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Offline Charlie4444

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What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« on: January 30, 2012, 10:36:59 am »
I'm a month into eating 95% raw meat, veggies and fruit and practicing and researching all the help on here, and self-experimenting, and still am not cured.  My problem is lack of excitment, enthusiasm, I feel half awake all day, except from midnight till 3 am I'm very hyper, I am narcaleptic - meaning that during the day I will feel the urge to workout, then when I train hard, my head and eyes become extremely tired suddenly I may peel over in public.  I always feel like doing something when I'm in bed, then when I get up to do something, I get extremely tired, and this cycle never ends.  Same socially - when I"m alone I want to be with people, when I'm with friends, I want to be alone. Anyway, I pretty much know everything about raw Paleo, so don't give me anything obvious, is there anything new out there?

Any tricks that people found for curing severe mental illness?   


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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2012, 10:53:07 am »
I would give it some time. This 'diet' is miraculous, and often people feel acute results immediately, but it took me about 2 years slackly eating raw animal foods before I got on top of my problems entirely and almost completely stopped getting sick. Now pretty well the only things I get if I behave (defined as keeping refined sugars, grains and alcohol to a minimum), are diarrhea and a stuffy nose (from coffee and cream). The diarrhea is normal from time to time, the stuffy nose is cooked dairy.

A month is NOT enough to have a serious impact on your health. You will need to play around with the amounts and types of foods, especially if you're addressing some mental issues. For me the main thing is that I get some sort of raw animal foods in goodly proportions and I avoid the no-no's. But for you it's likely specific compounds in specific foods will be more beneficial for you than others. You might also want to learn in to using herbs, even reefer to combat your mental stuff.

I remember though the way I used to feel like you said, lonely when alone, but crowded when with others. I believe the diet helped a lot with my social anxiety around others, and being complete and present in and of myself when alone. I also feel like my energy is balanced. Not too lethargic but not freaking out either.

Sounds like your system needs some TLC. Play around with different types and combos of raw foods, make sure your meats are grass fed or nutrient dense depending on the animal and stay away from alcohol no matter what.

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 11:13:38 am »
You have a good way of expressing yourself and your plight.  Each of the points you mention - being awake when you are awake and asleep when you are asleep, working out, enjoying life... and so on... has a specific way of being addressed.  It starts though with a good general balance of what you are eating - a daily plan - such as Aajonus describes in the section called Recommendations in The Recipe for Living Without Disease.  It is only a few pages but it has done wonders for me personally for a decade and will continue to do so.

Offline Wattlebird

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 11:35:51 am »
Hi Charlie
I guess you have (or I recommend you should) devote as much time as you can outdoors in nature, getting plenty of natural light on the skin, breathing good air in forests, fields, parks or gardens and at the beach also. If you have any extra time during night hours, under the moon and stars is also beneficial especially in the locations mentioned previously.
Try and get away from the computer, television, cell phones, neon lighting, etc as much as you possibly can.
In short, immerse yourself in the outdoors, regardless of weather (within reason).
Let the winds, sounds, smells wash through you.
Nature is a wonderful healer. Maximise the opportunity.
Kind wishes, J
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 12:12:22 pm by Wattlebird »


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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 12:00:50 pm »
Yeah, totally!

Also you might consider multiple chemical sensitivity. There may be some things that this diet can't address, like toxins in the home, from vents, water, building materials etc.

I just started doing some writing for a guy that retro fits houses with less toxic materials and also does mold and radon remediation. Basically he looks at the whole house and determines possible vectors of toxicity, then applies solutions. He got in to the biz because he almost died from MCS, until he rehab'd his house with cleaner materials. He thinks cleaner homes and clean food is the be all end all of health. Obviously I think raw foods play an important role there too, but when this diet actually does fail (more like if, I don't actually hear too many failure stories) in that case I'd sure be looking at other factors like the home and environmental exposures...though ususally that awareness naturally evolves on this diet because you move from being afraid of germs to being conscious and aware of the real cause of disease, which are toxins.

