Diarrhea is absolutely normal when becoming accustomed to new types of raw animal foods. It can be expected when introduced to a new source of raw milk, or raw milk in general for the first time. Can be expected with new varieties of animals, or new sources of animals. It is part of an adjustment process that takes place in the gut. It is also a product of detoxification. Anyone coming off of any kind of cooked diet can expect to experience some diarrhea, colds, flus, and possibly some vomiting. As you continue to detox these periods should become less frequent, shorter in duration and less intense/severe. That's assuming you cut any vices (sugar, smoking, alcohol, stress, etc) to a minimum. If you keep taking in an excessive (relative to you, YMMV) amount of toxins you can expect more frequent detoxes. If you pay attention to your body, eventually you will find a limit or learn to recognize signs when you are going overboard with those toxins. For example I know when I'm smoking too much reefer or when I'm eating too much sugar or alcohol because I will begin to get the sniffles and congestion as well as fatigue. Everyone is different and different toxins will stimulate you differently.
Which leads to your next query, about some here saying yes fruits, others saying no fruits, etc. This is because each person has a different set of acceptable foods written in to their genetic code. This is IMO a combined result of your ancestry, exposure to sever toxins like vaccines, lack of exposure to immuno-stimulants in your formative years (eczema, asthma anyone?) and many other factors. Strictly speaking it is your ancestry and what your parents are exposed to before and (your mom)during your gestation, but effectively the other components play a large role as well. That's why some people can tolerate fruit and larger amounts of sugar and others cannot. It's also why some people thrive on almost exclusively meats and others do not. There's a host of other factors too. Some people can't tolerate things until they have healed to a certain extent, then they find they can eat foods that hitherto produced nasty effects for them.
Yep, keep reading, and PAY ATTENTION to your body. It will tell you what you can and can't have and learn to differentiate between detox and things you truly aren't meant to eat.
There are general guidelines, most people can eat all the meat they want healthfully. Most, fish as well.
Refined sugar and grains(at least when not fermented) are toxic to most.
Some people can digest fruits and honey. Some, veggies. Some, nuts. Some, dairy. Some, eggs.
Some will disagree with what I've said, but the bottom line is, the journey to healthful eating is personal one that no one else can determine for you, though we here on the forum can maybe help you navigate it a bit!