One big purpose of feminism is depopulation.
Seems to have worked pretty well.
Feminism... IMHO was a reaction that young girls had at the time to a perception that they were being shunted aside while men went out and did something important. It was a jealousy thing going on. There was a lot of children at the time (Baby boomers)
There was silliness of unbelievable proportions. Some girls were jealous that grown up boys were doing things that young boys were doing like having mens clubs, so they forced the issues by wasting court time by having these clubs allow women in. Men back then as they are now, just want some quality time away from women. Just like women want the same time away from men. To everything there is a season (and no I am not a Christian) Girls (One of my daughters included) hated the knitting and making doilies in Girl Scouts.
Women saw men go to work and figured there must be some magic going on there. (jealousy)
Then of course when they got the job they realized it was not all that great. (surprise)
Basically it was angry women who had a chip on their shoulder maybe from an older brother/father/boyfriend who dismissed them or pi**ed them off. These women are all grown up now and have realized that you cannot change a tigers stripes.
The fact of the matter is that women are not men, you can make laws, but you cannot change people's inner instincts.
I doubt any women actually did any deep thinking about what they were doing/saying or what the short term or long term results would be. At the time they were getting mad because fishermen or garbagemen were labelled as men. They had to be fisher people or garbage people... LOL It was definitely media driven. Dumb girls making ridiculous statements about men conspiracies sells newspapers. Then they got a special arm of government to back them. They still do it at their websites. I recently listened to one of these idiots with her conspiracy theories.
The movement to have less children may have come from the women seeing their grandmothers have 20 or more children as the Catholic church at that time wanted. This was simple economics in some cases especially in agrarian areas where infant mortality was high and children equalled farm helpers.
BTW these statements are generalizations an do do not apply to all women or men and may even be classified as a pointless rant.