interestingly I also read somewhere that replacing saturated fats with PUFAS seems heart healthy. sure though that is just a generalization, as they haven't tested out all the variations of intakes of fats one can have. I think saturated fats can be healthy if raw. Even animal meat,but it's probably like comparing apples to oranges in terms of health effects. If you can do a raw vegan diet correctly it can be done. I just don't agree with how some people say that ALL PUFAS are bad (and veganism is bad, etc.) when all I've read about them are things about the omega 3/6 ratio, their relation to how unsoaked/unsprouted nuts contain lectins and such. Macronutrient ratios, lack of exercise, nutritional deficiencies based on the toxicity of an ignorant modern way of life and all the 'non-foods' in cooked vegan 'foods'. All of these factors can be modified to make an optimal fat intake from these plant foods if one could live in a community that supported this way of life, and the people in it all worked together to make it happen. Not much research has been done on raw food diets.
Even sprouting has been found to reduce lectins/antinutritional factors up to 100% depending on how long one sprouts,the nutrients given, etc. Sure some or in fact most people might still have sensitivities , but that's genetic. Our human ancestry was almost all omnivorous. It could take some work to make sure the next generation doesn't have these sensitivities if one works at it. I think sprouting is a God sent.
I forget to mention the Hippocrates Institute. My latest inspiration - all the people associated with the Hippocrates Institute. I now consider it essential to become a sproutarian. It does take work, but communities can live this way, self sustainably.
Robert Morse is another I've become recently interested in and he shows how fruits are not all that bad. Its just when it is consumed in excess,and/or when it's taking place of other essential nutrients. It's a bit extreme. Though most of the fruitarians that are all about 100% fruit and nothing else it seems like they don't want to accept that humanity has evolved now to live in communities. We no longer have to live as nomads, living in seasons that fruit may not even be available at the times. We now have to learn to live self sustainably. I kind of see the same mindset in meat eaters and even raw meat eaters. Of course we may have a genetic predisposition but that doesn't mean it can't be worked around.
David Jubb is another leader in the raw food movement, and I'm very impressed in a lot of the things he says.
So I'm not saying raw meat eating is wrong. I'm sure one can live healthily. Though I simply choose to not want to kill animals to eat. I would only do so to survive if I can't do anything else. otherwise,if it's not necessary, why do it?