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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #100 on: June 29, 2012, 01:20:08 pm »
As GS says there are so many more important aspects to marriage than just sex, and I realise I have not been the easiest person in the world to live with either. A split personality of raw food nazi and compulsive junk food eater I was often tired and grumpy. Now I am RAVF things are improving and we are becoming friends again  l)

Any chance of this giving a result?:
Herbal Ignite’s special formula has helped thousands of women enjoy a normal sex life and an improved sense of well being.  The herbs in Herbal Ignite, particularly Tribulus Terrestris, have been shown in trials to be beneficial for sexual activity and for supporting hormone balance at menopause. The other herbs in the Herbal Ignite formula, Horny Goat Weed and Avena Sativa, also aid sexual arousal and pleasure.

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #101 on: June 29, 2012, 05:44:41 pm »
Let me help you understand our cultural differences.

- sexless does not mean love less

- marriage means more than just sex.  There's children, there's in laws, there's family and extended family. 

- if she became fat and ugly and unattractive I would still love my wife because I made a commitment to her and my children... and the children need us as parents and grandparents and great grand parents.

- of course if my wife was fat and ugly and unattractive, she wouldn't be such a tease and cause me blue balls every day...

- my philosophy in life is the purpose of life is to make more life, I believe the tradition of a rock solid family and extended family is a good recipe for reproductive success... with bastards on the side... are bonuses and insurances in this game of life. ( as stated in the book Sperm Wars )

- culturally in our culture, mistressing is too common and expected... what is frowned upon are divorces and abandonment, especially those who abandon just because the wife is no longer sexual... that is really really mean and nasty.  Abandoning wife and children may mean starvation and death.

Because there is no government big brother mandating and insuring survival in our country.  There is no government apparatus to enforce child support or give EBT cards to mothers or unemployed in need.  We have to stick together to survive... the old fashioned way... United we stand... divided we fall.

In the big cities there are just too many women because of migration for jobs.  The women have learned to share in good men.  Where a good man at least has a job and some money.... or he has good genes.  Many men are jobless drunkards womanizers.  So get a man who has a job, is not a drunkard, will give child support.  Or hear your biological clock tick away and be childless... a fate many women refuse to accept.

There are 2 types of reproductive women... the #1 wife type... and the mistress types.  The mistress types know their place and are immensely attracted to married, committed men, and know their place and follow the ettiquetes for mistresses book.

Culturally, our Muslim brothers and sisters in our own country and cities are enshrined in law that they can have up to 4 wives and can marry legally beginning 16 years old.  And we can see so much harmony and strength in their families.  They have to be strong because they themselves have to endure tribal / family wars... woe to those with weak families.

Culturally, we love children and family... many here are not in the "me" only divorce culture.

So you find out your man has a mistress?  Welcome to the club where literally all worthy good men have one.

Some men also get by with just prostitution when their wives cannot deliver.   Some #1 wives prefer this.

Wow so interesting.
We have more men than women.
Opposite dynamics.
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #102 on: June 30, 2012, 02:04:30 am »
Thank you for explaining your culture GS. The US is relatively a new country (when not taking into consideration the native inhabitants) but most of the cultures from which we all came from here in the past were pretty much the same as yours unless they just abandoned the women.

The difference in this day and age is that women are able to take care of themselves and their children often on their own not having to live with a man that they no longer love or that can satisfy them sexually (or that they were never attracted to or loved - just chose because they have money). In your culture would it be ok with you and your extended family for your wife to go out and find herself another man? Would it be ok for her to get pregnant with another man? Would you still stand by her? In our culture there historically were outrageous double standards.

Of course there is more to love than sex - but you said yourself earlier that you thought that your wife never really loved you. If my husband never had sex with me again I would stay with him. Love is MUCH more than sex. But my husband and I would talk about it. I guess in your culture it's all set up where you don't have to talk about it. You are expected to go out and get mistresses. Often though, even if it is accepted, it doesn't mean that the woman is truly happy with the situation. You also probably in your culture are not taught how to really pleasure a woman - or there wouldn't be so many women that stop wanting to have sex with their husbands. In other cultures that I'm familiar with the women are considered to be the pleasure objects of the men and when a woman stops it's not up to the man to figure out how to make it better - they just leave for another woman. It does affect the children - especially the girl children dramatically. The girls expect that they will have little chance at real happiness - that's for the men.

