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Offline Sally

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Hi Guys
« on: September 21, 2011, 12:22:12 pm »
Hi guys,

I've been reading posts on here for a few months.  I started eating raw meat about three months ago.  Previous to that I was doing dr.Youngs alkaline diet for a little over six months, and the three months before that I was transitioning for being a heavy consumer of alcohol who ate a lot of cheetos, aged cheese, raw pickles and ice cream.

Basically I burned out really bad a little over 2 years ago.  I had allergy symptoms, asthma symptoms, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, diziness, weight gain, loss of interest in laughing and socializing.  I went to my doctor, and he didn't really think there was anything wrong with me, or didn't know how to help me, so I struggled this way for months, trying to help myself by taking allergy medication, inhalers, quitting smoking, reducing caffeine consumption and stopping my workout.

I was looking all over the internet to find what was wrong, then I found that adrenal burnout matched my symptoms the most.  I went and got a saliva testing kit the same week, and did the test as soon as was possible.

It came back that my cortisol was below range, and my estrogen was also bottom of the range.

So that kind of helped a bit.  I learned I had to eat more greens, quit caffeine altogether, eat buckwheat ect.

I was able to control my symptoms, but I could not kick my one bottle of wine or more drinking habit, and I couldn't conquer my salt cravings either.

Anyway, I suffered for another year, then I finally decided I was going to go on a strict calorie counting diet and I started to lose weight.  Then I learned about the alkaline diet and I continued to lose weight.  Then I levelled off at about 140 lbs,and started feeling like it was to restrictive and wanted to go raw vegan. 

Then when I was doing a search on this on the internet and I learned that there was such a thing as a raw foodist that also ate meat.  I was captivated by the idea and started expirementing with this immediately after visting this site.

I eat grass feed ground beef, steak and liver raw.  Also organic free-run chicken eggs.  I eat sushi occasionally, the occasional oyster and I tried rabbit, chicken livers and buffalo.  I eat everything else raw too, except I cheat about once a week on average.  I eat lots of greens, sprouted buckwheat, raw almonds, fruit and sprouted buckwheat.  Lots of coconuts too.

So far I found that this diet in combination with taking an adrenal supplement containing freeze dried porcine adrenal glands before falling asleep and first thing in the morning has been really the only thing truly getting me to recover.  I actually cried for the first time in a very long time last night.  Sounds like a bad thing, but I hadn't really been crying at all since I burned out, and I used to cry quite a bit before.  Also, my vaginal lubrication has returned to normal.  I get wet at just about anything these days.  My laughter too, I can laugh without gasping funny, I'm starting conversations with people, flirting normally (for me), my lips are filling back in and losing that purple hue they had when I was "sick".  My ass it copping back out. My blood pressure is rising to normal.  I feel a lot better.

Now that I am feeling physically better by leaps and bounds, I am having to face the fact that I am actually depressed about my life, but it's good because now I feel like I have the energy to take action, and I am taking action.

One problem I am having is that I am gaining weight.  I desperately want to look lean.  And also to be able to climb a ladder at work without getting out of breath.  I ran all the food I am eating and discovered that I am eating upwards of 3000 calories per day.  About 1000 calories of that is coming from the almonds I can't seem to stop eating. Thing is I really seriously feel like I need that many calories.

So it got me to thinking that I am probably too depressed to lose anymore weight, and I am addressing that through changes in my life style.

The other challenge that I have is that I work in oilsands plant, and a lot of people would probably deny it, but I am breathing alot of flue gas, various harmful particulates, SO2, H2S ect, almost everyday, and I am working hard in it, so it's all getting into me pretty good.  I think after I finish my current project I will ask for a transfer to a cleaner location.

I really want to lose more weight.  I really want to be attractive.  I gained over three pounds since I started eating raw meat for 2 meals a day, and I am concerned about that.  I really want to believe that my weight gain is due to the meat rebuilding me or a reduction in fiber slowing my bowels, but I think I'm probably just packing on fat.

Anyway, my plan is to start partying more like I used to, and to be more social, and I'm hoping that will reduce my appetite and out a stop to my weight gain, because I really want to lose weight and be attractive.  Also, my goal is to rebuild my adrenals to their former glory and I do seem to be having some success at that.

Currently I have a slight fever.  There is a flu going around work.  I am excited to see how a flu manifests itself in the body of a raw omnivore.

I would be very interested in hearing from others who are coping with adrenal issues.

Have a good evening,


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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2011, 12:38:23 pm »
Hi Sally, congrats on being one of the few pioneers in to raw meat, it's always remarkable when people like yourself snub the mainstream fearmongering of germ theory and try something that is sensible but taboo.

