Author Topic: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently  (Read 8172 times)

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Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« on: March 27, 2012, 10:12:39 am »
I haven't been sick in a looooooong looong time thanks to RVAF. I just don't get sick as long as I limit my sugar and carbs.

But yesteday I did something wrong because starting last night and through today to present I have had the worst acid reflux ever. And I've only ever had it maybe once in my life and very, very minor. This is horrible in terms of pain, wonderful in terms of a reminder that suffering does in fact exist (being so long since I've really experienced it, again, thanks RVAF!). I had to sleep sitting up last night against the end of the couch because if I would lay down the acid would begin to burn in my upper chest area.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the co-op and bought some foods for a trip I was supposed to be taking right now, but postponed due to this problem and some other complications. Those foods are, raw pumpkin seeds, raw redskin peanuts, dried shredded pure coconut and some dark chocolate (80%), frozen super sweet corn, as well as wasabi peas.

Out of all of these foods, the only new one is the raw peanuts, which I've either never had before, or only tried once, a couple pieces, can't remember. Though I do recall Aajonus saying in an interview that raw sweet corn (and raw beets) are HCL forming and him telling listeners to take those instead of an HCL supplement if they feel they don't produce enough.

I ate all of these on the way home yesterday evening around 7pm. I was famished and had not eaten since breakfast.

I've never had problems with any of the other foods. Naturally the wasabi peas would be suspect, since they're spicy but I've eaten far more of them in one sitting before than I did yesterday, when I ate probably about 20 pieces.

So, right now I'm attributing the problem to the raw peanuts, not conclusively and only because this is the first time I've had serious acid reflux in my life and this is the first time I've consumed raw peanuts in large quantity, if at all. I digest cooked peanuts fine, or as well as any cooked food can be digested.

I read that Iguana eats raw peanuts instinctively so I'm not blaming the raw peanuts by themselves, but rather I suspect a combination of all of those different foods at once, or perhaps the corn and peanuts, or maybe it's just the corn. Though I've no desire to ever experience this kind of pain again, I'll probably experiment with those foods to figure out just what did it. And I'll do that by eating some of the raw peanuts alone after this pain subsides.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 10:17:31 am »
If you haven't pooped your troubles away, try getting a powerful colon cleanser.

Castor Oil?
Senna Tea?
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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 08:05:09 pm »
sounds like some gross trail mix my friend!  those shells on the peanuts are pure poison i tell ya(they are super bitter, i definitely remember them) hopefully your tummy is feeling better...generally for road trips i would suggest more easily digestable foods like yogurt and coconut water


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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2012, 12:29:48 am »
Thanks J. Starting to feel better but probably going to fast for a while...

Found this on raw peanuts today...

Side Effects

Raw peanuts can be hard to digest, which can cause bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. Soaking the raw peanuts overnight in purified water increases their digestibility. Rinse the peanuts several times before eating. Soaking the peanuts shortens the time until they spoil, so keep them in the refrigerator after soaking, suggests chiropractor Eric Berg on his website,


Raw peanuts can be contaminated by a metabolite of a certain fungi, Aspergillus flavis. Mold that grows from A. flavis can contain aflatoxin, a type of mycotoxin and a potentially dangerous cancer-causing agent. Ingesting aflatoxin can cause liver cancer. Peanuts, corn and cotton seed have the highest rate of contamination with aflatoxin, according to Environment, Health and Safety Online. Symptoms of acute poisoning include abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of consciousness, convulsions and cerebral edema. Fatty infiltration of the liver, kidneys and heart can lead to death.

Read more:

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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2012, 08:07:00 am »
I doubt you will feel bad long. The young and healthy bounce well. But ice chips and cold water are soothing. Keep sitting up. Deep breathing fresh cold air is also comforting. When you're all better you can test the questionable items one at a time - just a bite.
    I think you should suffer- endure it as long as you can, but if you need some intervention well there's the baking soda option to neutralize, the dry toast option to soak it up, the hcl tabs to help it along. I have a thought that maybe a little papaya or even pineapple core might help get the protiens from the dry nuts and beans further down your GI tract where they won't cause as much trouble. Pancreatic enzyme is the same idea but instinctive raw high enzyme fruit or pancreas itself if you have that handy.
    If you do go with the endure it plan A. I like to feel the energy and describe it in nonjudgmental ways like, warm, wet, expansive, contractive, etc breathing deep and soft so to feed the energy and not disrupt it in anyway. When you're truely feeling loving and great full about you're innate reponce say out load - thank you my powerful and beautiful life force energy. I love you and I proud to be with you through this. If you really feel driven promise to stay through the full evolution. Usually I go in and out of connection. I surround the area with love and get on with life.
Any way big hug through the ether coming to you
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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2012, 10:48:10 am »
IMO  green juice  or activated charcoal could be of benefit.

