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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #50 on: October 30, 2011, 01:28:47 am »
    Did your mother tell you whether your jaundice got worse before it went away? Did anyone let you have any sunlight to treat the jaundice?  How old were you when they released you from phototherapy care?  When did the jaundice go away?

I don't have an answer to any of these. I'll speak to my Mother and reply when I can.

Wouldn't blood tests also be of assistance understand my present state--such as bilirubin production and accumulation levels or otherwise?

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #51 on: October 30, 2011, 03:40:37 am »
    What color are your sclera?  Do you think you look jaundiced?  Is your skin pale? Sallow? Are your teeth yellowish?  Your palms?  The soles of your feet?  Does yellow oil come from your skin?  Does your liver hurt?  Do you make excessive ear wax?  Does your urine appear normal? Go ahead and test your bilirubin.  I'd tend to prefer to put a hot water bottle on my liver and eat raw goat butter. 
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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2011, 05:01:51 am »
Jaundice went away after a few days of treatment under a bili ligt (yikes). The jaundice never became complicated.

Sometimes I believe my palms and such to be slightly yellow but nothing extreme. I do not produce yellow oil. My kidneys can hurt at times, but I've never felt my liver hurt--unless I'm mistaking the two (the liver is quite large).

I do believe that I produce excess earwax. Whenever I swallow in my ears a sound of wax being squished is constantly heard. I cannot remove this sound and have heard it from as far back as I can remember. The only way I've successfully treated this phenomenon is by holding my breath and stretching my jar downward, thereby stretching out the aural cavities. In September, a naturopathic doctor examined me and commented on some sort of build up in my nasal and aural cavity and I think this may be related. I once thought that everyone heard this sound as they swallowed until I stretched out the cavities and discovered it is possible to swallow in silence.

I think I'll follow this lead and see what's up. I'll get my blood checked to see if I can't learn something about myself.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2011, 05:35:04 am »
Whenever I swallow in my ears a sound of wax being squished is constantly heard.... In September, a naturopathic doctor examined me and commented on some sort of build up in my nasal and aural cavity and I think this may be related. I once thought that everyone heard this sound as they swallowed until I stretched out the cavities and discovered it is possible to swallow in silence.

    Maybe get an osteopathic practitioner to perform some cranial sacral therapy for your head.
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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2011, 05:36:03 am »
    Why do your kidneys hurt, mercury?  Smoke?  What kind of toxins?  It doesn't matter.  Highmeat kidneys may help.
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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2011, 06:45:30 am »
I noticed that days when I was overeating meat and not drinking an adequate amount of water my kidneys would be sore in the middle of the night and usually water would cure the pain. I believe this to be a sign of severe dehydration. I've experienced a pain from the same region at various times in the day. Sometimes I get what I think is lower back pain but is truly some sort of discomfort in one of my organs from digestion or indigestion. I always thought this to be my kidneys but because the liver is so large it could also be the liver. Its difficult for me to differentiate.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 07:50:08 am by zeno »

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2011, 07:04:12 am »
    Liver is right front lower quadrant of abdomen.
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2011, 07:49:31 am »
The pain is along my backside just below my rib cage.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #58 on: October 31, 2011, 03:14:00 am »
your adrenals are right on top of your kidneys as well...try not to stress out so much on your health and make sure you take part of the day to focus on what is good in life, i am sure you can find many things:)

i was a yellow baby as well, and figure that is why i am extra sensitive to toxins/pollution/foods and CRAVE sunshine like nobodies business(outside and not very clothed right now!)

focus on a moderate healing and really try not to push your body or overstress it in trying to force healing or becoming hypochondriac...i think when  you try and detox so much you can just force symptoms to manifest in other areas

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #59 on: October 31, 2011, 11:08:50 am »
Thanks for the advice Jessica!

