You guys are throwing around the word adaptation quite cavalierly. Pollution, if it makes an organism sick enough to not reproduce, would be adapted to if the organism came up with a way to reproduce still exposed to it. If it wasn't preventing it from reproducing in the first place then it wasn't necessary to adapt to. Adaptation is an ongoing process, as long as a species can A) die and B) reproduce with genetic fidelity then adaptation is happening. Adaptation isn't this magic change that takes an organism from being sickly to looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
If an organism reproduces at rate X and within the same environmental conditions it's reproduction goes up to X+Y (both being positive numbers) then it is increasing it's adaptation to that environment. If the organism still has reproductive rate X but likes how it looks in the mirror more and has more energy to play with the kids that's great but it's still the same adaptation to it's environment.
I don't think I am being too cavalier, if you consider that I have bought on adamantly to the theory of epigenetics, as well as this notion that the DNA has the intelligent determination to survive built within its structure. The structure of life reacts to the environment wether or not the conditions prevent reproduction. Even within a single generation genes can be turned on and off in responce to environmental stimuli. There is a proactive drive that allows organisms to adapt to conditions that aren't necessarily extreme enough to disrupt reproduction. If all the raw materials are available for the optimal well being of the life form then the genetic code will not only adapt for survival , but it will adapt toward the optimal.
This is my new religion: I believe that the structure of life held within the genetic code has the power to perceive and envision a more optimal design in accordance to the demands of the environment. There are mechanisms within the code of life that allow for the forging of a life form, that not only adapts to any circumstance, but thrives in any circumstance. Just look around planet earth and you will see for your self. Life forms extracting geothermal energy from volcanic vents, thieving at temperatures that are near boiling. Animals that fly, swim, burrow in the ground. Every niche on this earth has a life form that has been fitted to it. Survival of the fittest doesn't explain how thouroughly and quickly these adaptions have taken place. An intelligent determination to adapt must be at play.
There is also the phenomenon of gene suppression where the genes that normally operate in order to provide the optimal mode of life are sacrificed( turned off) in order to ensure the survival of the organism in less than optimal conditions.
There is evidence within our evolution of genetic austerity in the face of adverse conditions. Our ancestors survived while other more robust species like cromagnon died out because we have special metabolic adaptions that allowed us to survive off of less calories, as well as the ability to extract nutrients from plant sources. While the more carnivorous hominids died out. Many of these survival adaptions have been passed onto modern man and explain how we can tolerate grains, legumes and starches.
Those adaptions that occurred during the extinction of the other great hominids made us human.We are a product of this genetic will to survive, and those changes that occurred during the end of the paleolithic era are responsible for us having smaller frames and brains than our cromagnon cousins.
No doubt that the process of genetic adaption continues to this day.
The question is a matter of quality, are the current conditions involved in human evolution creating a humanoid of higher quality?
Another question involves the idea of genetic suppression. In order to adapt to cooked foods, heat generated toxins, and other such toxic waste, are we somehow switching off the genes which would normally be active in the structuring of the optimal being of the organism. Are we being genetically gelded? If the preservation instinct of genetic code detects a problem it will switch into austerity mode and dedicate its life energy to survival. The end result will be to cull off the resources that would create a being with the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger, and use its energy to form a being with the ability to metabolize toxins as a Kieth Richards. Only when optimal resources are made available to the organism will the DNA be able to engineer the optimal being.
After generations of harsh environmental changes the genetic changes due to environmental distress may not become an adaption, but insted a degeneration. A species may devolve before adaption becomes a survival necessity. Then only after a mass dieoff of those who failed to make the adaption occurs, will the adaption be carried over into a new species. This may not happen so neatly within the context of modern man because of technological interference. Then agin the spirit of life may call out in distress and be the beacon of hope for people like us who can use technology in a way that will return us to the optimal mode of living.
(only time will tell)