It sounds like you married more than your wife - you married her family. That's actually a beautiful thing. In a sense in your culture in a way you learn how to divorce without divorcing. You still will take care of her and the children financially but go off with other women to meet your emotional and sexual needs. But where does that leave your wife? What will that do to your daughters if you have them?

It sounds like something was created that is better than abandonment - yes, but it sounds like a world of continuing hurt for so many women.

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #103 on: June 30, 2012, 02:33:35 am »
As GS says there are so many more important aspects to marriage than just sex, and I realise I have not been the easiest person in the world to live with either. A split personality of raw food nazi and compulsive junk food eater I was often tired and grumpy. Now I am RAVF things are improving and we are becoming friends again  l)

Any chance of this giving a result?:

That's beautiful Alive!

I think I've been on the male side of the equation emotionally enough to get it. I had to stop blaming my husband for what he was or wasn't doing and figure out what I could do differently. It took all I had to let go and look at it from his side, get over myself and take action. I could have left him or cheated on him - but that's not what I really wanted.  It's tough taking responsibility, shrugging off hurts and deciding to try something new - anything that will work. We're talking about ego, sense of self, attractiveness and all sorts of ways in which we have been programmed. The man is supposed to (blank) in order for me to feel loved. I shouldn't have to tell him anything he should sweep me off my feet. I bet for men it's even harder in lots of ways. You are supposed to be strong and do the sweeping. That's a big load. I just decided that it was all bullshit and that I would learn to do whatever I had to whether I was taught to or not culturally. I decided to break out of all the roles and to break past the limitations that my mother and all the other women and cultural advertising taught me. I eat differently, I generally live differently - why stay in the same old box in this arena either!

Polyamorous and mistresses can be just as big of a cultural box with a lock on it as anything. To me it's about really breaking free with the mind. I'm not living the life my culture taught me that I am supposed to live. Brian is an individual and so am I. We're not roles. The label isn't what's important - it's the quality of living that the people are creating together.

I love the way you are thinking Alive. Looking for ways to make you and your wive's lives better. I love the way Sabertooth is thinking outside of his cultural box. You're being truly proactive. GS - I keep on feeling like you are living out your cultural programming and not talking to your wife or trying something new. You know, that's ok though. It's the path that you are choosing. It just makes me sad for your wife and any daughters you might have. I would love to hear the female take on your cultural system with real honesty from the women and girls that are experiencing it. I know lots of girls and women in our culture who had fathers who had mistresses and didn't value the daughters as much as the sons. It left some pretty nasty scars in them.

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #104 on: June 30, 2012, 11:41:07 am »
     I'm monogamous. We do exist. I haven't managed to stay with one man forever, but I'm only with one at a time. I just out grow them and go peaceful. It might be nice to find one that wanted to grow too. I look at other men, appreciatively. I have unrestrained fantasies about whomever, but I can only stand to be touched by one at a time. When I'm with a lover, I only can think of him. I have to be alone even to think of another. I physically resonate with one and can't just jump into a new resonation. I need time between them to unsync. If my lover wanted another woman, I would want to know all about her. I'd want to meet her. I'm not one bit gay, but in my imagination, maybe I could be part of something polyamorous that way, not likely, but I don't think a woman would electrically repulse me like another man would. Boy's that have "cheated" haven't been open, and loving/welcoming and it hurt and I felt rage. It was poison in my blood, but love wasn't there it was all ugly manipulation, not polyamory. She could have him, love dies from that.
   Sabertooth-  You're such a perfect balance of cool and hot. Maybe you should rethink this open thing. I mean you don't have to put up with anything for your kids. You should figure out how the movie would go if you were directing it. What do you want? Not what can you get. Not, I can't make enough money to please my lady so, she should be free to pursue that in another, that's guilt not love. Don't sell yourself short. If you are happy, then go for it, the kids will have happy adults around them. Are you compromising your hearts desire for love because you feel like you don't deserve more? If that were the case then pray tell, who deserves it. A richer man?  A man with a better job? Deserve is an inner quality or it is just made up. I'm not sure. Figure out what you want and move toward it where you can.
   What abut your woman? Does she want these men or does she want money/security and feel like she has to use her body to get it? No judgement intended anywhere here.
    Take a day, be wide awake and get out someplace alone where you can think. Move your body a little for circulation and then lay down, close your eyes and let it all play out in your head. How would things be with your family if you could have them just how you wanted? Then, imagine you are not with this woman, can you imagine a woman you would want, perfect for you and babies, or on your own, whatever would be "best" for just you. Get it all clear, write down a few highlights so you can refer to it, and talk to your lady. Make an whole hearted attempt to have your relationship right for you.
    Family life is complicated. Your kids are going to be all messed up just like us and everybody else. Forgive yourself. Just love them like you are and they will have that. To have a loving father is precious and powerful.
    Sorry, to be in your business
know thyself and all of the mysteries of the gods and the universe will be revealed.
Oracle at Delphi

Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
Each word led me on to another word,
Each deed to another deed.
Odin, who chose to be weak and hang form the tree of the world (the universe), to capture the Runes (wisdom), so he (omnipotent) grew...
Each true word and deed leads to my manifestation of the true me.

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #105 on: June 30, 2012, 12:06:10 pm »
What you said Adora about only being able to resonate with one person at a time - that's totally me too. 22 years of resonating with just one and never wanting it to end. It's totally about being with someone that wants to change and grow just as much. I used to say when I first met Brian that why it worked was because what he wanted in a woman was what I wanted to be and what I wanted in a man was what he wanted to be and we were helping each other get there. Now we feel almost like war buddies, having been in the trenches so long together that there's a bond that no one else could ever touch. It is possible to find someone that is growing just as fast in your same direction. Just wanted to say that to you so as to give you a boost when you go out to that place outside and do your imaginings. ;)

Offline wodgina

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #106 on: June 30, 2012, 12:21:55 pm »
Thank you for explaining your culture GS. The US is relatively a new country (when not taking into consideration the native inhabitants) but most of the cultures from which we all came from here in the past were pretty much the same as yours unless they just abandoned the women.

The difference in this day and age is that women are able to take care of themselves and their children often on their own not having to live with a man that they no longer love or that can satisfy them sexually (or that they were never attracted to or loved - just chose because they have money). In your culture would it be ok with you and your extended family for your wife to go out and find herself another man? Would it be ok for her to get pregnant with another man? Would you still stand by her? In our culture there historically were outrageous double standards.

Of course there is more to love than sex - but you said yourself earlier that you thought that your wife never really loved you. If my husband never had sex with me again I would stay with him. Love is MUCH more than sex. But my husband and I would talk about it. I guess in your culture it's all set up where you don't have to talk about it. You are expected to go out and get mistresses. Often though, even if it is accepted, it doesn't mean that the woman is truly happy with the situation. You also probably in your culture are not taught how to really pleasure a woman - or there wouldn't be so many women that stop wanting to have sex with their husbands. In other cultures that I'm familiar with the women are considered to be the pleasure objects of the men and when a woman stops it's not up to the man to figure out how to make it better - they just leave for another woman. It does affect the children - especially the girl children dramatically. The girls expect that they will have little chance at real happiness - that's for the men.

It sounds like you married more than your wife - you married her family. That's actually a beautiful thing. In a sense in your culture in a way you learn how to divorce without divorcing. You still will take care of her and the children financially but go off with other women to meet your emotional and sexual needs. But where does that leave your wife? What will that do to your daughters if you have them?

It sounds like something was created that is better than abandonment - yes, but it sounds like a world of continuing hurt for so many women.

Hey Dorothy

Your last statement was full of craziness. I think you need to re-read GS's previous post again and not project.


« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 12:26:56 pm by wodgina »
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #107 on: June 30, 2012, 09:39:33 pm »

Romantically, what I am after is a love that transcends the everyday trifles and dramas and goes way beyond the limitations of what two beings can communicate verbally. Its that elusive creature that can never be trapped. It can be seen it in the twinkle of the eye , but once you approach, it vanishes like a startled faun.

Realistically I am looking for a woman that can share more of my inner world with. My wife is heart and soul right for me as far as it comes to raising the children, but sadly she shares very little of my intellectual interest as well as my love of outdoorsy activities. She is often very dismissive of some of my most cherished and lofty Ideals and hobbies. Even though we have a good thing going, I often long for a companion that will be more nurturing of my egos desire for a cerebral femininity as well as someone to play adventurist games with. Someone who will encourage my development in other areas, and be more apt to humor my idiocentricities and odd sentimentality.