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 03:06:44 pm »
I'm a month into eating 95% raw meat, veggies and fruit and practicing and researching all the help on here, and self-experimenting, and still am not cured.  My problem is lack of excitment, enthusiasm, I feel half awake all day, except from midnight till 3 am I'm very hyper, I am narcaleptic - meaning that during the day I will feel the urge to workout, then when I train hard, my head and eyes become extremely tired suddenly I may peel over in public.  I always feel like doing something when I'm in bed, then when I get up to do something, I get extremely tired, and this cycle never ends.  Same socially - when I"m alone I want to be with people, when I'm with friends, I want to be alone. Anyway, I pretty much know everything about raw Paleo, so don't give me anything obvious, is there anything new out there?

Any tricks that people found for curing severe mental illness?   

Your case requires a house visit.  And face to face meetings.
Diet is just 1 factor in this thing called health.
If you visit my there are many angles to look into.
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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 03:33:52 pm »
I would ask you to look into:

- grounding, barefoot, grounding while sleeping, grounded bed
- shutting off all electronics in your house, no wifi, no computers at a certain time.
- changing the lights to incandescent yellow, low wattage
- enact discipline in your sleeping schedule, sleep by 9pm
- absolutely zero television and computers by 6pm.
- zero chemicals on your body

Many other things.
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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2012, 06:46:16 pm »

I think these are really good suggestions. There is a lot more to health than just diet. I have recently lost my job and I'm living in a new city with zero friends except one or two people I've met. It is very easy for me to become addicted to electronics, wifi, computers, tv, and end up having really poor sleep and a racing mind. Thank you for reminding me about what I need to do.

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2012, 12:22:33 am »
Hi Charlie
     I feel sad for you. What happens from 12-3am? Can you get up and workout with out feeling sleepy? I think you would in part be crazed and depressed just from being chronically out of touch with a healthy sleep pattern. If your body is wide awake then get fun exercise then. Being outside and the cleaning up of mold/toxins are necessary if you haven't already addressed them.  It can take months to recover. Our house had black mold when we moved in and we didn't get rid of for 5 months. We all felt better once it was gone, but my daughter developed bad asthma and she still has a touch of it 4 years later. So, stick with all of those things. They might not cure you, but they are helping.
     I wonder if it is a safety issue. Of course you crave human connection, but that can be loaded with problems that can be scary, not a violence issue, but a, "people aren't going to understand/like me issue". The other part is, "I'm never going to find people that I understand/like, so I'd rather spare myself the pain of disappointment". This can be a job I like, place I like, even restaurant, movie, etc.
     I have felt like I didn't fit into this society at all and it felt exhausting to hold myself up and keep my eyes open. I felt like finding a dark cave or a comfy bed. Sound at all familiar?  realize that I don't fit into society and I think it's a zoo, that I need to escape from. So, I plan my little escapes often. Time to run and imagine things are just as I like them. I like to imagine my goddess friend. She understands and likes me and is a interesting, beautiful and powerful. I am actually connecting to the powerful and healthy part of myself, and developing an exciting friendship. The more I explore, like and accept myself the more I release barriers to be myself with others and enjoying my life. It isn't hard it is just different. Maybe you'd like to try your something like it.
     When you are awake and alert unleash your energy by moving in a fun and free way, find an activity/exercise that feeds you and pumps up your soul and imagine a life you would enjoy, no matter how different from reality it is. If you don't have people to connect to or they aren't available when you have the capacity to connect make them up and make them exactly how you want them. This practice helps you connect to your true desires even if it is mainly in your imagination. Create a safe and fun experience. Do it often and improve it when you can. It's a good start. A base to move forward from. The beginning of a grand adventure. I hope this helps a little.
know thyself and all of the mysteries of the gods and the universe will be revealed.
Oracle at Delphi

Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
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Odin, who chose to be weak and hang form the tree of the world (the universe), to capture the Runes (wisdom), so he (omnipotent) grew...
Each true word and deed leads to my manifestation of the true me.

