Author Topic: Meningitis vaccine is necessary for raw paleo dieters?  (Read 3872 times)

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Meningitis vaccine is necessary for raw paleo dieters?
« on: October 13, 2011, 03:17:45 am »
Please, explain me about Meningitis and how we raw paleo dieters are safe from this deadly meningities. Do we need vaccine for this meningitis? Thank you.
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Re: Meningitis vaccine is necessary for raw paleo dieters?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2011, 03:32:48 am »
Why does anyone paleo or not, raw or not, need these ingredients injected into their muscles? I think they need to answer that well.  Are they trying to administer it to people outside of the recommended age range I wonder.  Meningitis is a dangerous disease.  I'm the last person that would want to be injected with that.  I'd rather grow it on my highmeat without the formaldehyde if possible.  Raw animal foods are strengtheners to my immune system. 

Meningitis Vaccines Menactra (TM) Meningococcal (Groups A, C, Y and W-135) Polysaccharide Diphtheria Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine
Manufacturer   Aventis Pasteur Microorganism   N. meningitis (strains A, C, Y and W-135), C. diphtheria Licensed   10/03/2006
Recommendations   One 0.5 mL, i.m. injection for those ages 11-55 years.
Ingredients   Ammonium sulfate, Formaldehyde, Sodium chloride, Diphtheria toxoid, Sodium phosphate.
Product Descriptions FDA:
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Re: Meningitis vaccine is necessary for raw paleo dieters?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2011, 03:59:07 am »
what does meningitis have anything to do with raw meat in the first place?

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Re: Meningitis vaccine is necessary for raw paleo dieters?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2011, 05:22:07 am »

    This woman had such a sickly case of recurring meningitis, when a new doctor came on the case, he didn't understand.  She survived against all odds and is well today.  How did she do it?  She learned about raw animal food diet and the rest is history!

