Author Topic: Blood test results from 5/6/11 compared with 2/10/10  (Read 7198 times)

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Offline bharminder

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Blood test results from 5/6/11 compared with 2/10/10
« on: May 11, 2011, 10:08:21 am »
Hi guys

Here are my blood test results. the first 3 are from 5/6/11. The last 3 are from february of 2010. I began eating raw foods around that time, maybe march or april of 2010.


Here is 2/12/10:

Notice cholesterol has shot upto 259 from 147. LDL has shot upto 191 from 96.

Is this something to require a modification of what I'm eating? I've been eating a lot of lamb and beef (i.e. red meat) and some bison organs, and less fish/seafood. Plus a good amount of eggs, at certain times. Should I switch up the ratios and eat less red meat and eggs and more fish? I can't find quality fowl meat around here.
Thank you for your suggestions.


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Re: Blood test results from 5/6/11 compared with 2/10/10
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2011, 10:20:01 am »
while it is true that consumption of saturated fat increases both LDL and HDL there is no evidence that it is detrimental to one's health.  mine went from 200 to 300 and i am not planning to do anything about it.  in fact i stopped measuring it completely.  the last check was 2 years ago.

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Re: Blood test results from 5/6/11 compared with 2/10/10
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 10:57:57 am »
I belong to the camp of I don't give a hoot about blood tests.

How do you feel?

How do you look?

If you look and feel much better than last year you are doing something right.

If you are afraid of blockage in arteries, then find some high tech tests that can actually measure your artery blockage DIRECTLY without cutting you up or harming you.

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Offline bharminder

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Re: Blood test results from 5/6/11 compared with 2/10/10
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2011, 11:39:07 pm »
Well I'm not sure how I feel....

You eat a lot of fish and less red meat, right? From my understanding fish will increase HDL and lower LDL...thus still resulting in a high level of cholesterol (potentially), but in a different proportion. Apparently red meat is known to increase ldl. Maybe I will eat more fish and less red meat. In fact, i would prefer to eat more chicken and fish but the quality kind is not as available as quality red meat, so I've been eating what's available. However it is available so I think I will try eating more fish and maybe chicken, and less red meats...and see what happens.

Offline Johan August

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Re: Blood test results from 5/6/11 compared with 2/10/10
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2011, 10:52:33 pm »
Not all LDL is the same, some is small and dense and has the potential to cause problems; some LDL is large and fluffy and harmless. The type of LDlL you get from red meat is the  large and  fluffy type and as far as is known, benign. The small dense LDL comes from eating refined carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates such as white bread and sugar. Your blood tests lump both types of LDL together and is therefore no guide. But you will have a good idea what type of LDL it is likely to be from the type of foods you have been eating. Your triglyceride numbers are very good and that is encouraging.

I have had an angiogram which checks you for heart artery blockages. It is invasive and I would not do it unless the doctor thought it really desirable. I had problems which were persistent over several years and bothersome, angina pains. But the angiogram showed that my arteries were clear. I eat a lot of red meat and have done for years.

If you are interested read Gary Taubes book "Good Calories, Bad Calories" on why there are so many misleading scare stories about the dangers of cholesterol and what causes heart disease.

Offline bharminder

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Re: Blood test results from 5/6/11 compared with 2/10/10
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 11:46:51 am »
Interesting I will check that out.

What is also interesting to me is that my LDL is much higher than my HDL in the recent test. Another member here, sabertooth, also got some blood tests done and he has a much higher LDL than HDL also, and from what I've read here on the forums, he also tends to eat more red meat than any other meat.

Another person I know eats far more chicken and fish (both raw) and much less red meats, and usually gets his fats from raw eggs or coconuts.

This guy did blood tests and his LDL was 127 and HDL was 130. That is 2x the HDL I have and far less LDL than mine. According to common medical practices, that guy has a stellar blood profile. Since he also eats totally raw, I'm just wondering if that common superstition that white meat is better than red meat may have some truth to it.

Offline Löwenherz

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Re: Blood test results from 5/6/11 compared with 2/10/10
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 04:52:01 pm »
Another person I know eats far more chicken and fish (both raw) and much less red meats, and usually gets his fats from raw eggs or coconuts.

This guy did blood tests and his LDL was 127 and HDL was 130. That is 2x the HDL I have and far less LDL than mine. According to common medical practices, that guy has a stellar blood profile. Since he also eats totally raw, I'm just wondering if that common superstition that white meat is better than red meat may have some truth to it.

Very interesting! That would support my observation that (for my body) coconut fat (raw milk and raw cream) seems to be much better than fats from beef and lamb. From lamb fat I always get high pulse + pounding heart after a while and I don't like it. Furthermore coconut fat improves my atheltic performance whereas lamb fat is definetely detrimental in this regard... Hmmm.



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