here are a few suggestions:
if your bowel is constipated perhaps take more water first and not too much food to be sure you are properly hydrated
also jumping up and down, rebounding, running, and yoga offer stimulation to the stomach that will sometimes help shake a poop loose and stimulate all other kinds of functions such as circulation and respiration, all of which help your digestive track and bowels
herbal laxatives are an excellent temporary solution, there are many teas that will stimulate your bowels
senna is a very strong but very effective remedy....always use these in moderation and for temporary relief, you can look up more on the internet, i would recommend using a few different herbs at once, such as senna(bowels), cleavers(lymph), yellow dock(gallbladder), burdock(liver), dandelion leaf(kidney) and red clover(blood), this will insure you are cleansing all systems to make sure you have a proper balance...there are other herbs that work as well...just not as effective...peppermint, ginger, garlic, cayenne, very strong infusions
also making hot lemon juice/coconut milk water, and taking spicey or bitter herbs will help to stimulate
some might argue that herbs/plants are poison..i do not think so, i think herbs are to be used in moderation for medicinal purposes, perhaps something that makes you poop, vomit or sweat is poisonous, but take into account that living situations were not so luxurious and that perhaps if you had a virus or did get sick from something weird you ingested and needed to sweat it out or expell it fast, these herbs would then have their place, their poison would be your medicine....
acheleezz and neone you guys do realize he is asking because he does not have the "perfect ultimate universally applicable and health inducing world saving" paleo diet, obviously he has discomfort and would like some ease. it does no one, yourselves included, any service to make useless remarks