To be honest this forum facilitates my hypochondria but only because I allow it to.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #60 on: November 01, 2011, 03:51:10 am »
Raw Dairy: Day 6
Ugh. I ran out of raw milk and decided to substitute it with pasteurized butter. I ate 1.5 sticks of butter. It was tasty at first and I've never eaten pure butter so I thought I might give it a go for fun. I felt a huge surge of energy immediately and I'm not sure if it was the butter or the fact that I hadn't eaten or drank since 5:00 PM the night before (a mini-fast).

Anyway, I came home and decided I'd take a break from the milk by eating some raw meat. I chowed down a ton of goat meat and couldn't help myself from gorging. With meat, I don't find it as easy to control myself from overeating. I just want to consume and consume. Now, I'm digesting the meat which is requiring quite a bit of blood, which is slowing down the rest of my body, which is why I'm feeling lethargic.

With milk, the meal is balanced and all you need is a few cups every hour. The digestion is quick and harmless, even if I do feel a little bloated at first. By the end of the day, I can tell that I'm reaching some sort of limit and produce a bit of gas but I still feel light and energetic. Also, my body utilizes the milk better than the meat. My body seems to regenerating itself much more quickly then ever before.

Eating meat causes me to exhaust myself. Also, I'm not sure how well I'm digesting it.

The next time I run out of milk I think I'll simply fast for the day rather than eating meat or consuming pasteurized dairy products.

Also, today I'll be receiving some kefir grains and breast milk from a nursing friend.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #61 on: November 01, 2011, 04:22:38 am »
Code: [Select]
Also, today I'll be receiving some kefir grains and breast milk from a nursing friend.
let us know how it goes.  i tried to make kefir from my wife excess milk but it did not turn out well.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #62 on: November 01, 2011, 04:31:35 am »
    Pasteurized butter while eating otherwise a raw diet makes me sick! 

    Raw milk is a whole food.  A raw sardine or a raw cornish hen with gizzards is a whole food.  Lean meat is not a whole food.  Try to balance it if you eat it again, or it makes most over eat.
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Offline zeno

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #63 on: November 13, 2011, 01:00:46 am »
Milk Diet: Breakthrough
I broke the Milk Diet because I ran out of the necessary amount of milk. I ate raw goat. I didn't digest the meat well and I admittedly overate again. I didn't like how I felt after eating the goat. I'm enjoying raw milk, butter and kefir much more.

The Milk Diet works for me because the milk is nourishing and so simple to digest relative to solid foods. I can't seem to handle raw meat because I always end up overeating and becoming uncomfortable one way or another. I also seem to become too acidic when I eat raw meat.

After eating solid food I realized the secret to the Milk Diet: it is in the liquid state of milk. It is so easy to digest compared to solid foods. This explains the modern tradition of juicing vegetables and fruits. It seems that water and milk were the nourishing liquids of the past before technological revolutions in juicing and blending technology which allow us to juice produce and fruits. After experiencing the benefits of raw dairy, I now understand how people could decide to simply drink milk for their entire lives.

There is just something about milk that feels so much more right than raw meat (for the time being). I thought about re-introducing solid foods into my diet in the future, but after my last break in the Milk Diet I don't really want to. I'd rather just drink milk and possibly supplement my diet with other foods. Perhaps fish, eggs and fermented vegetables. I'll inevitably have to break my diet again. At that time, I'll try something else besides red meat.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #64 on: November 13, 2011, 11:44:40 pm »
Milk Diet: Breakthrough II
Okay, having to ration five gallons of milk across seven days has forced me to cut back my milk intake below the minimum required amount. I thought that I could just fast on days with only a few cups of milk, but rather than do that I've found another food source which I can use as a supplement when I run short on milk: raw egg yolks.

I got the idea from Caveman while reading his raw dairy journal. Yesterday I was starving by 2:00 PM and started to slowly drink a dozen eggs. I noticed I started to feel great and energized--just as when I feel from drinking milk. My brain started to play tricks with me and I thought myself into being hungry more than I truly was and had some avocado, raw cacao butter and then six more egg yolks until about 8:00 PM and noticed that after eating all those eggs I didn't crave egg yolks and thought that this was probably because I had consumed such a large amount. Ultimately, I suffered from insomnia, too. This was most likely due to eating all the strange foods late at night.

