I just took a little course in olive oil from a small store in town that sells only olive oil. It was quite disheartening what they said but jived completely with my own experience. I haven't had a decent non-rancid olive oil that smelled right in years.
I learned that all truly extra-virgin olive oil is raw. If they label it raw - it's just a way to make it more expensive. The heat cannot be higher than in the 80 degrees F or it will make it more acid than fits the description of extra-virgin. But........ over 70% of oils being sold as extra virgin simply are not. There is no regulation. There is soooo much that goes into whether or not the oil is healthy or not. We did taste testing where we learned how to taste good oil. The color is not to be gone by because nowadays they add coloring to oil to make it look more green because people do not know how to smell or taste good olive oil in our country. I also learned that the Italians import oils from other places and ship them out again so that it can be said to be from Italy therefore Italy is not the best source for olive oil any more. Believe it or not the best place is Australia because they have good laws! I bought an oil from the people at Con Olio that originated in Australia (date of press labelled - vitally important) that smells like wheatgrass and tastes like heaven.
If the oil is not labeled as to the press date - don't buy it. Almost all oils are already rancid on the shelf and most are mixed with other oils and even if they charge you $40 a bottle it could still be crap. The KEY element is freshness. I wish I could teach y'all over the internet how to smell and taste the difference!
You could all just have Con Olio ship you Hojiblanca and you would know. The smell is delightful, if you slurp it it burns the back of your throat like pepper (all good oils do) and it's light.
It's also important at what stage of development the olives are picked at. Most olives aren't picked at the right time.
Oh - I could go on and on and on ......... I adore a really good olive oil.
Throw that stuff in the tin away - it more than likely rancid and toxic and might not even be olive oil. No good olive oil is completely clear. For all you know it might have been cut with canola.