enough. So I suppose by that logic neither pancreas nor enzymes are worth spending money on.

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2011, 11:01:07 pm »
    I don't normally take supplements.  I bought a friend a bottle of Dr Rons thyroid/liver.  Two bottles came.  She gave me one.  I took a cap one day.  I felt good.  I took a cap the next day.  It felt like I couldn't break it down and uncomfortable all day.  I like food better.  Do you know where to order organs?  I've eaten pancreas.  It's not bad if you cut it into chewable sizes.

I find it hard to eat enough. So I suppose by that logic neither pancreas nor enzymes are worth spending money on.

    Have you tried highmeat?  Lots of nutrients available there.  

    Blood also is extremely satisfying even in minute amounts. I've never tried more than that, so I don't know.  Small amounts though make me not hungry or thirsty for many hours, and very strong, alert and calm.  I'm so glad that idiot veg kept calling me a vampire on GI2MR and worked so hard on getting me booted.  I know v's don't exist, but it got me to try blood.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 11:09:02 pm by RawZi »
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Offline Josh

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2011, 11:12:26 pm »
Thanks. Yes I have got some high meat which I think is at least semi alive at the moment.

I get organs but can't really get pancreas, blood or anything obscure. I will probably buy whole rabbits in the future, but wouldn't really do it justice at the moment as I don't have much appetite for these things.

The problem is the food is 'satisfying' in a sense as I feel like stopping and don't feel particularly hungry. However I couldn't eat enough to avoid getting weak. It might be a problem with hormone inbalance/low levels that could get better. I don't know.

Offline HIT_it_RAW

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2011, 11:44:00 pm »
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately it's raw food I'm having trouble with, I find it hard to eat enough. So I suppose by that logic neither pancreas nor enzymes are worth spending money on.

Eat enough to do what? stay alive? maintain weight? gain weight?

I thought I had issue's with food quantities after seeing what some guys around her eat. You can see what I eat a day in the welcoming section. Its nowhere near as much as most here however I weigh 98kg at 1,78m (rather lean) and have no problem maintaining that weight while doing very heavy(and very short obviously) exercise.
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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2011, 11:51:53 pm »
Enough to stay alive and get enough nutrition in to stay healthy. At the moment I can only comfortably eat between a few bites and about 150g meat and fat.

After that it would be forcing it. To cut a long story short, I did force it for a while, felt like shit, backed off and relied on appetite and didn't get enough appetite to avoid becoming weak.

So now I'm eating cooked food. Better to cook my grass fed meat and get some nutrition than crack and eat unhealthy food out I'm thinking. I don't know what the solution is to go fully raw.

I've been trying and hitting walls at raw paleo for a long time. I have to think about my overall health for a bit...raw paleo is healthy, but stopping and starting and cracking is not particularly healthy.

Offline RawZi

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2011, 11:54:40 pm »
I will probably buy whole rabbits in the future, but wouldn't really do it justice at the moment as I don't have much appetite for these things.

    I think Tyler gets whole hares and inexpensive organs at farmers markets.  Do you have some farmers markets you can get to?  For example- I don't like the urine smell of kidneys unless they're only like a day from slaughter, but when I make them into highmeat I find them very edible.  That also makes eating them more convenient for me.  You might have luck fermenting organs from farmers markets. Hormones you said, should you be eating lamb testicles and other glands?
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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2011, 12:05:37 am »
Just wondering... Do you do any kind of exercise? I know it probably seems like the last thing you want but  try working out very hard but brief on an empty stomach and than wait till the hunger (which will be there) is unbearable then eat till full. Might help your body to accept larger amounts of raw food. Also exercise stimulates the release growth hormone testosterone and other (metabolic) hormones.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 01:28:31 am by TylerDurden »
“A man should be able to build a house, butcher a hog, tan the hide,
preserve the meat, deliver a baby, nurture the sick and reassure the dying, fight a war … specialization is for insects.”

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2011, 12:48:32 am »
Yes I do exercise. Hasn't seemed to make a huge difference so far, but will keep trying it.

Offline bharminder

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2011, 03:48:34 pm »
Try grinding some of the meat so you can eat more before satiation.

Eat more fats like backfat because they are very caloric dense.

Try a parasite cleanse with natural remedies or maybe some tinctures.

Try eating more carbs , sometimes zero carb can cause low energy levels for various reasons(many of which can be solved.....though i am not a low carb eater for reference)

Try more variety of foods....anticipating eating the same food can ruin appetite.

Try drinking more fluids or eating more fruits...

Hope one of those suggestions helps.

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2011, 08:22:30 pm »
Thanks for the thoughts, but none of that really works. I've been trying to get on this diet for a couple of years on and off. I don't know what it is, but I haven't been able to eat enough raw. I'm even zero carb now and feeling good in some ways, but still have to cook every night.

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2011, 08:26:10 pm »
Someone told me secondhand advice from a nutritionist, who said that if you're not used to it, raw food can pass through the digestive system unprocessed and cause problems. This would have been talking about raw veg mostly I would have thought. Maybe there's something in that, as when I stuffed myself with raw meat my guts were buggered.

Offline Johan August

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2011, 01:19:02 am »
Someone told me secondhand advice from a nutritionist, who said that if you're not used to it, raw food can pass through the digestive system unprocessed and cause problems. This would have been talking about raw veg mostly I would have thought. Maybe there's something in that, as when I stuffed myself with raw meat my guts were buggered.
I have been making the switch from cooked to raw but using a controlled uncremental method. Basically I started with 10g raw meat and reduced my cooked meat by 10g out of a total of about a pound of meat a day. Each day I would increase the raw by 10g and reduce the cooked by the same. It all worked very well until I became over-confident when I got to 50/50 cooked raw, I jumped to 100% including fat and liver and it was then I ran into trouble; I got indigestion for over a week while trying to persevere; I gave up and went back to cooked meat. My digestion is now getting back to rights and I intend to start again with the same incremental changeover to raw. I also eat salad leaves and two pieces of fruit on my plan.

I know people say that you should not mix cooked meat with raw but I only can say that it did not cause  me any trouble while I was doing it. As I have eaten very rare steak for years and that caused no problems then why should I believe that mixing cooked and raw  meat would give me problems, isn't a rare steak a mix of cooked and raw?

Perhaps the body is given a chance to adapt to the change when doing it incrementally.

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2011, 02:13:36 am »
Interesting thanks. I suppose it's obvious, but I didn't consider doing it that systematically. Will try this week.

Offline bharminder

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Re: Pancreas supplement
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2011, 04:53:48 am »
Eat lots and lots of good quality raw eggs. That will invigorate the digestive system while providing you with easy to assimilate nutrients to give you a lot of energy.


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