1. I have blonde hair and blue eyes
2. I was born in the US South (Arkansas), spent most of my childhood in Alaska, and my teenage years in southern California
3. Although I spent 8.5 years in the navy, I only ever visited Dubai (UAE), Bahrain, and Singapore. And Hawaii, too, but that isn't exactly foreign for me.
4. I'm a software developer working for a large corporation
5. I'm not a large fan of the corporate culture or the market implications of governments insulating business firms from risk
6. I don't have a degree. I consider myself an economics major but have postponed school indefinitely (mainly for real world business experience)
7. I like to read books, but the only fiction I enjoy these days is satire
8. I have a motorcycle I haven't ridden in months ... mainly because its registered in another state (and its expired ... oops!)
9. I hate math
10. I drink coffee out of tea cups and tea out of coffee mugs (trying to quit these though)
11. Most of the rock bands I really like are either run-of-the-mill vegetarians, PETA-supporting vegans, or left-leaning punk rockers. (Is it too much to ask for a meat-eating Libertarian group?)
12. I think politics is a sham, and agree with the saying: 'Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner'
13. The things I'm most passionate about these days are: nutrition, economics, web programming
14. Of all the people my friends know, I'm almost positive they would consider me the weirdest
15. I don't swim very well.
16. World of Warcraft
might have destroyed my previous relationship (I've been playing since it came out)
17. Courier New is my favorite font
18. Many women I have met in the past have thought I was gay because I can articulate and I have more than three facial expressions
19. I have a wide screen LCD TV of good quality but I never watch it.
20. I think the majority of television programs are making an already ignorant population even worse
21. I am somewhat of a perfectionist, and could consider myself OCD in many respects
22. I think Western Civilization has been somewhat of a mixed bag for the world, with its peak being between the mid-eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century.
23. I agree with boxcarguy07 regarding Ron Paul, although ordinarily I'm of the opinion that politicians are unique in history as being the only members of society who actually get paid to make it worse whereas everyone else works to enrich the lives of others through exchange
24. Many people take my analyses and constructive criticisms of problems in society as being overly pessimistic and contrarian ... but of course I'd never agree with that
25. I'm a giant nerd when it comes to properly declining latin nouns that are still used in modern language (appendix, index, analysis, etc.)