The CDC determined that it was not bacterial meningitis but a rare strain of viral meningitis. Over the next ten
months, Renee contracted meningitis five more times. 
She was given a dozen spinal taps and dozens of steroid doses in an effort to stop the excruciating pain from
the headaches, neck pain and back pain. Steroids were the only thing that had any affect on the pain and
swelling in her brain. She was also given massive doses of oral and IV narcotics and antibiotics, on top of what
her morphine pump was already giving her. Unfortunately, nothing worked. 
Renee was bedridden for almost 10 months and was in the hospital for over 130 days. Her skin and eyes
showed signs of jaundice and she had an ashen color to her; she was dying. 
She had to sit in a totally dark bedroom and try, unsuccessfully, at getting comfortable. She couldn’t stand to be
in any kind of light. There wasn’t an hour that went by that she didn’t have an extremely painful and debilitating
head and neck ache. Renee could no longer take care of her daily hygiene. Her husband had to bathe, clothe
and feed her.
After trying more specialists, neurologists, some alternative medicines and a few late night ambulance rides
from home to local hospitals, we decided to take the morphine pump out. It would be done in two separate
surgeries due to her declining health. 2
They scheduled the first surgery to remove the morphine pump’s leads that were implanted into her spinal cord.
When they removed the leads, they found some long green/brown stringy deposits that had been growing at the
end of the morphine delivery leads, inside the connection to her spinal cord. 
The doctor wondered out loud if this could be the cause of the recurring bouts of meningitis. Gee, we wondered,
what do YOU think? Could a direct opening into the spinal column, compounded with some kind of unidentifiable
growth be causing the illness? Hah! The doctor then sent the growth to the pathology department but we’ve
never heard back from them about what it was. 
During the surgery the doctor struggled to seal the opening in her spinal cord, where the leads had just been
removed. They worked for several hours and “thought” they had it sealed. They kept her in the hospital for the
next week. She had to lie flat on her back and not move for 5 days. Finally, the doctors discharged her and told
her they thought they had the hole sealed up well enough for her to go home. They told her to go home and
remain horizontal and in bed. 
Within one weekend, the hole opened up and started to drain all her spinal fluid. Another neurosurgeon was
contacted and an additional surgery was scheduled to repair the large hole. Finally, after weeks of being
immobile and learning to walk again, she went home.
Over the next few months, Renee contracted meningitis two additional times and had to be admitted to the
hospital for each. At this point, all of the doctors involved didn’t know what to do. They said they had never
experienced a patient having this many bouts of meningitis. By the end of March of 2006, her medical team
determined that the best place for her would be Loyola Hospital in Chicago.
The day she was admitted to Loyola, an attending physician routinely asked her what medications she was on.
Renee ran through the entire list of drugs that the previous doctors had tried. She told this doctor that she was
currently on IV narcotics to take away the terrible pain in her head and neck. 
The next morning her new attending doctor came in to talk with her and went over a plan of what they wanted to
try. It included a set of new experimental drugs. They included anti-seizure drugs, steroids and several other
drugs that ultimately made Renee’s heart stop beating. There were two times, over the next two days, that they
had to perform CPR to get her heart started again. 
They also lowered her morphine dosage from IV morphine injections every three hours to 1 pill, every four hours
for the next few days. This put Renee into severe withdrawal from the narcotics. She went through an
excruciating couple of days that included vomiting, convulsions, hallucinations and cold sweats just to name a
During this period, the attending physician kept accusing Renee of just being there for the drugs.  The doctor
couldn’t understand why she had these terrible headaches and these withdrawal symptoms. The doctor
immediately determined that she was faking all of it, and was just another “drug seeking junkie”. 
One morning, the same attending physician brought all ten of the residents on the floor into Renee’s room and
humiliated her in front of them. She proceeded to explain to the young residents that “this lady isn’t here for our
help; she is just looking for more drugs”. The doctor could not believe what Renee was telling her regarding the
amount of medicine she had been taking for the pain. She couldn’t believe that any doctor in their right mind
would have put her on that much narcotic medication. 
The doctor still hadn’t obtained Renee’s medical records, and she also didn’t believe that anyone could have six
cases of meningitis. This is why she most likely thought Renee was lying. Renee was devastated. She broke
down crying in front of all of them. She couldn’t believe that after all she had been through for the past twelve
years, that now she was being called a junkie and a liar. 
The only real saving grace from her visit to Loyola that actually contributed to Renee moving in the right
direction was that they took her off of all narcotics. They didn’t gradually take her off; they just took it off all at
one time. It was a cruel thing to do, especially the way they did it; however, it was what she actually needed.
She certainly didn’t know it at the time, but it was. 
When Renees medical records finally became available, the residents read through them and informed the
attending doctor.  The attending doctor realized her mistake and then tried to make light of it.  She never took 3
responsibility for it and never apologized to Renee.  One by one the resident doctors came in during the day and
apologized for the attending doctors’ behavior.  They couldn’t believe the doctors mistake and the fact that she
wouldn’t apologize.  They said that the ego comes with the territory!  After all the attending was the chief
Just before Renee was about to be discharged from Loyola, they said, “We can’t do anything more for you. We
don’t know why you continue to contract meningitis and if it continues, go to the Mayo Clinic. There’s nothing
more we can do for you”.

    You know what?  Maybe I need meningitis.  I was told I have toxins in the membrane of my brain.  An infection doing what it evolved to do to help human's health should detox that in my opinion.  The prospect of that is scary, just coming up with that now. 
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 05:34:13 am by RawZi »
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Re: Meningitis vaccine is necessary for raw paleo dieters?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2011, 04:42:17 pm »
    If there's a doctor trying to get you, raw, to vaccinate, maybe ask him what I've asked many doctors.  "Do you have your own son(s) and/or daughter(s) given vaccine injections, and if so are they all up to date with the general recommended schedule"?  Almost every time I've asked an M.D. this, they told me their children never get vaccines.  On few occasions the answer is that they are not against vaccines at all, but they are waiting for proof of vaccines, and until then they remain un-vaccinated.  You can have a doctor sign a paper that they personally guarantee the vaccine is healthful, not harmful (make sure there's enough words that it cannot be twisted or misunderstood).  I can almost guarantee any doctor will give up pushing the vaccine on you at this point and not bother about immunizations. 

    Vaccines are made to cull the herd.  All the children get vaccinated at the same age and same times, same with all the military and travelers.   People can die off and get sick right away.  That way the teachers and generals don't have to worry that someone might get the disease, then another person the same disease next month.  This way they get it over with all at once, and feel more in control.  It's all about calming the doctors' nerves.  It does nothing to strengthen the immune system.  It's not nature or God.  It's a toy.  You are not. 
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin


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