Offline Charlie4444

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2012, 12:27:26 am »
Hi Charlie
     I feel sad for you. What happens from 12-3am? Can you get up and workout with out feeling sleepy? I think you would in part be crazed and depressed just from being chronically out of touch with a healthy sleep pattern. If your body is wide awake then get fun exercise then. Being outside and the cleaning up of mold/toxins are necessary if you haven't already addressed them.  It can take months to recover. Our house had black mold when we moved in and we didn't get rid of for 5 months. We all felt better once it was gone, but my daughter developed bad asthma and she still has a touch of it 4 years later. So, stick with all of those things. They might not cure you, but they are helping.
     I wonder if it is a safety issue. Of course you crave human connection, but that can be loaded with problems that can be scary, not a violence issue, but a, "people aren't going to understand/like me issue". The other part is, "I'm never going to find people that I understand/like, so I'd rather spare myself the pain of disappointment". This can be a job I like, place I like, even restaurant, movie, etc.
     I have felt like I didn't fit into this society at all and it felt exhausting to hold myself up and keep my eyes open. I felt like finding a dark cave or a comfy bed. Sound at all familiar?  realize that I don't fit into society and I think it's a zoo, that I need to escape from. So, I plan my little escapes often. Time to run and imagine things are just as I like them. I like to imagine my goddess friend. She understands and likes me and is a interesting, beautiful and powerful. I am actually connecting to the powerful and healthy part of myself, and developing an exciting friendship. The more I explore, like and accept myself the more I release barriers to be myself with others and enjoying my life. It isn't hard it is just different. Maybe you'd like to try your something like it.
     When you are awake and alert unleash your energy by moving in a fun and free way, find an activity/exercise that feeds you and pumps up your soul and imagine a life you would enjoy, no matter how different from reality it is. If you don't have people to connect to or they aren't available when you have the capacity to connect make them up and make them exactly how you want them. This practice helps you connect to your true desires even if it is mainly in your imagination. Create a safe and fun experience. Do it often and improve it when you can. It's a good start. A base to move forward from. The beginning of a grand adventure. I hope this helps a little.

^ I appreciate your empathy, but these are the kind of advices of the mind that I hate.  For along time I thought changing my mind was all I had to do.  What a waste of time and aggravating period that was!
These are surprisingly good responses.  I am moving to Hawaii tomorrow and just living in sunshine and sleeping and no electronics.  I'm going to try to not live under cellphone radiation too if possible.   Even so, I"m 23 years old, I shouldn't be having these problems.

Offline Wattlebird

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2012, 08:46:04 am »
I am moving to Hawaii tomorrow and just living in sunshine and sleeping and no electronics.  I'm going to try to not live under cellphone radiation too if possible.   Even so, I"m 23 years old, I shouldn't be having these problems.

Hi Charlie,
In my work I see the most profound healing to mind/body/spirit  when the perception changes from (shouldn't be happening to me) to one of (ok, this is how things are at present)
In accordance with this change in viewpoint, the inner thought battle subsides and the particular 'health challenge' can be embraced (or more easily accepted) as an opportunity for overall growth.
The move to a sunny, coastal/rainforest setting sounds great.
My best wishes are with you

« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 08:56:30 am by Wattlebird »

Offline Charlie4444

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2012, 11:53:27 am »
I appreciate all the advices that are technical.  Things that involve food, sunshine, radiation poison, exercise, diet, healing time, super foods, plans of meeting/working together, are good.  However, from already trying this desperately, I HATE perception change advice, it doesn't do anything!  Psychology isn't real! 


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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2012, 12:44:37 pm »
I can see how you might not think that if your mental faculties aren't functioning properly, but believe you me, altering your perception does work. Try it again when you've gotten on top of your issues.

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2012, 01:16:41 pm »
However, from already trying this desperately, I HATE perception change advice, it doesn't do anything! 

True, perception-change advice does nothing. Perception creates reality, so perception change does everything, include make other healing modalities work effectively.

A first step is to identify the benefits you perceive from your ailments. This is very difficult to do because we do not want to lose benefits. Once you uncover and identify these benefits, your healing work is two-thirds done, and you will see that perception change does work.

The symptoms you describe can be attributed to many things, such as PTSD, sleep apnea, environmental pollution (including poisons, noise, city lights, etc.), mineral or hormonal imbalances, to name a handful. In eastern medicine, waking up when you do suggests a liver imbalance, which goes hand in hand with anger.