My wife and I share a primal bond , more of an animistic understanding that works well for maintaining a domestic partnership. In our situation it isn't possible to just out grow each other and move on to the next as it is for some. So we have built a relationship that at the core is dedicated keeping together no matter what.

She has a deep rooted desire to find happiness in the love, companionship and sexual attention of men. Its something that is in her nature and I don't ask her to change for me. We are just tring to find opportunities for her to express her nature in healthy ways. She isn't into money or using people or playing childish mind games. To her credit I admit she has matured and outgrown many the petty issues that we had foolishly struggled with early into our relationship. She only wants to have a deep meaningful, loving relationship. She wants me to tell everyone that she is in a committed relationship with two men, and doesn't need or want anything else to make her happy in the romance department.

As for me It seems an almost impossible task to find that ideal companion who will help me with four children, or accept my house wife, dire poverty, extreme opinions, and diet of rotten meat, for long enough to discover the beautiful soul that lies beneath. I also am easily discouraged and don't feel right pursuing women as a "married"man and don't have a clue about courting someone in an openly poly way. I think I could use some coaching in this department; having been a bit of a shy awkward nerd trapped in a construction workers body, there is still so much to learn in the ways of love.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 12:38:12 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #108 on: June 30, 2012, 11:16:30 pm »
Hey Dorothy

Your last statement was full of craziness. I think you need to re-read GS's previous post again and not project.


I read it. You will have to say more than what I said is full of craziness and projection. You will have to use more than one sentence for me to understand you. I understood GS's post in it's entirety. Perhaps you should re-read the entirety of what I wrote instead of just the last sentence.

Perhaps if you tried to discuss rather than just taunt and insult? Everyone else here is speaking from their hearts about their personal experiences and you seem to be just popping in for a sentence here and there to try to intimidate one person and cheer another - not adding much at all.

How about telling us what your situation is? 
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 11:22:27 pm by Dorothy »

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #109 on: July 01, 2012, 09:53:22 am »
Sabertooth's heart coaching
 # 1    Don't give up. Stay true to your own heart's desire, you owe it to each other. Trust when you meet her, how proud you will be to have believed in each other
  # 2    You only want 1 woman, and there are billions to choose from, she doesn't have to raise your children, you and mom are on that, only accept, and love - I believe it is possible, why do you doubt?
   #3   You don't want to pursue - don't - just keep your heart open to the universe - that is the biggest part
   #4   Cry, scream, and shout - It sucks that you have to wait, let the emotions that follow unfulfilled desire out
know thyself and all of the mysteries of the gods and the universe will be revealed.
Oracle at Delphi

Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
Each word led me on to another word,
Each deed to another deed.
Odin, who chose to be weak and hang form the tree of the world (the universe), to capture the Runes (wisdom), so he (omnipotent) grew...
Each true word and deed leads to my manifestation of the true me.

Offline wodgina

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #110 on: July 01, 2012, 11:54:03 am »
I have a lot barriers up and have been single most of my life, I have worked hard to own my place, started my business to protect myself from the whims of other people...

I picked a girl who my mate took  party a year ago. Nothing happened with them, we went out.

I don't know about having more than one partner, I woud be happy for me to have more than one partner not her.

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #111 on: July 01, 2012, 07:47:40 pm »
Thank you for explaining your culture GS. The US is relatively a new country (when not taking into consideration the native inhabitants) but most of the cultures from which we all came from here in the past were pretty much the same as yours unless they just abandoned the women.

The difference in this day and age is that women are able to take care of themselves and their children often on their own not having to live with a man that they no longer love or that can satisfy them sexually (or that they were never attracted to or loved - just chose because they have money).

Yes, men's utility in your country is not appreciated.  This is why many American men go the the Philippines to partner up with women who will appreciate them.

In your culture would it be ok with you and your extended family for your wife to go out and find herself another man? Would it be ok for her to get pregnant with another man? Would you still stand by her? In our culture there historically were outrageous double standards.

