There is an occupy wall street group that is active in my church, and it seems that the main gripe among Unitarians is centered around the financial tyranny and exploitation of the third and second world by the clandestine empire and predatory IMF loan sharks. Some of the stolen loot trickles down to the people of the west and keeps many complacent, but the third and second world countries are really getting hit hard and receive nothing in return.
Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa are paying up to four times the money for foreign debt as they are for educcation and health care. They have become debt slaves and foreigners own their infrastructure . Anytime someone attempts to rise up and break free of the debt system they are taken out. Just look of what happened to Libya. Ask yourself what business did the UN have in aiding "Rebel forces" What right did the french military have to bomb Gaddafi's convoy. Why did the western forces really take him out. He was a threat to the hegemony of the western financial mafias. The rebels that have taken over the country are basically useful idiots that don't have the strength or the will to resist the Empire as Gaddafi had done. Soon the western empire will come in and loot what wealth is left in that nation.
Maybee you can't blame wall street for everything, but then who can you blame for such operations. It seems that there are unseen charioteers that hide behind the curtain of our financial institutions. I think what the focus of the occupy wallstreet movement should be is prompting new legislation that would guarantee transparency.
The real problem with wallstreet is secrecy, larceny fraud, counterfeiting ,ponzy schemes,cronyism, conflicts of interest, coopting of government officials, etc. As long as companies are still aloud to keep multiple sets of books and hide information about their liability while falsifying information about their assets then the crimes will continue.
People need to demand honesty and transparency in the financial sector. But sadly the controlled media has developed ingenious ways of obscuring the real issues and infussing a bunch of irrelevant talking points , and partisan bullcrap, to distract people from demanding Justice for crimes that have been committed.
Does anyone doubt that there have been crimes committed? There must be justice, and the criminals must be punished. In a free market/free society you cant allow these types of white collar crimes to persist, or else the average person looses faith in the system and you have the type of breakdown that is happening Right Now.