The first thing you need to learn in regards to weight gain is that it's modulated mostly by genetics and diet. That is why there are people who can't seem to gain weight for the life of them and people who can't seem to lose weight to save their lives. The other aspect is diet but not what the mainstream teaches. It is carbs that make us fat, plain and simple. I live on a diet of mostly various types of fat, including butter, eggs, organ meats, bone marrow and other animal fats, but I can't gain weight for anything. My body is programmed to burn what it takes in immediately. So don't blame the fats for weight gain. Identify any and all sources of carbs in your life... Alcohol, grains, tubers, sugar, everything! And then eliminate those. Once you've done that for several weeks or preferably months, while still eating plenty of other raw foods, and liberal animal foods, you should be at your stable, natural weight. After that you can add back in carbs in very small amounts and monitor your body fat as you do. Adjust intake to your desired weight. It's a process and takes time, but you will get there!

As for the oilsands, totally! Don't sacrifice your body for anyone, even if you have to switch jobs, do it! I know it seems like it's easy for me to say over here, but really, it's not worth it, that stuff will wreak havoc on your body and mind. And don't be surprised if it has an effect on your psyche as well, your mental health is absolutely correlated to your physical health.

All of the above is of course simple suggestion for your desired results, do what works for you and forego whatever you like.

For an explanation why the lipid hypothesis is bullshit and why it is carbs, especially refined carbs that make us fat see Gary Taubes' book "Why we get fat" Or can be gotten via torrent for free as an audiobook, fascinating and highly recommendo!

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2011, 12:50:21 pm »
Thanks Citrus High,

I have had lots of success in the past with low carb, and have made a few feeble attempts this week to lower my sugar intake.  I will definitely give it another try.  I am totally cool with being at my natural weight, I know I am heavier than that now.  I'm tempted to keep eating a bit of buckwheat everyday though, it is supposed to prevent varicose veins.
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2011, 02:27:21 pm »
Thanks Citrus High,

I have had lots of success in the past with low carb, and have made a few feeble attempts this week to lower my sugar intake.  I will definitely give it another try.  I am totally cool with being at my natural weight, I know I am heavier than that now.  I'm tempted to keep eating a bit of buckwheat everyday though, it is supposed to prevent varicose veins.
I agree, cut out the carbs and sugars. I did that and my weight dropped like more than a pound a day, which I was amazed by!

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2011, 10:01:02 pm »
Thanks Citrus High,

I have had lots of success in the past with low carb, and have made a few feeble attempts this week to lower my sugar intake.  I will definitely give it another try.  I am totally cool with being at my natural weight, I know I am heavier than that now.  I'm tempted to keep eating a bit of buckwheat everyday though, it is supposed to prevent varicose veins.

Have you tried eating raw coconut oil?  It strengthens your thyroid and helps you lose weight.  It's also good for controlling carb cravings.  If it causes diarrhea, try some other brands.

Tell us EXACTLY what and how much you are eating each day, for about a week, so we can get an idea.

I also recommend cutting back on the almonds, and eating animal fats instead, like fatty fish or grass-fed fatty organs/fat.

Offline Sally

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2011, 11:52:47 am »
Okay, so I already started majorly cutting down the carbs.

This morning for breakfast I ate:

1/2 a small avocado
1 tomato
4 spears of cucumber
15 pea pods
1/2 green pepper
I drizzled it with what I imagine is 1 tablespoon of Omega 3 oil and about a tablespoon of bottled lemon juice.

At around 10 am I ate:

1/4 cup of sprouted buckwheat
1 tomato
1/2 of a small avocado
10 pods of peas
4 spears of cucumber
1/2 of a green pepper

At about 3 pm I ate

A bowl full of grass fed sirloin tip steak, cut into large chunks.

I felt so awesome after eating the steak that when I got home I ran on my treadmill for 5 miles (560 calories)

Then I ate 120 grams of grass fed beef liver

I am craving hemp seeds so now I'm going to eat:

2 tablespoons of hemp seeds
1 tomato
4 spears of cucumber
1/2 green pepper
1/4 cup broccoli

I'm going to use bragg's liquid soy, celtic salt, and a couple tablespoons of shredded coconut to garnish it.

I didn't drink anything today except for water.
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2011, 12:03:48 pm »
The avocados are also good, as is the coconut oil, for controlling carb cravings. Keep posting your daily diet. ;)

Offline Sally

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2011, 12:04:56 pm »
i actually added a lemon and 1/2 a teaspoon of fish oil to my last plate, and i only used about a teaspoon of omega 3 oil.
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2011, 02:41:31 pm »
Hi Sally, are you eating raw adrenal gland to take care of adrenal problem? Please, let me know.

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2011, 10:02:03 pm »
i actually added a lemon and 1/2 a teaspoon of fish oil to my last plate, and i only used about a teaspoon of omega 3 oil.