Our culture is in FAMILY mode.  Your culture is in INDIVIDUAL mode.  As such when people get married, the family / extended family of the man expects all children from that woman to also be of their blood... part of their family.  Blood is most important. 

The reason for the double standard is families marrying families. 

In our culture, grandma expects her grandchild from her son to be authentic, by blood.  As does grandpa.  As do aunties, as do uncles.  As you can see in some of the Maury Show episodes, grandma and the clan are totally PISSED when the daughter in law cheats on their FAMILY by cuckolding their FAMILY representative.

In individualistic society... maybe relatives do not care.

This is a common friction when the American man finds out later on that his Filipina wife asks and gives financial assistance to her parents and siblings.

Of course there is more to love than sex - but you said yourself earlier that you thought that your wife never really loved you.

It's like American Archie Comics.  I'm Archie and I really dig Veronica.  Even if there are Bettys who are chasing me Archie.  I squeezed 3 children out of veronica... with 2 boys at that... very good sacrifice.

If my husband never had sex with me again I would stay with him. Love is MUCH more than sex. But my husband and I would talk about it. I guess in your culture it's all set up where you don't have to talk about it.

We agree on zero contraception.  This is why.  And you must remember her medical background with 3 c-sections and 1 appendectomy.  So I truly understand her predicament.

Most women can live without sex for the rest of their lives.  Most men cannot unless they are sick.

Women here who are incapable of bearing any more children are known to order their husbands to get another woman pregnant specifically to snatch the baby for themselves.  And this is why some women who are impregnated hide the baby from the married man because that plot is quite common.

My father in law was hidden by his mom from his biological dad who was married with children.

My grandmother's nanny ordered her husband to make them a baby to bring home to them because she was already 40 and they only have one child.

You are expected to go out and get mistresses.

Mistress I define as having at least a kid.  Prostitutes and girlfriends... are also out there and lumped together. 
City women expect prostitutes... and actually welcome them more than girlfriends or mistresses.

This is the reality of how monogamy works.

Don't get me wrong.  I am a staunch pro-life activist and volunteered for years with and still volunteer.

Just being factual as an amateur social scientist stating how monogamy works for most people.

Women here just line up to be mistresses... must be biology that the American occupation and the Spanish occupation could never root out.

I observe that Filipino history should be seen more from the Point of View of Women. 

I feel our islands were easily conquered because Filipinas welcomed the Spanish with open legs.  My wife agrees.

There is interracial synergy and attraction. Filipinas just lined up to Spanish priests.

Often though, even if it is accepted, it doesn't mean that the woman is truly happy with the situation.

There is no such thing as everyone will be happy.  That is fantasy.

In the meantime, men in sexless marriages need to f**k to maintain their sanity.

And this many Filipinas understand where I see American culture does not... unrealistic expectations.

You also probably in your culture are not taught how to really pleasure a woman - or there wouldn't be so many women that stop wanting to have sex with their husbands.

It's a case to case basis.  The most pleasure a woman gets will usually be wealth first.  Then other things.  But as long as you bring in the bacon... you rock.  This my own mother knows.  This my mother in law knows.  And this is why these mothers are very supportive of their sons.

In other cultures that I'm familiar with the women are considered to be the pleasure objects of the men and when a woman stops it's not up to the man to figure out how to make it better - they just leave for another woman.

Filipino women stature is among the highest in the entire world.  Was even higher before the spanish came and instituted their laws in these islands.  Laws haven't changed the power of women... as long as there is FAMILY... women are very very powerful.  It is when there is no family backing the woman that it becomes a problem.

When women get ligated, they dry up and many have total loss of sex drive.

My driver and I have a standing joke about this because his wife got ligated on her 4th child.  She lost her sex drive.  At the same time 5 years ago my driver also lost his erections because of illness.  He was lucky to have gotten me as a boss and I cured his erectile dysfunction by teaching him to eat raw red meat.

Now he's complaining about his wife's loss of sex drive.  But I remind him that he too lost his erection until I rescued him.  So he should stay put and commit to his family .  He still gets his chicks every now and then as long as the girl is paying instead of him.

It does affect the children - especially the girl children dramatically. The girls expect that they will have little chance at real happiness - that's for the men.

Most people here are concerned with survival, Dorothy.  There is this maslows law of needs, right?  Most people here are just in survival and reproductive stage.  So just having a kid and sending them to school to eventually graduate is already a good deal for many... and that makes them happy.

