Author Topic: liver/Gallblader needs help, paleo liver flush?  (Read 6412 times)

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liver/Gallblader needs help, paleo liver flush?
« on: September 30, 2011, 04:19:58 am »

for a while now I feel quite sick and digest almost nothing any more. Just a little bit of fresh fish, veggies, a little bit of coconut and olives and nuts and stuff. No meat, no fruit, sends me in depression for days, fat makes me nauseous very quickly.
I know that my liver, gallblader and pankreas are totally blocked and I feel like a detox and to fortify this organs.
I already started to take some apple cider vinagre and eat one egg yolk , lemon juice with coconut oil every morning. I am a bit hesitant with the coconut oil because sometimes I feel very nauseous with oil. Would it be also effective to eat fresh coconut meat with the egg and lemon?
First thing in the morning I take a green juice with ginger and lemon and sun warrior
I grind milk thistle seeds and eat dandelion  and mint and other herbs.
Any Ideas what I could do for my liver, gallbladder. I am so fed up to be ill all the time :P
Anybody did the liver flush and which one did you do?
I would like a very gentle one, I am not very strong at the moment.
Is it possible that my liver suffered because I eat often some days old fish and fish eggs (kept them open in my fridge)?
My husband thinks I poisoned myself with nasty bacteria.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 03:15:20 pm by TylerDurden »

Offline Iguana

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Re: liver/Gallblader needs help, paleo liver flush?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2011, 04:53:20 am »
I don't know what's that kind of diet you describe, but it looks fancy to me. All I can say is "eat instincto" and you would be all right. But that's not easy as long as you have to learn it alone by trials and errors without any experienced and knowledgeable person showing you the way to efficiently practice it.

Anyway, that's what we're here for...  ;)
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Re: liver/Gallblader needs help, paleo liver flush?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2011, 07:22:05 am »
I would bet on fresh organic apples, lots of them.  Or even juice them.  Eat a lot for 2 to 3 days of them.

Then do an egg yolk liver flush as described here:

If virgin coconut oil is not for you... use extra virgin olive oil.

And if you want to rebuild your liver, you should be eating raw red meat and raw liver.

Raw clams will also give you the best B12 if raw liver is harder for you to get.
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Offline littleElefant

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Re: liver/Gallblader needs help, paleo liver flush?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2011, 03:56:05 am »
Hi Iguana,

yes, my diet is quite fancy and I change direction every day. Not very reasonable perhaps but I am trying to find out what is best for me.
Instinco eating is great, I tried it a couple of times sort of. In fact it is difficult vor me because I have to skip all high sugar fruit. Just eating loads of meat I tried one year ago but felt sick after a while. I mix and prepare a lot because I have the feeling it is easyer for my body to get the nutritions out of the food (especialy the vegies). To eat instincto you need to have a vide variety and good quality food and that makes it quite complicated.

Hi godsamaritan,

I think I will do the egg liver flush next week. But I cant make the apple thing because I have candida and apples are a very bad Idea. I ordered malic acid and was going to do it as a preparation and apple cider vinagre. And I started taking oxy powder for a gentle colon cleanse as a preparation.
For the egg flush, you just need I tablespoon of oil? This is not so mutch, the other liver flush methods use a lot of oil. And it  work anyway and you get rid of the stones? Did you try it?
Somebody else.
I read that coconut oil is not so great because it is not metabolised by the liver. What do you think?
The main recipe is very general. So you need the same amount for everybody. with my current weight, (40 Kg) don't I need a smaler quantite. (dont want to do to mutch)
I feel very strange when I eat liver, what about fish?

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Re: liver/Gallblader needs help, paleo liver flush?
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2012, 12:26:54 am »
I would bet on fresh organic apples, lots of them.  Or even juice them.  Eat a lot for 2 to 3 days of them.

Then do an egg yolk liver flush as described here:

If virgin coconut oil is not for you... use extra virgin olive oil.

And if you want to rebuild your liver, you should be eating raw red meat and raw liver.

Raw clams will also give you the best B12 if raw liver is harder for you to get.

GS, were you having pains before doing the liver flush that were then resolved, or did you just do it as an experiment?


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