IMPOTENCY: Owanza says, “Relax.”
Most often this is not just a physiological problem. If a person finds
himself or herself in a relationship where sex is no longer exciting,
letting the imagination run wild with fantasy before and during sex
usually gets the juices going again. In some relationships it may be best
not to tell your mate your imagined fantasies because your mate may
become insecure or offended. For some people, telling a fantasy ruins
its potency. For others, sharing your fantasies is exciting and causes
sexual arousal.
Physiological impotency occurs from deterioration in the nervous
system, medication that lowers blood pressure, psychotherapeutic
drugs, genital-related problems, including prostatitis and vaginitis,
childbirth, and surgeries or injuries that have damaged nerves.
Spermicides, lubricants, birth control pills and chemical douches
absorbed into vaginal and uterine walls cause poor mucus formation
and/or production, and nerve damage. A pure unheated-above-96o
Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil is the best lubricant that will not
cause side effects.
Eating plenty of raw fat with raw fresh unripe fruit (non-steamed
dates may be included) and having at least 1?4 cup of unheated honey
daily stop nerve deterioration. Eating, or blending and drinking, 4-8
tablespoons raw coconut cream with 1?2-1 cup peeled cucumber helps
dissolve hardened nerves. Regularly, eating raw fresh fish heals and
rebuilds deteriorated nerve tissue over time.
Another reason for physiological impotency is an intolerance for milk
heated above 100° Fahrenheit (pasteurization is about 160°
Fahrenheit). If a person suspects that he or she may have a milk
intolerance, abstaining from drinking and eating milk products for 2-3
months usually restores potency. Then, for most of those people,
drinking and eating only room-temperature or warmer raw milk
products will not affect potency as long as unheated honey is eaten
with them (for example, up to 2 tablespoons of honey per 1 cup of raw
milk or raw plain kefir).
See also pages 123-124. In cases of low sexual hormone production,
eating plenty of raw shell fish, like oysters, clams, scallops, and urchin
with other raw fats often increases hormone production and sexual
appetite. Another aphrodisiac is 2 ounces of cold-pressed-below-96°
Fahrenheit peanut oil, 1 raw fertile egg, 1 tablespoon raw carob powder
and 1 / 8 - 1?4 teaspoon vanilla extract. Eating enough raw meat and 1 cup
unheated honey daily usually sustains erection for an hour or more.
Drinking 2 cups of hard peeled cucumbers blended with 2-3 ounces
fresh raw coconut cream and 3 ounces of unheated honey usually helps
to develop and sustain erections. Adding 1 teaspoon bee pollen to the
cucumber/coconut cream mixture strengthens erections for many men
but not for others. Experiment and discover for yourself. For some
men, raw garlic or red onion is also effective in maintaining erection;
for others, garlic has the opposite effect. - Aajonus, We Want to Live