When I saw Mr Vonderplanitz on The Doctors I did not at first catch his name. My impression was that he came across as a bit of a nut, for he seemed to lack common sense and seemed, at times, to be out of control. What went on before the show in consultation with the Doctors or their representative, may have affected his behaviour. But surely he must have been aware of what he was walking into and of the very real possibility of a planned agenda that was not in his best interests.
His actions and his statements surprised me, and I was familiar with the idea of raw eating. To choose chicken as the meat to eat in front of an audience who would be repulsed by the thought much less at the sight of the act, was a blatant challenge to those conventional doctors, their agenda aside, who would have no choice but to take him to task. Such could be seen as insanity. He practically asked for and definitely dared the responses he got and he should have been aware that reality shows have to impact their audiences to keep up their ratings. Such purport to be in the interest of information, but showmanship for audience reaction always trumps good reporting.
To come out to that audience, that most likely supports heroic medicine, with the statement about bacteria theory was the final nail to his coffin. Not having a quick response to the concerns over a newborn's health was the final shove into burial with an audience made up of mothers. In an audience that size, and to a huge home and YouTube audience as well, there must be some who gravitate towards cooked meat and fat. Those were the ones who might be interested to search out the raw diet. Now possibly many will be less inclined to do so. For all those who got turned on to this life style by Aajonus, what multiplier might it be that are turned off by the appearance of fanaticism.
Poor judgement is where his crime sits. The movement is bigger than Aajonus. There are many in every movement that are left for dead along the journey to acceptance, many not by their own accord; and should Aajonus be such a casualty, then some of the blame rests on his poor judgement.
However, it is our duty to learn the truth and share the facts with naysayers as best we can. But we are not without resources. Fortunately, we have the mouth (and that face, the hair, those eyes) of Dean Ornish on our side in any debate with the fanatic vegan. It has been reported that his studies cannot be duplicated, which is a little tricky in the field of science.