Author Topic: Better organization and a sticky board  (Read 7915 times)

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Better organization and a sticky board
« on: April 11, 2012, 10:47:21 pm »
What this site really needs is to get very concise and have a whole section for stickies.

This 'sticky' board should have very clearly laid out topics.

One should be for different types of heat created toxins and their impact on the human animal.

Another should be 'symptoms' and their typical causes. For example 'congestion/stuffy nose/over production of mucus' Main suspects: dairy, eggs, sugar, alcohol, grains

Or acne : sugar, carbs

Another on commonly available animals and what acceptable foods for them are. eg, cows can eat grass and leaves, no grains, no waste byproducts, etc.

Another on types of fats.

Another on HG tribes and what their practices were like and what health problems they had and also didn't have.

Another on Guru's and the reliability of their info and theories.

Another on vitamins, enzymes and minerals, and the best sources thereof.

Another on environmental toxins

Another on germ theory vs toxicity theory along with evidence

One on mainstream medicine/science and its problems, such as corporate interests, politics, etc.

One should probably be dedicated to sugar and insulin alone.

None of this is going to be perfect, because everyone gets toxic in a different way, but we can make some generalizations because there are trends and patterns in the effects of certain foods/chemicals/drugs, etc

If you could streamline a section like that, it would make life soooooo much easier. I know running the forum is a lot of work but we, the general members can help support you, the mods and admin.

It should be pretty simple, streamlined and comprehensive so that it covers most aspects and implications of switching to this kind of diet. In other words it should be nutrient dense, readable and a compilation of the most nutritious and important information that those of us who have been on some version of this diet for long enough to experiment, have gleaned.

I know that most of this information is already located here on the forums in some form or another, but it's here and it's there, and a bit over yonder....but none of it is all located in one place.

At the very least, in this sticky section you could simply cut and paste this info that's already posted all around the site in to the appropriate sticky header you will create for each of the topics. Then it could be molded after that.

Someone had this idea for a wiki a while ago, and I think that would be even better, but that is quite the undertaking, whereas this could be comparatively easy to implement right here on this already functioning board.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 11:04:52 pm by Let'sCopOut »

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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 08:53:08 am »
I don't know about the organization, but a place to put a collection of sticky topics sounds like a good idea. I'm still relatively new to the board but I've seen them put to good use elsewhere. The topics would have to be about as correct and well researched as humanly possible, because a lot of people would likely take them as gospel.
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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 09:50:50 am »
I've done the bit about heat-created toxins, as I recall. It's in the info for newbies section.

Symptoms lists are too vague, since many health-problems share many of  the same symptoms with many other health-problems.

I have already posted about the need for grassfed meats, not grainfed/intensively-farmed meats in the info for newbies section.

Types of fats is irrelevant, only being relevant on a cooked/processed diet.

Essays on HG tribes just brings up that odious, unrealistic "Noble Savage" theory. Dangerous.

Everyone has a different take on how "reliable" a guru is. Not relevant.

Re vitamins/enzymes/minerals:- The best sources thereof come from raw foods. No need to go on.

Re environmental toxins:- Too complicated. There are countless pollutants everywhere which can't be gotten rid of easily.

Re germ theory:- Not enough evidence backing AV's own theories despite most rawists favouring his notions c. 80% of the time.

Re mainstream medicine:-  Some of it is valid, some of it is not. Difficult to separate the two as there is such a grey area inbetween.

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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2012, 10:01:31 am »
Jesus Cristo Ty! Do you have tunnel vision?

Those were just examples, the main thrust of my post was that all of this info be in ONE place, not scattered through 100 year old posts!

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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2012, 02:18:07 pm »
Much of the above is already in the Info for Newbies section, just below the general discussions forum on this board.
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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2012, 07:32:13 pm »
Ty, seriously, the info I'm talking about is scattered all over these boards. Why are you so resistant?

