Now you've gone ahead and left a giant window for people to say "hell if he had just eaten variety and more carbohydrates he wouldn't have any problems". I really hope this isn't the message you want to present, seeing since it hasn't solved any of your issues yet. Carbs may be the answer, but this is totally false within this context as 'the' problem. You do seem, at one point, to touch on your actual problem, which many high and low carb dieters do in fact share. The issue is being a zealot, and the proof of it lingering is you are willing to post about 8 differnt things you just read as solutions to yours and others health problems. Others maybe just claim the optimal human diet, even in the face of other information or results, and don't dip to as many dietary extremes. Or maybe some, because their diet actually is flush with fueling all their needs, and isn't creating other issues, they actually do really well.
If you want me to point you to the next few websites you'll probably be following after that one, let me know. Like in 6 months of eating pancakes, maybe you will be like "Theres this other guy who seems healthy says you only have to work 4 hours a week and the problem is how fast carbs are, and if you eat "slow carbs" then I won't have x,y,and z problems I have developed since I've been doing this high carb mod fat low protein omni diet, after I fixed those other issues when I stopped eating like a stupid caveman." Then you are back full circle eating beans, rice and tofu.
So yeah, maybe the problem, like many people, is just doing a diet based on a bunch of theories, then making a bunch of claims about how other shit doesn't work, and prior to the new things actually yieliding any real benefits, or being aware of any possible problems this new perfect solution might have.
or, like I said, maybe you could try things out, read a bunch of books, develop your theories over time, and then throw some hints around from time to time...