Author Topic: Tick Bite  (Read 15469 times)

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Re: Tick Bite
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2012, 06:56:57 am »
FZ, antibiotics are only going to cause you to backpeddle. The body should not ever be abused in such a fashion. Obviously it's your body and you can do what you want with it, but antibiotics really shouldn't be viewed as any more of an option that small doses of cyanide. They are not nurturing to the body, that is literally the same as trying to put out a fire by adding gasoline to it.

Your symptoms are likely a form of detox and are trying to heal you, it's a foolhardy endeavor trying to thwart the process.

Instead ask your body how you can nourish it in to balance. Tell us what your diet is like right now so we can make suggestions. Also helps to know your food tolerances and intolerances.

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Re: Tick Bite
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2012, 07:12:23 am »
I actually have 3 active deer tick bites right now, they are a constant presence this time of the year here on the farm and with the dogs picking up loads of them daily in the forest. When I'm on my own I sleep in a big pile with my 4.5 dogs. This would not be possible if I had any remnants of fear of lyme or deer ticks, since I will often wake up with them crawling on me, biting me or wake up with one in the morning that attached itself during the night. But having lost all fear of them, they're no worse than mosquitoes and really I prefer them to mosquitoes because they are easier to handle than a hoard of winged vampires.

When my system is less clean I notice the bites itch much more furiously than they do when I've got a lot of raw organs in my system and I haven't been eating too much trash (cooked and starchy/sugary foods for me).

Golly, when I think about the paradigm shift that accompanies RVAF in regards to microbes, it never fails to astound me. It's like the borders have totally shifted. Now where I was once concerned with germs, I'm concerned instead with toxins. I can drink from a duckshit filled pond without a second thought about the biological content, but instead I'm wondering if any pesticides have leeched in to the water. Or someone can sneeze close to my face without phasing me, but I'm wishing they would just take their chemically 'perfumed' skin far away!

But I really rather prefer to be preoccupied with chemicals than microbes! One is useful and beneficial, the other a tragic waste of energy and resources.

That's where it's at LCO! Yeah. Exactly. When you finally hit your right diet, get over all the challenges and get into that zone of eating all those fears fly out the window. I just don't get colds or flus so I can care for people with them without a second thought. The only time I feel sick is when I'm eating something that's not right for me or when I'm exposed to something unnatural and toxic and then I want to run.... fast. Your example fits perfectly, I am much more frightened of someone wearing a nasty perfume than I am of someone with a contagious disease!

What herbs are useful for is the stages up to the point where you hit that sweet spot. Al is totally right that different herbs worked different for different people. When I was at my weakest with candida garlic was a friend and helped, but the real healing came from the changes in diet -  meaning what I cut out of my diet - because garlic and all those herbs Al listed are foods! It's about knowing what foods work for you and which ones don't and when - because it changes even for the same person over time.

Herbs and healing helpers can go even further to give one a feeling of security. For instance if I should get intestinal bugs - so what? I know what herbs can kill them even if I'm not at my peak where they don't have a chance of survival in my system - which is the norm.

Great point though about where the magic is - it's in a rock-solid immune system - that's where it's at.

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Re: Tick Bite
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2012, 09:22:03 pm »
FZ, antibiotics are only going to cause you to backpeddle. The body should not ever be abused in such a fashion. Obviously it's your body and you can do what you want with it, but antibiotics really shouldn't be viewed as any more of an option that small doses of cyanide. They are not nurturing to the body, that is literally the same as trying to put out a fire by adding gasoline to it.

Your symptoms are likely a form of detox and are trying to heal you, it's a foolhardy endeavor trying to thwart the process.

Instead ask your body how you can nourish it in to balance. Tell us what your diet is like right now so we can make suggestions. Also helps to know your food tolerances and intolerances.

Thanks for your advice. Does anyone else have any suggestions of taking antibiotics on a raw diet?


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Re: Tick Bite
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2012, 05:37:23 am »
I would use colloidal silver myself if you feel you must do an antibiotic. When I had horrible yeast infections no antibiotic would work - but colloidal silver pretty much saved my life.

I think that diet and good bacteria-rich foods are where it's really at though. That's your foundation. I would give diet a chance to work if you can.

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Re: Tick Bite
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2012, 05:45:41 am »
I bought a colloidal silver generator to put in my travel bag in case I got some bad water etc. when out of the country or continent. I haven't tried it as I have no need to, but I am curious, how did it affect you when you took it?

People don't realize that silver was the antibiotic of choice prior to antibiotic drugs.

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Re: Tick Bite
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2012, 06:05:35 am »
Colloidal silver gets rid of infections faster and better than anything else I've ever seen or experienced. It got rid of chronic uti's when I was young. I was at the point where I was bleeding and unable to walk. I had utis since the third grade. My mother was a nurse so she put us on antibiotics at the drop of a hat. When I got acne they put me on a broad - spectrum antibiotic for years (tetracycline). Systemic candida had me walking into walls, unable to think, emotionally a mess and unable to function. I went from incredibly ill to functioning quickly with silver. There was no internet so I had to travel far to find a colloidal silver maker. I don't remember where or how I heard about it. Thanks goodness I did though.

My urinary tract is still quite sensitive to sugars. If I eat too much fruit or honey that system will still get out of whack. Having silver always there just in case is reassuring - but d-mannose for uti's is quite something. Like last weekend I went to MooJesus! Dairy and the sweetest people in the world were there. They were really into raw food and when they found out what I was about they made me 5 course raw food meal including all sorts of things I don't normally eat mixing in honey, fruit and winter squash. I ate everything until I could barely move because I don't think I was ever treated with such graciousness. They even made me steak tar tar. That all left me happy as a clam - but also farty as the devil and with my urinary system a little off. All I had to do though was take a little d-mannose to feed the bacteria in my urine instead of in my urethra and that set me back straight.

Fermented foods still feel wonderful to me. I know that they might not be right for Fermenter - but with a name like that how could they not be?

My Mom got terrible utis which hospitalized her towards the end of her life. The doctors told me finally that there was nothing more that could be done with the allergies to antibiotics that she had and that I should look into some alternative healing therapies. Amazing huh? I think he was really telling me that uti's are what kills people at that stage. I realized that I was doubting what I knew would work and thinking that antibiotics were more powerful. I put dmso mixed with colloidal silver over her bladder. and gave her d-mannose. She never got another uti again.

There are many great antibiotic foods too and if they work all the better. Colloidal silver is my ace in the hole.

I'm sure you already know Al that you have to make colloidal silver in only distilled water right? Make sure wherever you are travelling to that you can get distilled. Spring water, tap water, reverse osmosis water - NONE of them will do. Only distilled.

Colloidal silver never gave me any sensations or side affects. It just kills infections. It also doesn't seem to bother my good bacteria that I have worked so very hard to re-build.

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Re: Tick Bite
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2012, 09:29:36 am »
Interesting Vids..

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Re: Tick Bite
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2012, 10:36:55 pm »
Here is another post that mentions lyme. FYI I have no idea if it is good/bad/indifferent


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