Overall, I'm excited, though; I found a second food source that seems to serve me well. I'm also excited to enjoy a food that is high in cholesterol, saturated fats, vitamins and minerals rather than starving myself until I could get more milk.

Raw Butter
I began skimming my milk and using the cream to create raw butter. It's been heaps of fun and a delicious experiment. When drinking milk produced by a Jersey cow one's metabolism has the potential to crash because of the heavy cream content (I've read that the milk of Jersey cows is even partially indigestible to calves). Rather than drinking the cream, using the cream to make butter and enjoying the butter is an alternative option which I find much better for maintaining one's metabolism and enjoying a completely different nutritious food.

The first time I ate raw butter I could only handle a few small teaspoons at a time. I felt some strange power that forced me to enjoy the butter slowly. Powerful stuff.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #65 on: November 16, 2011, 10:54:58 pm »
psst have you ever looked into vitamin c to help your teeth? i used to do the same thing with lemons and limes, especially when i was eating a lot of liver, cause i really craved vitamin c...probably why ive had a lot of deterioration, but, i still crave the c and sometimes munch down super hard on raw cabbage or eat lots of rose hips and want berries, which isnt that great a solution so i have started taking asorbic acid in water, trying not to keep it in my mouth so my teeth not compromised...its also has a lot of other benefits....just something to consider

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #66 on: November 16, 2011, 11:02:49 pm »
psst have you ever looked into vitamin c to help your teeth? i used to do the same thing with lemons and limes, especially when i was eating a lot of liver, cause i really craved vitamin c...probably why ive had a lot of deterioration, but, i still crave the c and sometimes munch down super hard on raw cabbage or eat lots of rose hips and want berries, which isnt that great a solution so i have started taking asorbic acid in water, trying not to keep it in my mouth so my teeth not compromised...its also has a lot of other benefits....just something to consider
Too much liver causes vitamin A toxicity and vit C helps to break down vit A. Might explain why you crave vit c when eating lots of liver.

Synthetic ascorbic acid is not the same as real whole foods vitamin C.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 11:25:01 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #67 on: November 17, 2011, 04:50:25 am »
ideally of course natural is better but natural sources often come with a host of other nutrients that can inhibit the action of the vitamin c, plus its a lot less expensive source and i am really paying attention to my diet right now to help my body heal what hasnt had a chance to as my health has improved, i feel like its working through all of my systems that i have seriously deteriorated and this is what its asking me to focus on right now

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #68 on: November 17, 2011, 05:15:36 am »
ps teeth an kidney health are interrelated.....kidneys are largely made up of vitamin c(adrenals too) and excessive or unbalanced calcium is hard on kidneys......?  milk diet?

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #69 on: November 17, 2011, 10:17:22 am »
Quote from: zeno
The first time I ate raw butter I could only ..... . I felt some strange power that forced me to enjoy the butter slowly. Powerful stuff.

    That sounds familiar. With vegan food I felt compelled to eat compulsively oftentimes. I especially remember the difference when starting out.. I ate the (raw) butter so slow, because it's so slow, because every time drop felt so satisfying in such a deep way.
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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #70 on: November 18, 2011, 02:30:09 am »
psst have you ever looked into vitamin c to help your teeth?

I destroyed the enamel of my teeth from sucking on lemons for two weeks straight during ever waking hour. The acid eventually eroded my enamel. The protocol was recommended by a chiropractor for pre-treatment preparation.

Once I visit a doctor to get my blood tested I'll be able to make a better assessment of vitamin deficiencies and then make a decision. For now, the Milk Diet seems to be working. The liquid is nutritious and delicate enough for me to digest well. My only difficult now is to find the right amount for me.

