Hi everybody
I just got an order of organ-meats from Northstarbison from online, since they have 100% grass fed bison available. I get frozen out of convenience, but they have fresh available . It would be too costly to order weekly from them because of shipping, so I just order a bunch at once frozen.
Anyways, last time I ordered from them, I noticed something peculiar about the kidneys. One of the packages, was normal red looking color. It tastes good too. But in another package, a separate one, the kidney looked greenish color, and it had a much stronger smelling odor and taste than the previously described kidney.
So I didn't think too much about it, other than hoping that I wouldn't get any green looking kidneys on a future order. So I made that order a few days ago and got the shipment today. I got some heart, liver, tongue, kidneys, pancreas, testicles, spleen, and suet.
Well, out of the 3 kidneys that I ordered, 2 of them have a similar greenish hue to them...especially one of them. In addition, the tongue has a greenish hue on one particular side. Can you please look at these pictures and tell me what you think, and/ or if you've had any experience with anything like greenish colored organ, specifically kidney, but also tongue (though this is my first time ordering tongue so I don't know what it tastes like).
Here is a picture of 2 kidneys (top) and liver ( bottom) . the Liver is for comparison in terms of the color. I've gotten kidneys the same color as this liver, so is there something wrong with these greenish colored kidneys, especially the top left one?

Here is a solo picture of the kidney that was in the top left part of the last photo

and less importantly but still curious to know, in terms of this green tinge layer on one side of this tongue:

I appreciate your opinions, thanks. The other organs seem bright red and appear fresh. Since this has happened with the kidneys in particular once before, maybe I will just not buy kidneys from them. But, if there is nothing wrong with this greenish hue, then maybe it is no big deal, although....to reiterate the taste and smell are much stronger.
Thank you