Dorothy, You're using chemically extracted or synthesized vitamin D and you are trying to tell me that unheated, fermented cod/skate liver oil is not good for you? Seems kind of hypocritical to me.
Everyone is of course entitled to their own views, but that is just the type of inconsistent viewpoint that makes you and the RAF movement look suspicious. Fermented cod liver oil is allowed through my filter because it is a food, not a processed, industrial
product. So far as I can tell your jarrow formula is sourced fromm sheeps wool. How do you think they extract the cholesterol from the sheeps wool? A chemical solvent to be sure. Then they take that and expose it to uv radiation and then likely use another solvent to isolate the synthesized vitamin d3. Does that sound healthy to you? If so then what in the world is wrong with processed foods? Of course jarrow's vitamin D3 not being healthy doesn't make FC(S)LO healthy, but it shows that you may have a faulty line of thinking.
Furthermore, I don't know what experts you are quoting but there are other experts that claim that vitamins D and A are synergistic NOT antagonistic. The WAPF site has numerous articles explaining why.
I agree that sun is probably the best source for vitamin D, but here in the northern latitudes it's either tanning beds (which would be great except for the accompanying EMR from the power units) or lots of seafood which may come with it's own inherent problems, or FC(S)LO which has been used for centuries and is a food, not an isolated industrial synthetic.
Plus you are practicing nutritionism, ie: 'science' (if you can call it that) tells us we should be getting x amount of this or that and y of another. When in reality there are so many compounds and subcompounds and co-compounds that to try and get a certain amount of any in a healthy way is virtually impossible. Nutritionism is faulty because you can neither know exactly how much of any nutrients you are getting because they vary from animal to animal and from habitat to habitat and plant to plant, nor can you even know all of the compounds in a food nor how each permutation of compounds is going to affect your health.
The best we can really do is stick to foods that have meet our standards ( are unheated, not chemically tainted, not animals fed unnatural diets, not gmo, etc) and try to get the foods that best complete our basic nutritional needs.
I eat FSLO because I can easily see the affects and because it meets my standards for being a food, not an industrial product.
If you haven't read the WAPF's section on CLO then I suggest you give it a check.... your 'experts' are assuredly studying folks on standard diet models or SAD diets, not people like ourselves who eat more intuitively/naturally.