Hi Dorothy, I was doing Muay Thai, amateur.
My biggest obstacle with the raw food diet is getting enough carbohydrates. Maybe we were supposed to be able to run off fat, but for me there are three problems. First, I don't have energy for quick, fast exercise. Second, I have never felt great in ketosis, maybe it gets better, but I doubt it. I feel calm and satisfied but some kind of `awareness' seems to be missing. Third, it seems to me from my own studies that plants and nuts formed a large part of our diet for many millions of years. For me it is incredibly obvious that we are not supposed to just eat meat, or we would be sentient beasts with claws and fangs and a gut to match.
I liked very much how you said that even if there are no health problems, doesn't mean it is the best diet. I never had any big problems on any diet, except for my teeth. I have had mood problems and drowsiness problems, but little that I could definitively class as a health problem. I have often wondered if the Eskimos or the Bushmen really feel THAT great. I mean, trudging for miles through the kalahari desert, or through endless ice and snow, I'm not sure I would be able to tell whether my aches, pains and mood were a result of diet or not. Humans' biggest asset is our adaptability, but that doesn't mean something is good for us.
Well, I feel best when I eat a LOT of vegetables and small portions of meat and fat with every meal. I don't feel great when I eat a lot of meat, but if I go without, very soon I am craving some. I don't feel good when I eat a lot of fruit. The problem is, how do I get enough carbs to feel good all day? I'm trying to slowly increase my ability to handle fiber, so that I can eat more and more green planty material. If I don't manage to find a balance, I will probably add a little sweet potato or beans here and there (cooked).
Thanks for a great thread.