Troll - you and I are seeing eye to eye. The power and violence issues are at the core. I really want to get that point across to any woman that might be reading this -- as well as any men or children for that matter who have been victims. You never know who might be reading and what experiences they might have had or will have.
If you are going about being you and someone forces you to do (or does something to you) that you clearly have stated (or that it is obvious) that you don't want, even if you were flirting or kissing, fondling or in any way being natural in your own body, relaxed in your own sexual energy and expression - including your dress - it is NOT your fault! It is someone forcing themselves on you in violence. Your spouse and/or family were also violated. Please find support and hold onto the ones that you love and make sure if you can that you do what you can to make sure that the violent person that did that to you won't do it to someone else. Make sure you talk about it - report it! Make sure you work it through. Even if you were in a bikini with high heels and lots of makeup - that gives NO ONE the right to abuse you.
The Justice Department estimates that one in five women will experience rape or attempted rape during their college years alone! And less than five percent of these rapes will be reported. That's just the college years mind you and even the elderly are raped.
Domestic violence is another aspect of this discussion where women feel trapped and unable to protect themselves and occurs much more in low-income households.
The number of women dealing with this issue is astronomical. Women and families often feel alone because they won't talk - when in fact - it's such a common experience that it's heart-wrenching.
Women can feel shamed or trapped or without options. You have options.
And I want to mention something that I think is pertinent to this forum. Natural life energy is connected to sexual energy. When you are very strong and healthy from eating well you likely will exude life force. It can be misinterpreted. Don't let fear stop you from letting your light shine. With such a high percentage of women being victims, I highly suggest women practice a martial art - just like it makes sense to eat a cancer preventing diet with the high cancer statistics in the United States.
If you want to prevent violence and disease, learn to defend yourself - don't count on cowering because often perpetrators look for people that they perceive to be weak and easier targets and cowering when it comes to health just doesn't work. I think it's better to be pro-active and take charge of your own body and make sure you know how to defend it. Don't depend on anyone else doing it for you.
Well - that's enough of my rant. I got it out and now need a good long rest.