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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2012, 03:22:15 am »
My first thought was aflatoxin. The thing that really stinks about peanuts is that if they are contaminated with small amounts of it, the taste isn't off. That has been my experience with them in the past. Get hold of a bad batch, and you'll know it right away by how you feel afterward. I stopped eating them a while back because of that.

Even though wasabi is spicy, it's radish spicy, not pepper spicy. That won't affect stomach acid or cause dyspepsia. My bet is on the peanuts. Good luck in figuring this out. I'm sorry you had to postpone your trip.
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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2012, 08:18:24 am »
Thank you everyone for your inputs. I feel like all of them were helpful had I implemented them.

But when I'm feeling this miserable and I don't think I'm probably actually going to die from it, I like to indulge the experience as a reminder that suffering does in fact exist and it's not nice. These last 3 days or so of suffering more and then less and then more again all day and all through each night has been instructing and trying. I have many times through the last few days wondered if my digestive system would ever work properly again, or if I had just plain stopped it up forever.

This is one of those experiences that makes you acutely grateful for your health in the day to day. I remember feeling this way about the terrible Flu's I used to get when I wasn't RVAF, that would put me out for 1-2 weeks at a time and I would be going through hell in my bed almost wanting death. But because it's been so long since I've felt that way, I'm most grateful for the reminder, which used to come to me at least yearly, but now here the first time in over 3 years. Even though the illness is not with the same symptoms or caused by the same device, the suffering has been the same in intensity and duration, and while I'm not out of the woods quite yet, I feel like the worst has passed and I will be back to full charge in the next couple days.

I bought some senna today but in an effort to get things moving also went out for some spicy chinese food which always loosens things up if you know what I'm saying. Whether or not that was the cause, I was able to use the loo for a purpose I have not since before this ordeal.

I think now that this stuff isn't sitting in my system reacting biochemically with it, I can start to heal. I will experiment with peanuts like Adora said, a small bite at a time, but never will I gobble down heaping handfuls like I did several days past.

Thanks again for the thoughts and counsel! Great to have you all!


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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2012, 09:43:24 pm »
For my own personal record, last night was the first night I did not experience Acid reflux. Now just bad gas along with pain up near my thymus/solar plexus and fatigue or general discomfort.

The bloating is probably my fault, couldn't resist some lentil soup yesterday. But have also been doing eggs smoothies and my system seems to appreciate those more than anything else I've been eating.

Still not sure if it was the peanuts themselves or aflatoxin/mold but given the severity of the symptoms, and the fact that it has mostly knocked me off my feet for the last 5 days now has me leaning towards mold as the culprit.

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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2012, 06:20:32 am »
I'm trying raw unsalted "Wild Jungle Peanuts". Quite tasty. The package says "Unlike most peanuts, Jungle Peanuts are very low in aflotoxin (<10pbb)" [sic].

Many people like to eat Wild Jungle peanuts raw, as their natural flavor is robust yet delicate. The smooth texture of these peanuts, coupled with their satisfying crunch, has also made them a favorite topping for desserts and salads. They are a wonderful addition to trail mix and pair perfectly with raw chocolate or cacao butter.

Jungle Peanuts - Essential Living Foods, Amazon Watch and the Achuar and Shuar People of Ecuador
According to this video, the Jungle Peanuts are dried at 45 ºC (113 ºF), which is "raw "per the defined range at the Wikipedia site that Tyler helps moderate (, though I generally prefer to dry foods at lower temps (air dry), because I find they taste better.

I'll report any symptoms I notice.
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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2012, 09:35:29 am »
The first time I tried the "raw" jungle peanuts it was pretty uneventful. They were tasty and therefore should be relatively OK per Instincto, though Instinctos might disagree given the mild heating. The second time I ate less other food and thus ate more of the peanuts, going by my taste and satisfaction, which resulted in eating the whole remaining 8 oz bag. The result was bad that time, with bad gut cramping afterwards. They did appear to soften the bowels a bit, but it wasn't worth the cramping. No acid reflux to report, though.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Acid Reflux is kicking my ass presently
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2012, 09:53:59 am » Please look at my post. It is certainly because of improper food combinations that you are experiencing acid reflux.


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