It sounds like you married more than your wife - you married her family. That's actually a beautiful thing.

Yes... that was always the plan. Marrying into a great family.

In a sense in your culture in a way you learn how to divorce without divorcing.

The intellectual understanding of marriage in my culture is far different than yours. 
First for the non muslims, there is no divorce... but there are hard to hurdle legal loopholes.
Second... the poor do not bother with formalities such as paper marriage or paper separation unless there is some legal requirement for migration or a migrant job.
Third... there usually is no property or assets to fight about or even pay divorce lawyers.

The FAMILY again is always there... with common grandchildren and nephews... families do not really divorce.  They are tied by blood.

You still will take care of her and the children financially but go off with other women to meet your emotional and sexual needs. But where does that leave your wife?

Having mistresses and multiple girlfriends is just like having multiple children.  Parents love all their children whether 2 or 12 children.  That love is always unique to each child.  Having number 2, 3 and 4 and 5 and 6... does not change the love for #1.

And this is what the book Ettiquetes for mistresses teaches that the mistresses should not aspire to dislodge #1... most of the time it is YOU the mistress who will be dropped.  Because usually #1 is THAT SPECIAL... much more special than the rest...

(Unless #1 has unrealistic expectations and leaves her husband... which is usually viewed as a dumb idea.)

Check out this wildly popular movie

What will that do to your daughters if you have them?

Have mistresses?

Mistressing in the Philippines may have been going on since pre-historic times. 

I see it so ingrained in the culture.

Sometimes your girl may be #1, and sometimes she's the mistress, or worse... life goes on.

My maternal grandmother was the mistress... #2.

My paternal grandmother was #1 and only one.

My mother wanted to be #1 and only one so she got a man like my dad.

It sounds like something was created that is better than abandonment - yes, but it sounds like a world of continuing hurt for so many women.

Hurt - only to the foreign mind, Dorothy.

And this is the problem with Imperialist policy is that they always want their new conquered lands to be like them instead of letting the natives be and just study and appreciate the differences.

What foreign tinkering has done in the past 50 years is NSSM 200 written by Henry Kissinger and the depopulation contraception scheme.

Ah, that is life... I'm just here to observe and tell fellow raw paleo dieters how I see it.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 08:50:40 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #112 on: July 01, 2012, 08:37:36 pm »
Filipina women perpetuate polygamy along with the males because it is their nature.  I'm privy to many women's lives and know and have seen them operate first hand.  They get what they want and they do not care if the man is taken. 

Filipina women play an active role in the final outcome of the sperm wars.  Most Filipina women I have observed are powerful and are able to do what they desire the outcome to be. 

Filipinas are not "objects".  They are not victims.  Most of this is free will.

Me, I admire the laws and culture of Polygamy allowing Islamic Filipinos because they seem to have almost eliminated prostitution and mistressing in their localities.  They have divorce laws but their families are more solid than the non-muslim / Christians.

And we mostly do not buy the western male vs female idiocy.  It's all about family... always root for your family.  I have daughters... I will back them up with everything biased for my daughters.  I have sons... I will back them up with everything biased for my sons.
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #113 on: July 02, 2012, 02:31:09 am »
Hi GS - just wondering what business you are into, as you talked about you plan to earn millions?

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #114 on: July 02, 2012, 03:57:52 am »
Right now im into website development, email providing and linux administration.

Do some health blogging. Will be authoring some health books.

Exploring poking at learning affiliate marketing. This has big potential.

Trading some stocks.

Could be anything in the future. Always open.
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #115 on: July 02, 2012, 06:07:08 am »
Just wondering GS, if your wife is monogamous? and also your recommendations of birth control for people like my wife so that she wont get pregnant with a love child. She is very conflicted because she wants this man's baby but knows it would be too complicated and he has requested that she begin using birth control (contraceptive pills) to ensure that they do not conceive. 

I still don't have any mistress yet, but I have been vetting a few candidates. I just now am coming clean with my past flirtations with my wife. There is this one woman I have known for three years. We have a platonic friendship that stems from our occasional chats with a married woman at the grocery store. She is very affectionate and kind, she gave me a 50$ gift card when I was broke, and she got me a bottle of goldenseal extract for my wounds on my last birthday. I gave her a Christmas card last Christmas. Today is my birthday and she gave me a hug.

