Here is Aajonus' response to the Rawesome raid:-
Aajonus Vonderplan?itz
To aajonus
From: aajonus (
Sent: 04 August 2011 05:08:23
To: aajonus (
Hi, healthy-food lovers,
Many of you already know that local and federal health-departments raided Rawesome Food Club this morning and confiscated most of the members' food. No one seems to know the particulars of the situation, including me.
However, I spoke with the investigating detectives who stated that the government was going to charge James Stewart and Sharon Palmer with Security fraud because they raised money illegally and passed it illegally through a bank account, according to them and their interpretation of the law. The bank account was not James or Sharon's; they passed the money through Mr. Otting's account without his permission. Whether any of that is truly illegal, I do not know. However, Sharon forged title deeds in her name, defrauding several investors. No true deed for Healthy Family Farms (HFF) was in Sharon's name. Sharon and James trapped investor Mr. Larry Otting in their fraud, subjecting him to the same charges of Security fraud. Mr. Otting was the investor who was kind enough to get the mortgage to buy HFF All of that will be argued and challenged in court and there is nothing anyone can do about it except a skilled defense attorney.
Additionally, it is my understanding from detectives that Sharon and Victoria Bloch were going to be charged with mislabeling and selling eggs and meats that were purchased from commercial wholesalers at farmers markets as grown at HFF. Farmers can sell only food products that they raise and grow on their farms at Farmer's Markets. Both Sharon and Victoria knew those rules.
Here is the Raw-Food Issue:
Since the government agencies did not know specifically where all of the foods originated at Rawesome, they took it upon themselves to confiscate all foods on the premises that James claims were all his, and dump the milk. No one was there to claim that the food belonged to members and not James. The food was members' property and not James'. Only if that will be stated in court tomorrow by one or more members and/or an attorney for members acting in Intervention can members assert their voices and claims to their property in this matter. Therefore, I am asking all attorneys who are members of Rawesome Food Club and any other interested attorney to appear tomorrow with a Motion for Intervention and release of the foods confiscated. And a motion for dismissal or Cross-Complaint in Intervention regarding any charges about the food other than eggs and meats from Sharon.
We do not know what the charges will be until the court reads them in the arraignment tomorrow morning. We do not know how much our raw-food rights will be on trial, if at all but members and others must appear for the Rally outside the courthouse to insure that if raw-food rights are part of the arraignment, members and citizens will be there to represent themselves and be represented by one or more attorneys.
Many of you wonder why I did not try to intervene today. I could not. Because James and Sharon fraudulently provided commercial eggs and chickens to Rawesome members from 2009-2010 and were caught in the act by independent investigators and I announced it (see, I was banned from Rawesome by James Stewart. James also banned HFF farms supporter and financier Larry Otting and a family whose daughter was harmed by the toxic ingredients, especially arsenic and uranium in the commercial eggs and chickens that James and Sharon claimed were organic and grown at HFF because they also made the fraud known to others, Therefore, I cannot appear as a member in Intervention at the hearing tomorrow. Members need at least one representative with a statement signed by as many members as possible to intervene if the government makes member's food, other than the eggs and chicken, part of the cases against James, Sharon and Victoria tomorrow.
Please join members and others for the right to healthy food tomorrow, Thursday August 4th, 7:30 AM for rally at:
210 West Temple, Division 30
Los Angeles, CA
Parking will be limited so many people might have to walk distances to get to rally from parking lots. Please plan ahead.
Any attorney that plans to appear in members' intervention, should call me because the government thinks they have an ace-in-the-hole from a ruling about 10 days ago by a federal judge regarding the FDA and independent food clubs and farmers. I have the ruling in my possession and it does not give the FDA any right outside of commerce. This needs to be clearly understood. It will undoubtedly be argued and presented as rule of law but it will be misrepresented to cover private association. The government may be trying to usurp that ruling and any ruling in these cases to establish a precedent for them to raid any private food club they want. We must stop their tactics. I will be there.
healthfully and appreciatively,"