Enjoy Hawaii, and check in with us once in a while to let us know how you are doing.
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Offline Wattlebird

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2012, 02:06:44 pm »
Hi Charlie
just to further illustrate perception.
I have worked with an individual who believed that something was wrong with him because he was gay.
Superficially he understood that this was not the case, but not wholeheartedly.
However, with work (and prying apart the deeper beliefs that sustained this viewpoint that there was something wrong with being gay) his negative viewpoint about himself changed completely and he was able to accept himself.
Perception  changed because what he had previously thought was 'wrong' was seen in a different light completely.
Along with the change in thinking, so to impacted on body as well, and a particular health issue cleared up.
Likewise, with perception change (through meditative and associated work), many people with cancer, go into extended remission, or live for much longer than the medical prognosis, or even become completely 'cured'.
By giving up the inner battle between 'this shouldn't be happening' and what is happening (at the time), a harmonious accord in the mind/body unit occurs.
What, and how one views ones circumstances can change.
Perception can change and the effects can be profound indeed.
Kindest wishes, J
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 03:32:44 pm by Wattlebird »

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2012, 03:50:40 pm »
I appreciate all the advices that are technical.  Things that involve food, sunshine, radiation poison, exercise, diet, healing time, super foods, plans of meeting/working together, are good.  However, from already trying this desperately, I HATE perception change advice, it doesn't do anything!  Psychology isn't real! 

Patience, my son is 10 years old and he's been through too much already.  Just to put things in perspective.

Psychology is real.  Be calm, be patient, be logical.  And have a positive outlook that the answers are there.
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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2012, 09:32:55 am »
Have you had any medical tests, like a simple blood panel?

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2012, 11:21:32 am »
I'm going with the Liver issues diagnosis. I have similar problems. 

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2012, 12:46:57 pm »
Just had to let you know... I'm fine with you not being into what I said. I like that you are clear about what you want and don't want. And I feel much less bad for you living in Hawaii. Hope you are able to really enjoy it.
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I grew and well I was;
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Each true word and deed leads to my manifestation of the true me.

Offline Charlie4444

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2012, 06:41:58 am »
What would one do to fix the liver?
Any raw paleo 'ers in hawaii?

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2012, 07:00:00 am »

I'm with Cherimoya - 1-3 am is when the liver meridian is most active. Symptoms sound so much much like liver.

The best way to heal your liver is to give it good food with less toxins to have to deal with. The liver has to process the toxins. And especially eat - only good raw fats - so much easier on the liver than cooked bad fats.

No need to go wild with cleanses etc. Slow steady progress and changing habits. Living in the sun of Hawaii and that fresh air. Good for you taking charge like that.

You will have all that fresh raw fish there. So helpful.

Success is yours if you are willing to change your habits - which obviously you are - moving to paradise.

Best of luck to you.

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2012, 08:28:55 am »
What would one do to fix the liver?
Any raw paleo 'ers in hawaii?

    I think maybe Kieba of Body Temple Boot Camp fame before eating raw meat, her organs were deteriorated (reportedly from vegan body building), I think her liver was one of the deteriorated organs. I think the first raw meat she tried is raw liver.  You can find her site online. She's healthy  living and working at her sportscamp in Pahoa.  She calls what she eats Retro Raw and wrote some recipe books that she sells.
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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2012, 11:19:02 am »
What would one do to fix the liver?
Any raw paleo 'ers in hawaii?

Massaging acupuncture points along the Liver and especially the Gallbladder acupoint meridians might help.  If you find sore points, especially if they are very sore, then they need massaging, usually.

Stretching is good for the liver, too.  It helps clean toxins out.

Spending time lying down each down is good too.

You might want to take a look at Esther Gokhale's work.  Postural issues can really make a difference.

Offline Charlie4444

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2012, 01:11:49 pm »
Have you had any medical tests, like a simple blood panel?
Yes, low vit d, low iron, but overall they say nothings wrong with me

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Re: What if raw Paleo doesn't work?
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2012, 01:17:56 pm »
Did you see that Cherimoya? Low Vitamin D. Seems like this gentleman needs an education! ;)


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