Author Topic: Experience with Febrile Seizures?  (Read 4806 times)

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Experience with Febrile Seizures?
« on: March 16, 2012, 12:26:12 am »
I have a friend who eats traditional foods, so do her two kids and husband. They are not all raw but they are very Weston A price. Raw dairy I think, probably some raw smoothies, maybe some raw meats, and then some lacto fermented foods, animal and vegetable.

Last night her 4 year old(I think, we're not close friends, but she's been a past raw milk  and egg customer of mine) had a febrile seizure , I believe it was simple, not complex. Anyone with experience or advice I can share with her on supporting her child's system so it won't happen again?

Here in MN/WI  it's been in the 60's and 70's the past couple days, which are record temps for this time of year. So yesterday the kids were out there playing in the sprinkler I guess. It was very warm, 71F but felt like 80. Don't know if that contributed, I feel it shouldn't, but they were out the whole day, maybe it was a shock to the system and the child had a genetic predisposition. Anyway, any advice so much appreciated!

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Re: Experience with Febrile Seizures?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2012, 09:38:15 am »
Fat stops seizures.  Carbs cause seizures. I suggest more fat, especially good-quality raw animal fats like wild ocean fatty fish, etc.,

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Re: Experience with Febrile Seizures?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2012, 11:09:48 am »
I don't have much advice, but it's kind of rare for all of the fear around it. Can you give more detail. Is the kid still sick? Did she get vaccinated recently?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 03:57:36 pm by TylerDurden »
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Oracle at Delphi

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I grew and well I was;
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Each deed to another deed.
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