You know, except for him seeming to deny the existence of non-sweet fruit eating raw paleolithic dieters I agree with everything he has to say. I would like to have seen him actually do the experiments he talks about having done. If he was a little more open to other ideas and was more transparent in his own I would take what he says a lot more seriously. I've noticed bloating on green juice and milk as well. In fact I'm pretty sure the whole time I was on raw vegan eating a lot of greens and green juices my stomach was bloated. And milk does a similar thing, but it's more discomfort than visible bloating.
I just don't get his reasoning sometimes is all. He says we need dairy for this and that, and I used to think butter was necessary for fat until I found out there is fat on the animal that people hardly ever eat. Why isn't he telling people to eat the fat of the animal? He pushes meat, a little bit of organs (he should push those more right?) and never mentions fat at all. I think in one recipe he says to use meat trimmings to make a meat sauce with some other ingredients. I mean, ya if you're gonna remove all the fat on your meat and never buy whole fat to eat from the animal then you would need another source, and dairy would be a good choice considering the plant based options out there. And he pushes the green juice when he should know that organs contain all the stuff you want in the green juice with none of the anti-nutrients. And you don't need a juicer for it, and it costs less, and when you eat it you get micro nutrients AND macro nutrients, while when you drink juice you get hardly any calories it's mostly water and then vitamins and minerals and anti-nutrients.
I used to be very passionate about getting a lab where I could test things like what he supposedly did, but gave up on it because graduate school from what I've seen and heard is not about projects like that these days. I would probably have to move far away, slave all day in the lab and help teach, get paid in peanuts, and then not even be able to do the projects I want. So we'll never know whether what he says about this or that enzyme in this or that food doing this or that, because you know mainstream science will never look into it.