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routine criticism
« on: February 04, 2012, 02:25:21 am »
Hi everyone. I have recently developed a new set of routines for diet and exercise and would appreciate some criticism. Here it is:

(1) (wake-up)--mobilize the joints then: magnesium/zinc/vitamin d/ vitamin c with a 1/2 cup of lemon juice
(walk with a weight vest for 40 minutes)
Meal 1: 1 dozen egg yolks/ 40-50 grams of cheese / dried parsley and oregano / 2 tbsps gelatin powder / 12 coffee beans / handful of boiled cabbage
meal 2: 8 oz. beef with culture butter or tallow (+ 1 vitamin d)
Workout(weights 45 minutes)
meal 3: 1 dozen egg whites / cheese(50 grams)(or liver 6 oz. every 3rd day) coconut+ spices and herbs mag/zinc/vit.d/vit.c
walk with vest(again)
meal 4: meat(8 oz.) + butter or tallow(+ 1 vitamin d)

Let me know what you think.

Offline svrn

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Re: routine criticism
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2012, 02:04:52 pm »
Take foods that contain magnesium/zinc/vitamin d/ vitamin c instead of eating them in isolated form. They are much more utilizable by your body and wont cause the damage that solvent extracted nutrients will. Cut out the coffee beans and cabbage and gelatin powder. Increase the meat.

Just try to keep everything as natural as possible and always raw.

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Re: routine criticism
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2012, 02:37:37 pm »

clearly seems a little rigid..but may cover some perhaps neglected bases. If it was me, I would move most of the non raw meat/eggs fat stuff till one meal at the end of the day. Also, would it compute more to just drink the coffee after morning arisel ritual?

I'm imagining your vest says personman.

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Re: routine criticism
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2012, 10:23:41 pm »
#1 - I'd seriously find a way to get rid of all the supplements.  Get better food. 

#2 - Why do you have complicated food combinations? 
1 dozen egg yolks/ 40-50 grams of cheese / dried parsley and oregano / 2 tbsps gelatin powder / 12 coffee beans / handful of boiled cabbage

#3 - seriously try to strive for 100% raw. (boiled cabbage?) cheese? gelatin powder? coffee beans?

#4 - just curious why you have 1 meal with just egg yolks.  Then you have another meal with just egg whites?

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Re: routine criticism
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2012, 11:48:06 pm »
You eat coffee beans? Why?
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Offline personman

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Re: routine criticism
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2012, 02:19:54 pm »
In answer to some of the above questions: I mainly have the diet I have because of lack of financial resources at present. Coffee=lipolysis and neural stimulation as well as a little magnesium and anti-O2; cabbage to get some fibre to facilitate digestion and clearance; gelatin to balance amino acids(no great sources available for gelatin---the real is definitely not the ideal here of course); Why the dozen whites then the dozen yolks?: mainly because this way ±I only cook once per day and take the whites post workout as a quick protein and it is a good catalyst of the herbs and spices I consume--also I like to eat the yolks raw and cook the whites so I've found it most efficient to break them up...IF I were better off I would simply toss the whites and consume 2 dozen yolks per day. IF cheese had less calcium and sodium I would consume much more as I find it more easily digestible than meat(unless the meat is ground. I would like to generate a good protein source by consuming meal worms and intend to start a worm farm for personal consumption as well as for commercial purposes.


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