If you add fatty fish to your diet, you may want to cut down on the fish oil. It's possible to overdo it on the omega-3 if you're supplementing.  It can make blood clotting very difficult.

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2011, 07:55:42 am »
The product I am taking is Ortho-Adapt

It contains:

Adrenal tissue (porcine)   250 mg
Adrenal Cortex (porcine)  200 mg
Vitamin C                         500 mg
Pantethine                       200 mg
Licorice extract                800 mg
Siberian Ginseng              200 mg
Rhodiola                           150 mg
Ashwagandha                    200 mg

per 4 capsule (the recommended daily dose)

I take 8 capsules before bed and 8 in the morning, so I am getting 4 times these amounts per day.
It doesn't specify whether the tissue is raw.
There is a tangible difference in my ability to wake up in the morning, my blood pressure, my enjoyment and my ability to work depending on whether I supplement or not.
I just switched to these pills about a week ago, before I was taking called Adrenal lyophilized active glandularwith 250 mg of adrenal tissue(porcine) per capsule.  I took 4 in the morning, and 4 before going to bed.  It had the same beneficial effect.
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2011, 08:09:30 am »
I don't know if it was cutting down on the carbs (I think it is) but I felt so awesome yesterday that I couldn't get to sleep until 330 am.  Came home from work early today though, pretty tired.

Today I ate:

For Breakfast:(6am)
1 tomato
1/2 avacado
1/4 cup bean sprouts
10 pea pods
4 spears of cucumber
1/2 green pepper
2 tablespoons of hemp seeds
2 tablespoons of shredded coconut
1 teaspoon of fish oil
1 teaspoon of omega 3 oil
celtic salt to my enjoyment
a tablespoon of bottled lemon juice

At work (between 10 and 11 am)

1/4 cup of sprouted buckwheat

1 tomato
1/2 avacado
1/4 cup bean sprouts
10 pea pods
4 spears of cucumber
1/2 green pepper

I sucked on a "LIFE SAVERS" breath mint, but spit the majority of it back out.
Right now it's about 6pm and I'm eating 9 ounces of grass-fed beef tenderloin, soaked in bragg's liquid soy...prolly gonna eat another plate of veggies, not sure yet though.

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2011, 08:23:29 am »
1 tomato,
4 spears of cucumber
1/2 avocado
1/2 cup of broccoli
1 tablespoon of cold pressed avocado oil
1 tablespoon bottled lemon juice
2 tablespoons shredded coconut
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
celtic salt to taste
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2011, 11:24:53 am »
I'd try to get some wild-caught seafoods and some wild or grassfed organ meats. Is dulse or another seaweed available where you are in Canada?  What about wild game?  I would recommend some organs, particularly adrenals, thyroid, and maybe liver.   

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2011, 11:42:41 am »
I'm having 4 raw egg yolks, a handful of cilantro a handful of sliced white mushrooms and celtic salt.

There is a store in Edmonton (5 hours south of here) that sells wild caught game.  I bought a rabbit from them about a month ago.

I'm sure I can get organs, It will probably involve ordering them way in advance.  None of the places I go to stock brain or lungs or anything like that.
I bought kidneys from the place I get my steaks and livers from and they were super nasty.  My cats wouldn't eat them either.  Either they were frozer burned or I'm going to have to try really hard to get used to kidney. 
I can probably harass some hunters and get local wild caught meat.
They sell wild fish at the grocery store.  I have some in my freezer.  I used to eat fish every couple days, but since I got into the steaks and the livers, I've lost a lot of interest in the fish.  Especially when I'm working.  I have three days off now, so I think I'm going to indulge in some salmon and cod.
I bought raw shrimps too, and a duck breast.  I eat duck breast about once every couple weeks.  Apparently raw shrimps are really high in taurine.  I wonder if my cats will like them.
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2011, 11:47:06 am »
I've got kelp and dulse flakes in my kitchen.  I use to sprinkle the dulse flakes on everything I ate.  I'll start using them again, if you think it's a good idea.  I will have to experiment with the kelp on how to eat it without cooking it.  One seaweed I really like is arame, but I can't find raw arame anymore.
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2011, 08:36:39 pm »
I bought kidneys from the place I get my steaks and livers from and they were super nasty.  My cats wouldn't eat them either.  Either they were frozer burned or I'm going to have to try really hard to get used to kidney. 
I can probably harass some hunters and get local wild caught meat.
They sell wild fish at the grocery store.  I have some in my freezer. 

