I heard that acne could be a sign of liver congestion{ usually caused by excess carbs, food tolerances, and other miscellaneous toxic overload.
Once the liver becomes congested, it can no longer metabolize the hormonal waste of the body. During the teenage years there is excess levels of new hormones being produced by the glands, that the body has not yet had time to adapt to. What realy makes it worse is the poor diet of the average teenager , that overburdens the livers ability to handle this upsurge of hormones. The excess hormones that cant be metabolized by the liver will make their way to the skin where they will be excreted through the oil ducts. Excess excretion will cause the ducts to clog up and develop the little pustules known as acne. The little red infected bumps are really a way for the body to detox.
My general advice for treating acne from a raw paleo perspective (Goes as follows)
First; Seek out and eliminate the most suspected culprits in the diet and environment.
Acne often erupts in cycles that are hard to break. I had bad as a teenager. I discovered that trying to over wash with astringent cleaners made things worse. Sun tanning seems to help. I remember my acne wasn't so bad in the summer when I was outdoors all day, getting fresh air , lots of sunlight and exercise.
There is no single magic solution. Acne is a sign of an overall imbalance, and should be dealt with holistically. Once the suspected foods are found and eliminated, and all the fancy cosmetics thrown in the trash, and the skin gets enough fresh air and sunshine; then you can begin to think about adding some good paleo nutrition to finish the treatment.
Raw egg yolk seem like a good start, They are cleansing and nourishing to the liver, and the skin. Replace the carb rich starches, sugars, grains, and whatever else is thought to be an acne trigger, with more paleo friendly healing foods like fatty meats, and avocados.