Author Topic: IM 100% CRAZY!  (Read 6317 times)

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Offline phatdave

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IM 100% CRAZY!
« on: November 04, 2008, 10:57:15 am »
Sorry guys, I read one little thing and went off on one. I think my brain was just about to expode apon hearing so many contradicting things. I appreciate when you are coming from.

I want facts, not fiction. Science, not ideology. I want real superior health, and not that of fantasy.



ps i have to find this great artical on paleo diet i found a couple of weeks ago. would love to hear peoples opinons.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 08:29:48 pm by phatdave »


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Re: 0% CARBS? 100% CRAZY!
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 12:14:23 pm »

Please don't assume that the one post in the one thread that you read is what the whole forum is about. No one is saying that paleo plants should be avoided!

There are only four or five of us here that I can think of who are zero carb, carnivorous, or practice the Inuit diet. Most are omnivores practicing The Primal Diet, Wai Diet, or just a regular raw, omnivorous, Paleolithic diet. It's a personal choice.

Check out these testimonials. Lex and I (Craig) are carnivores. We really don't go around trying to convince people not to eat plants, I swear. Some people don't even do well on zero carb; others do.


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Re: 0% CARBS? 100% CRAZY!
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 01:08:13 pm »
Hi David,

I eat fruits every morning.  I drink and eat a lot of fresh coconuts.  I use fruits for my hydration instead of water.  Coconut meat is fat.  Also extra virgin olive oil sometimes.

I eat raw celery every now and then.

This breakfast I had some melon and 4 raw eggs.

at mid day I drank coconut juice and ate coconut meat.

I just had raw fish eggs with fermented vinegar and thin slices of ginger.

I don't like lean meat.  I like fatty meat.  Fat is my energy source to replace what I used to eat: cooked rice.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: 0% CARBS? 100% CRAZY!
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2008, 06:49:45 pm »
Actually, most Palaeos, even cooked-Palaeos, tend to reject Cordain's notions re lean-meats. Fatty meats are generally recommended as well.
Re cooking:- There is no genuine argument re cooking leading to bigger brains. In fact, it's been pointed out that average human brain-size has actually decreased in recent millenia. The only guy who spouts this idea is Wrangham, who is viewed as a complete joke by the palaeoanthroplogical community.Here's some info on this:-
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 12:09:18 am by Craig »
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.


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Re: IM 100% CRAZY!
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2008, 10:15:29 pm »

I want facts, not fiction. Science, not ideology. I want real superior health, and not that of fantasy.

I agree with this.  I am quite turned off by raw foodist dogma in general when it is not backed by science.  This is one reason Aajonus turns me off, as does the raw vegan movement.   Even Sally Fallon, for all her bashing of the diet dictocrats, still promotes biased views as sound science; examples being the idea that smoking is okay and helps asthma (cuz her father smoked) and shunning pork in her NT book (solely because her coauthor was an observant Jew), claiming it causes cancer.  I think if credibility of any movement is to be had in the mainstream, it must be based on real observation and not some touchy feely esoteric ideal.  At least Cordain is doing science, even if some of his conclusions are dodgy.


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human origins <> foodstyle
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2008, 02:54:32 pm »

evolutionary theories of human origins seen in correlation w/ prototypical foodstyles:
my own views on the issues
(note: correlation is not a cause-effect relation)

the following are some basic changes from hominid to cro-magnon (fundamental differences between apes & humans, too):
~ committed bipedalism
~ decoupled walking & breathing
~ special configuration of the pelvis
~ special configuration of the base of the skull
~ verbal language
~ art

according to ian tattersall (becoming human) changes such as the above are not adaptations (to better achieve a set goal) but exaptations (new uses or functions of apparently random or unintentional changes)
they begin w/ an individual, then spread to a local population, & finally, after at least 3 generations, show up at species level

archeologists, paleontologists, paleoanthropologists, biologists, geneticists, ethnographers, linguists have interpreted the extant physical record from the perspective of 1 of the following theories, which, as i see them from my current angle, are not exclusive planet- or time-wise but might have happen in different geographic areas simultaneously or not:

~ savannah theory of human origin > land meat
acc. to craig stanford (upright) bipedalism developed when apes, which wanted to spend the entire day looking for animals to kill & eat, found this locomotion style to be more efficient than knuckle walking; then protein, mufa, & sat fat consumption, in turn, gave them better bones & muscles

~ aquatic ape > fin & shell fish, seaweeds, lake or river algae
driving force = wading; iodine & dietary long chain pufas (esp. dha) > better brain

~ shore based scenario > land, air, & water animal food + seaweeds & algae
iodine, iron, selenium, copper, zinc, & dietary long chain pufas (esp. dha, aa) > better brain, bones, muscles

~ i wonder whether cordain's or the wai foodstyle (tropical or sweet fruits + lean meat) are correlated w/ a particular evolutionary theory of human origins that accounts for all 6 basic changes i listed above; otherwise, their foodstyle does not differ fundamentally from that of apes & must have been adopted by post-cro-magnon humans in the neolithic or later

~ re. the consumption of animal milk products by humans, here's 1 hypothesis i've been toying with:
in his the tender carnivore paul shepard suggests that farmers & herders, already in the neolithic, would (ab)use their domestic animals as sexual objects; this has lead me to look at human dairy use as a, symbolic or non-conscious perhaps, use of the said animals
in this case the human master functions as a parasite rather than a predator, which contrasts w/ the extermination of large mammals (mammoth, mastodon, giant sloth, rhino, wild horse, cave bear, etc.) by cro-magnons or other carnivore homo sapiens during the late paleolithic


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