Making suggestions on the web is of course fraught with danger as the likelihood of misinterpretation is higher.
Both the suggester and the suggestee may misinterpret on the web. It can be very important to be clear, if we want everyone to learn.
Laxatives and purgatives come in a wide variety of forms. Herbs is one. Some herbs sold in health food stores and therefore likely, but not necessarily self-prescribed, can be bad news, particularly if taken over a period of time as you discovered and as the expression one man's meat is another's poison... The Ayurvedic texts describe 600 from trees alone if my memory serves me. Taken in different forms
Yeah, for me it was one small cup of prune juice once and no other day dose of it for a long time before or ever again after. It released too many toxins in my colon that they sent me to a hematologist for a bone marrow biopsy.
If the issue has a drying component such as dry gassy, constipation, then the solution would involve one that is liquid and include more liquid and oils in the diet. That's why you do so well on raw meat. It is very liquid, slimy etc.
Nope, oils don't help me at all. I tried them. They just burn me and make me freeze and a bunch of other unpleasant stuff.
My experience was that non-raw cheese was instant constipation. I used to be blissfully unaware that I was constipated chronically before I discovered Ayurveda. My diet was not great.
I was vegan for a long time during that time. As a matter of fact, around the few instances I ate cheese, I got no constipation or any stool change.
A castor "Plaster" is of course where you put a cloth soaked with castor oil on your belly or wherever you want it and then put a hot water bottle etc over that to allow the oil to penetrate the skin and make it into the affected area to help clean out the body. I observed someone use this system once. The person was not constipated in the dried out, hard sense. It was very a mild cleaning. I think that it was suggested by Edgar Cayce in one of his readings.
Yes, I had to drink colorful root juices for several days prior. I don't like nausea. Never gonna do this again. Months of 24/7 nausea, if can be avoided, that I will do! Raw butter on the primal diet seemed to absorb all my colon toxicity and clean it out safely without the toxins hurting me and in relatively very little time (less than a month). He uses peanut oil for it? I think maybe aajonus used to too, but now there's no good peanut oil on the market.
I have been told that colonic irrigations can be extremely drying to the interior of the colon due to the substances used. I do not mean to infer that this is true in your case. Ayurveda prescribes oils and nutrients as part of any Basti (enema) as well as a specific massage to prepare for the enema.
The colonic series of three didn't even get anything out and couldn't really get much in. I was stopped up. Drink warm water or put warm urine in a bulb syringe. Works much better in this case. Lightly steamed dark greens or raw blended standard organic green salad also works better for it. Believe me, I had "real" bricks.
Typically but not always (depending on the person) in Ayurveda the castor is prescribed following a multi day buildup taking certain oils (generally ghee) first thing in the morning which slows hunger, lubricates the GI tract and softens any "stuff" that is collecting in the colon.
Ghee clogs my ears.
There is a whole technique to taking Castor effectively which includes the preparation, timing, bath, diet for days before, during and after as well as preparations to take with the castor to make it more effective with less griping. I started to write it out and then realized what this might precipitate.
I had no griping. The colonic actually went well, I was very pleased. Afterwards however made me nauseas for months. I did her whole protocol for the colonic, it was nice. Maybe it was problematic I left the "plaster" on longer than prescribed. Also she liked silver nitrite, maybe I should have bought some. RAFD works though, why should I go back to complication? That's what I don't need and why I found this. It gets expensive and sometimes hard to find and in the end it doesn't help the toughest cases enough.
BTW I hope I do not sound preachy as I am not intending to, just a further description of what I said. I certainly do not wish to minimize the depth of your discomfort. It's easy to sit in the gallery and be a know it all. That is not my intention. I am very aware that you went through a very uncomfortable period of time but the great news is that you figured out your answer. Others will learn from your story.
Yes, too many years and time of being sicker than many people ever get. If you don't let it kill you, then you learn some real lessons, it's how you get out the other side. Wonderful clicking in your own brain, epiphanies and hard lessons, better than all the books and lessons, and I make it just for me.
Once again RPD seems to be the answer.
Yes, like many others. They go through so many illnesses of their own and health theories till they get to the ultimate that works best that they need.