    Kidneys need to be super fresh for me to eat them.  My cats won't touch them either.  Fermented thoroughly they taste nice and salty to me.  Funny, my cats will eat the head and heart of animals they caught.  Scallops I buy in the store feel like they've been frozen to me and smell awful.  Fermented however again salty tasting and fine.  I think when the kidneys are a couple days sitting in the cooler or many fish once partially frozen start have too much enzyme activity and I can smell that.  Once the enzymes are apparently used up for their purpose to break down the item, it may work better to eat it for our safe nourishment.
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2011, 09:24:08 pm »
so fresh as in fresh from the animal, and not previously frozen?
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2011, 10:02:55 pm »
I've got kelp and dulse flakes in my kitchen.  I use to sprinkle the dulse flakes on everything I ate.  I'll start using them again, if you think it's a good idea.  I will have to experiment with the kelp on how to eat it without cooking it.  One seaweed I really like is arame, but I can't find raw arame anymore.

I don't know how to eat kelp without cooking.  Maybe thorough blending might work. Dulse is good, try to get the kind that hasn't been dried out too much.

It's good to eat fresh instead of frozen fish, if you can.  I would definitely try to get some fresh adrenals.

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2011, 10:08:19 pm »
so fresh as in fresh from the animal, and not previously frozen?

    Right.  Many types of fish lose nutritional value when they've been frozen to an extent that they can become a health hazzard to some extent for those who eat them.
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2011, 08:20:13 am »
k, I was stuck in town all morning and afternoon.  Here is what I ate today:

2 mini cucumbers
1 tomato
1 avocado
1 lemon
2 tablespoons of hemp seeds
2 tablespoons of shredded coconut
celtic salt to taste

Lunch (11 am)
7 sashimi pieces of yellowfin tuna
6 sashimi pieces of tuna belly
1 sashimi pieces of what I think was surf clam (the hard waxy sashimi)

An hour later:
A thing of cut up vegetables from the grocery store which included:
7 cherry tomatoes
7 baby carrots
1 large piece of cauliflower
a handful of broccoli
6 short celery sticks

An other hour later
20 ml of full-fat ranch dressing (prepackaged, refrigerated, but probably not raw)
1/4 cup of sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup of red pepper
1/4 cup of green pepper
a few small pieces of purple onion

Then I got a pack of sugar-free dentyne ice and went through 6 pieces of that today

At about five I drank a caffeinated Tim Horton's coffee with 2 cream and 2 sweeteners ( I limit my coffees to a couple a week)
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2011, 08:28:04 am »
So guys, I have been avoiding eating meats that have not been previously frozen for 14 days.

It would be convenient to just go to the grocery store, pick out a wild salmon or whatever and eat it before freezing, it would probably taste better too.  The couple times that I have eaten beef without freezing it first, I have enjoyed the flavor more.  I'm worried though about catching a parasite.

I have heard about people dying from eating fish without freezing first from an article on how sushi was invented.

I guess it's something I will have to consider.
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2011, 09:00:10 am »
on a side note I have a few little calcium deficiency spots in my recent nail growth, now that I have cut out almonds my calcium intake is really low.  I was watching a video on secrets of longevity and zak suggests making a bone broth, where you slow cook bones for two days than drink it.  Apparently calcium is nor destroyed by heat.  It has the advantage of getting other nutrients out too...One thing I've loved doing since I was bout thirteen is eating chicken bones from KFC and out of those rotisserie chickens.  I would bite of the soft ends, chew them and swallow them then crack the middle parts open, suck all the marrow out.  If the bones were pretty thin and crispy like the rib bones, then I'd just chew them up and eat them whole.  I was craving doing this today
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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2011, 11:28:45 am »
on a side note I have a few little calcium deficiency spots in my recent nail growth, now that I have cut out almonds my calcium intake is really low.  I was watching a video on secrets of longevity and zak suggests making a bone broth, where you slow cook bones for two days than drink it.  Apparently calcium is nor destroyed by heat.  It has the advantage of getting other nutrients out too...One thing I've loved doing since I was bout thirteen is eating chicken bones from KFC and out of those rotisserie chickens.  I would bite of the soft ends, chew them and swallow them then crack the middle parts open, suck all the marrow out.  If the bones were pretty thin and crispy like the rib bones, then I'd just chew them up and eat them whole.  I was craving doing this today

You can get marrow bones and grind them with a file, or just buy bone meal.

Raw wild salmon does have some parasites.  Most ocean-caught fish don't have much in the way of dangerous parasites.

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Re: Hi Guys
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2011, 03:04:25 pm »
Before going to the movies I ate half a bowl of pea pods with 2 tablespoons shredded coconut and 2 tablespoons hemp seeds and 1 tablespoon coconut oil and celtic salt to taste.  I also put one squirt of Bragg's liquid soy into it.

When I got back I ate 5 egg yolks, with 1 small clove of garlic, a couple pinches of fresh cilantro, 1 whole avocado, celtic salt and 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds.  Then I ate 2 tomatoes and two baby cucumbers and one lemon, with 4 small cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds, 2 tablespoons of shredded coconut and celtic salt.
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