[b}Milk Diet: Transition Foods[/b]
The other day when I had some aged goat meat I found that the raw muscle meat was not appetizing and difficult to digest. The bone marrow, however, was similar to milk in texture, ease of digestion (being not quite a solid and mostly fat), and flavor. I took this as a cue that bone marrow and soft fats (such as back fat) are foods that I should be able to digest when I choose to incorporate foods more dense than milk.

After dining on marrow, enjoying it for its deliciousness and also tenderness, I realized how awesome this food is and came to appreciate it more than I ever have. Because it is difficult for me to obtain marrow I always overlooked it as a viable staple. I suppose it will remain as just a special treat but I've come to revere it.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #71 on: November 18, 2011, 08:07:11 am »
I destroyed the enamel of my teeth from sucking on lemons for two weeks straight during ever waking hour. The acid eventually eroded my enamel. The protocol was recommended by a chiropractor for pre-treatment preparation.

opps yeah i meant to say thats how my teeth deteriorated as well. after starting to eat dairy again and going overboard my teeth actually deteriorated at a more rapid rate and much differently. instead of near my gums, which is much more indicative of a vitamin c deficiency, i lost a lot of the crowns of my molars, and actually before i noticed i had complained that it did feel as though my spine and hips were deteriorating(just a weird constant pain).. i think i was getting too much calcium and not enough of the other trace minerals that need to be held in a higher ration, magnesium, potassium and dairy habit eventually leveled off and is now whenever i feel i need it, its not a constant thing, and i knew the lemon sucking was bad still always want vitamin c and was eating too much raw cabbage to get it(thats hard on the digestion as well as the thyroid) and decided to take ascorbic acid to supplement until my body can feel it has adequate stores and level out.....just offering some suggestions from personal experience thats all......hope the results of your tests help you figure out how to rebuild your health:)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 05:14:07 pm by TylerDurden »

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #72 on: November 19, 2011, 08:58:46 am »
Thanks for the clarification, Jessica! I'll be sure to pay attention to levels of magnesium, potassium and sodium.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #73 on: November 21, 2011, 12:26:23 am »
Milk Diet: Week Three
I've reached the third week of experimenting with milk. I'm slowly reaching a point where I don't relish milk as much as I did. I think I may be hitting a point where some nutritional need is being met.

At first, I drank over a gallon in a single day then backed off to 3.5 quarts. I can drink just this small amount and rise at dawn and last until the end of the day (roughly 6:30 AM to 11:00 PM when I finally get into bed after work) without feeling exhausted until just the end of the day.

Bowel movements have become regular but not consistently solid. I usually move a mixture of liquid and solid stools.

I've been experiencing some insomnia and I'm not quite sure why. It may be due to the digestion of milk. This would indicate that milk isn't necessarily an ideal food but definitely provided great amount of balanced nutrition as a liquid.

The most dramatic change since before starting this diet is that I feel good if not great! I want to shout into people's hearts that I love them. I can't help but be sociable and perky.

I'm not sure if I should take this sign (that I'm feeling satisfied) to continue with the milk diet or reintroduce solid food. At work, I smell things like cilantro and just want to garnish a nice big piece of fat with it. However, I know that my last muscle meat meal did not go well. This causes some confusion. I'm not really sure what to do from hence forward. I'll have to do some more experimentation to figure out what staples I can enjoy.

Animal foods that I seem to digest well include: egg yolks, milk, back fat and bone marrow, but none of these can serve as staples separately. Perhaps I'll experiment with muscle meat but slowly introduce and be certain not to over eat. Ideally I'd like to have a diet founded in raw animal foods supplemented by a small amount of carbohydrates (mostly fermented). To be honest, I'd like to be resilient more than anything.


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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #74 on: November 21, 2011, 10:52:45 am »
Raw Butter
This shit is so intense! No matter how many times I eat raw butter made from the skimmed cream of raw milk I have to eat it slow and controlled--completely unlike any other food I've eaten. Moreover, I can never eat near the same amount I've eaten of pasteurized butter.


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