Can someone explain to me the thought process behind your children being your immortality or however it is thought of. What does the mix of your genetics have to do with escaping oblivion..?
The meaning of life is to make more life.
Survival of the fittest... and another criteria is those who choose to reproduce.
I do not believe in an immortal soul (for those who are religious).
What I do believe is we live through our descendants.
It's a relay race. You pass it on and on and on.
So my ancestors live through me.
Trace your bloodline. Make your family tree.
Does your personal bloodline die out? Or flourish?
What does blood family mean to you? Parents, Children, grandchildren, Brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.
It used to be that a nice greeting was "May your tribe increase!"
In ultra overcrowded urban settings... that may be an insult.
The ultra urban people have forgotten the basics of life, they are supreme EXTREMISTS at the opposite side of the pendulum swing and they do not know it. Voluntary extinction, abortions, euthanasia, gmo suicide food, condoms = safe sex, to singapore whose young people have to be taught the basics of dating, that pairing up is good and basic human sexuality.
In the movie TERMINATOR, the robot terminator cannot self terminate. Yet millions of brainwashed people today are into murdering their own children they deceive themselves by calling "choice" / abortion.
You detach yourself from your current urban programming, just as you detached yourself from western medical programming / nutrition. You look at human history and pre-history to our wish and celebration to survive to thrive. Voluntary human extinction is such an extremist stupid not even trying to survive crap slave to the overpopulation notion. We should be reaching for the stars instead of thinking Earth is the only island we can live on.
Every human for himself then. It has always been that way. Those who wish to be voluntarily extinct... let them. Those of us who wish to survive, let us, and let us protect our own descendants from the depopulationists... pushy brainwashing attitudes.
Life must go on, life will go on.
Those depopulationists want human population to be 500 million to 1 billion tops.
Some of us AIM to be those survivors, part of the 500 million.
The first step is having real sex, spread your bets to many children, take care of those children... see to it they make children themselves... back to the basics of being human.