You know what, that's fine, I'll the compile the shit on my blog and people can come there to see some semblance of order if it's of any value.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 07:47:27 pm by TylerDurden »

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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2012, 09:09:29 pm »
It seems like they're saying the point is that the few things they feel need to be stickied at primary attention are already, and the other things really probably shouldn't be stickied for various reasons (mostly because they're not solidly agreed upon).  It does feel like a knowledge area on the board could be helpful, but it's not bad the way they're doing it now.

They may be just examples, but if they are all refuted as not great examples for doing something like this, then the onus is kind of on the idea giver to come up with some better examples if they want to try to persuade others that their idea is sound.

I think the idea of joining up the info you find important in one spot (your blog) would be a great effort on your part, and I think if it comes together well, that would be the best argument possible to sway people here to your side.  I guess what I'm saying is if YOU do a good job with it, people will see how well it can function and want to adopt the same idea.  I would definitely be interested to see what you come up with, so please do post your progress.


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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2012, 09:59:27 pm »
The inverse of that that sentiment is that the majority of what members of this board are contributing is worthless.

A good disclaimer is the answer to your trepidation. While it should be obvious that nothing. anywhere. ever. should be taken as gospel fact, a disclaimer will ensure that even newbies will understand that the info is only a guideline, and not to be substituted for personal experience and experimentation.

Fucks sake, how would anyone ever publish anything otherwise? I understand your reasons for being cautious, but they are self defeating.

Furthermore, just because the overlord here dismissed my points out of hand, does not a rebuttal make.

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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2012, 10:51:34 pm »
The "overlord" doesn't mind if you go ahead with this project.  I'm still not sure what is expected, or if I can be of any use. But by all means make some preparatory threads in the off-topics forum and we can then shift them into a sticky topic in the Info for newbies section or whatever you prefer.
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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2012, 03:23:10 am »
That's the inverse, but that doesn't make it true or representative of the original argument.  Just because a discussion doesn't put out things that can be agreed on as worthwhile to elevate to "knowledge base" status doesn't mean the discussion is worthless.

I won't say whether he dismissed the examples out of hand or not, or whether it's a proper rebuttal, but by saying "those are just examples" and not providing a rebuttal yourself, you're kind of implying that you agree that they're not good examples and they shouldn't be used.

Anyway, maybe that's arguing for the sake of arguing, and like I said, I agree with your idea, but I think it'll sink or swim on whether enough content can be gathered (which depends on whether someone really drives it). 

The most successful way I've seen this implemented is having a "knowledge base" subforum in the main area (i.e. under raw paleo diet forums).  In this subforum you would only have stickied, and you might want to disable replies on them (and disable new posts).  Discussion on whether new stickies should be made or old stickies are worth keeping is done elsewhere.  It would provide a good place for noobies to start researching (untainted by random social/off topic posts), and it would be a great place for FAQ type information, so when people ask the same question repeatedly, you can quickly link them to the proper sticky.

Just random thoughts though, feel free to ignore most/all of it.  I obviously don't know the subject matter enough to be of much use, so pretty much all of my advice is just structure

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Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2012, 08:23:24 am »
kinda agree with the above here. Generally stickies arn't composed top down only on forums so it just seems to be about writing something new or finding existing threads of relevance that could be stickied and/or moved. Folks seem amenable to that.

But also, yeah totally not many topics in complete agreement on this stuff and it seems far better to not promote much of anything as standard other then the very basics. People have very radically different perspectives within such a specific genre (and the few accepted tangent philosophies). I'm usually critical more since those few certain tangents are accepted here there ideally should be fairer freedom of expression within that, but the forum/mods is usually pretty good at routing out any irrelevant or totally outlying stuff for clarity purposes. Or its that it only attracts a certain type of person and also the occasional trolls, not sure. Plus there seems to be a trend of more respect with that as is. Anyway, Its automatically going to be slightly confusing when you have not one set ratio or disease theory or whatever that everyone on forum follows, and that likely is more ideal. Doesn't mean you can't write more clear points on things and see if they seem more relevant to be separated from other posts.

literally lol at "the overlord doesn't mind."

« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 11:50:30 am by KD »


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