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Offline joej627

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Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« on: February 25, 2012, 11:07:55 am »
Hey guys,

had adrenal issues for past few years. anxiety, stress, etc.  gluten/dairy really screwed me up. immune issues/possible lyme.  On GAPS diet basically but keep shifting more towards the raw except can't eat raw veggies.  Basically on raw fats (coconut, olive oil, raw eggs, raw kefir, some nuts), lots of steamed veggies, some saurkraut, and cooked animal protein.  I eat my beef/lamb/fish pretty rare.  Anyways, trying to recover my body.  Main problems are adrenals, digestion/elimination, liver, chronic infections (possible lyme).  Anybody been through similar stuff and had success recovering?


Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 12:31:42 pm »
Well, simply eating the adrenals of grassfed animals is very useful.  As well, I recommend some fatty fish.  I also recommend cutting out the veggies, and switching to high Brix fruit instead, in moderate amounts.

Offline Charlie4444

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2012, 12:52:56 pm »
Try high-meat, which is not eating tons of raw meat!  Let meat get sour and moldy, then eat it. It seems to work for some reason.

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2012, 06:08:56 pm »
I suggest you first need to get used to and enjoy the taste of raw, fresh meats(grassfed or wild meats, as grainfed meat won't do). Once you've done that, try "high-meat" like the above poster said:-

"High-meat" appears to boost one's mood/concentration and energy levels. It is very effective indeed.

I should add that my own glandular system was pretty much wrecked by the time I went rawpalaeo. In hindsight, most of my health-problems at the time were due to wrecked adrenal and thyroid glands. Over the years pre-RPD diet, I had gradually developed an inability to digest cooked animal foods easily( one of the many possible symptoms of adrenal burnout, apparently) and got massive stomach-aches after eating any cooked animal food at all, along with chronic constipation and a 100 other health-problems(well, OK, c.40). Switching to raw vegan/fruitarian diets got rid of the stomach-aches but didn't solve my main health-problems at all. So the RPD diet was a real lifesaver for me.

Other than the above, I would suggest you cut out the kefir for a few months to see if you do better on it. By all means reinclude it in your diet if you don't notice any difference.
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Offline jessica

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2012, 10:16:52 pm »
ive had the same issues....although the weird symptoms that those attribute to lime/candida etcetc autoimmune issues i understand stem from my own bad habits creating disbiosis, so i do label it but really know its just a manifestation of that...makes it a whole lot easier to work on when i know its really up to me, but that i am also capable, to cure myself

get some raw butter in your diet in place of the olive oil and nuts......!  also caution on eating adrenals, take them sparingly, i think that they can over stimulate which is also not healing

always cook your veggies! even greens, just simmer them in a small amount of water with maybe some butter thrown in, keep the pot covered and drink the water...different veggies require different cooking time but you will know, through your own experiment, when they are the most digestible for you:)  only lettuce, dandelion, purslane, parsley. fennel, cilantro and a few others i have really been able to digest raw for the most part, but self experiement!

Offline joej627

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2012, 12:07:59 am »
Thanks guys,

I definitely know the raw fats/proteins (especially egg yolk, raw butter) really help with the adrenals.  Part of the problem is that the adrenals are fighting off the infections/inflammation.  Has anybody done one of those "egg yolk" liver flushes?  I think i'm getting to the point of wanting to do some sort of flush but i have never heard of it before and don't want to screw myself up.  I have done coffee enemas before but debating doing a big liver flush of some kind.  Jessica, i agree sometimes more is not necessarily better.  Sometimes i end up pushing too hard with healing and backslide a little.  The body can only do so much as one time.  I am basically following klinghardt protocol for lyme.  I agree about the "internal terrain."  I mean it's not like lyme is a new illness, it's just expressing more with weakened immunity/energy levels.  I will probably add in some anti lyme/parasite herbs in the future but it seems like the main thing is getting all the organs clear and healthy first.  That is where most of my symptoms come from anyways.

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2012, 10:39:42 pm »
I've also been diagnosed as having Lyme. I think a lot of the diseases of the modern world come from a lack of nutrients, probiotic bacteria and yeast in the gut, and enzymes. Even Natasha Campbell McBride of the GAPS Diet says that Lyme is a catch all term in medicine nowadays for diseases that can't be explained (which usually have gut origin). She said a high number of people around the world have lyme in their blood without symptoms. The problem is that the people getting symptoms do not have a properly functioning immune system. I think the best immune booster would be to eat raw bone marrow, which happens to taste like candy to me haha.

I have also considered introducing raw kefir sour cream as a source of fat to try to provide my gut with probiotics because other sources of fat hurt my digestion, but I also am considering just eating raw thyroid and adrenals to see if they would aid my digestion. It seems that cultures who eat animals prized these organs for their life giving properties (in addition to other organ meats). Feel free to private message me if you would like to talk in more detail.

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2012, 02:38:53 am »

Offline Charlie4444

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2012, 05:42:43 am »
aajonus Vonderplanitz tells how lyme disease isn't real.  And if you look at most "diseases" they aren't real, the symptoms are though.  So many diseases have the same symptoms, you just think you have one because a test happened to say so.  BUT, having a diagnosis helps a lot in normal society on how to live with your symptoms, so the health care system is not all bad.   You may have overall not optimal health, but I don't think you really have "lyme" disease, but I know your symtpoms are real.   

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2012, 08:56:24 am »
Its the law of the terrain. The presence of Lyme disease is not usually the primary cause of the illness, its a symptom of an already weakened immune system. (90 percent of dogs test positive for Lyme disease , but have no symptoms). Just like most people exposed to "disease causing organisms" will not become infected unless there is other underling issues.

You must make sure to eliminate all possible problem foods that could cause  immune dysfunctions. Steamed vegetables, nuts and sauerkraut seem questionable. Nuts have indigestible proteins that can cause immune dysfunction. Sauerkraut can inhibit the formation of healthy flesh eating gut flora. It doesn't go well with raw meat.
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Offline joej627

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2012, 06:45:50 pm »
Yea, I don't mix the kraut with raw meat.  Just keep evolving.  I agree that it's a terrain thing.  My problem was that I was doing everything right and the diet just wasn't healing me.  I had a severely subluxed atlas vertebrae in my neck.  This was my primary stressor and the reason i couldn't start healing.  I also had some birth trauma and energetics issues that I have been dealing with as well.  Thanks for the replies.  I have the attitude too.  And everything is a lot less "scary" when we realize that our stuff is just symptoms and not a condition that has a mind of its own per-se.


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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2012, 09:04:43 pm »
When you say sauerkraut are you referring to the real thing or the stuff that is bought in cans?

Offline joej627

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2012, 05:56:51 am »
Real thing homemade.

Offline Dorothy

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2012, 06:28:55 am »
Just found this for getting rid of ticks...

Al - I think this post has tipped the scales. You now are one of the top 5 people in my life that I have learned the most useful things from.

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Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2012, 09:43:59 am »
Thank you Dorothy, you are very kind.

I've only had ticks on me once, probably four years ago and were it not for my wife I would not even know I had them. She removed them with some thread as I recall, but I read about a tick remover on the almanac site, so I posted it on a Rife site and someone replied with that link. It is such a slick method.

The internet and this forum are tres cool.


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