I hid this Innocent platonic friendship from my wife, because how do you explain that you have a friend that you also find attractive, without being a cheater? Perhaps that is what I want more than a mistress is a friendship with a woman.

Is it possible to have such friendships? There was always this debate I would hear come up with the guys I grew up with about how you can't be a truly platonic friendship if you are attracted to each other. I always thought its such a pity that people cant put their lust aside in order to have true friendships with members of the opposite sex.
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #116 on: July 02, 2012, 07:05:18 am »
Just wondering GS, if your wife is monogamous?

Since I caught her to have slept in another guy's house when we were engaged?

I don't know the answer to that question.  All I care is all the children she bears are mine.  So far I haven't seen the need to do DNA paternity tests.

and also your recommendations of birth control for people like my wife so that she wont get pregnant with a love child. She is very conflicted because she wants this man's baby but knows it would be too complicated and he has requested that she begin using birth control (contraceptive pills) to ensure that they do not conceive. 

I would never wish for any woman to take birth control pills, patches, IUDs, injectables, etc... they are all poison... and all raw paleo dieters know this.  The children will need their mother when they grow up and into old age.

I'm the wrong person to ask about contraception simply because I believe they should not be used so that people can go back to being real human beings and think about their actions as real human beings always with the possibility of pregnancy with sexual relations.

A woman who asks me to wear condoms I will always dress up and leave.  I find out she's on birth control I dress up and leave as well.

I still don't have any mistress yet, but I have been vetting a few candidates. I just now am coming clean with my past flirtations with my wife. There is this one woman I have known for three years. We have a platonic friendship that stems from our occasional chats with a married woman at the grocery store. She is very affectionate and kind, she gave me a 50$ gift card when I was broke, and she got me a bottle of goldenseal extract for my wounds on my last birthday. I gave her a Christmas card last Christmas. Today is my birthday and she gave me a hug.

I hid this Innocent platonic friendship from my wife, because how do you explain that you have a friend that you also find attractive, without being a cheater? Perhaps that is what I want more than a mistress is a friendship with a woman.

Is it possible to have such friendships? There was always this debate I would hear come up with the guys I grew up with about how you can't be a truly platonic friendship if you are attracted to each other. I always thought its such a pity that people cant put their lust aside in order to have true friendships with members of the opposite sex.

Yes it is possible to have platonic friendships with a woman even if you are attracted to her like the usual taboos.  She may be a blood relative.  Or she may be your wife's sister.  You just suck it up and try to be platonic.

It's easier for a man to control his attractions, urges if he's had a good amount of sexual experience playing the field or is sexually sated somehow.

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #117 on: July 02, 2012, 07:15:03 am »
platonic relationships are totally possible, even if you extremely attracted, physically and mentally, to each other.  i have a deeply loving friendship that is and has been kept platonic for at least 5 years.  this is with someone who i have spent a lot of time with, worked with, hung out with, camped, built things..etc.  this is perhaps the closest thing i can recognize as TRUE LOVE.  its weird that, because this love has not manifested on the physical plane, it seems to have grown even more so in other realms.  to the point where at times we are together its seems as though there is telepathic communication and understanding, we have run into each other after long periods of time under really strange circumstances, and more often then not have the same thing in mind of what we should do when we are together.  this friend has had an on and off and now steady girlfriend through our whole relationship.  i have had to back off hanging out with my friend because of her jealously but i respected that because i have been the jealous girl before.  i think because i have respected her physical relationship she is now okay with us as friends and hopefully someday she and i will try and be friends as well:) 

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #118 on: July 03, 2012, 12:10:28 am »
Thank you for taking the time to explain so much about your culture GS. I'm not a pure product of my culture so maybe what you say is generally true about mine - but not generally true about me - so I'm not so sure I understand what you are saying completely about my culture. Most of the people I spend time with don't fit the stereotype you have stated either.

Women in the US used to not complain about the double standards until it changed because they never knew anything different. From what you said your culture only cares that the children are of paternal decent and not about the women. If it wasn't a double standard the women that weren't happy in their marriages sexually or otherwise would also go out and get gigalos and have lovers and their clan and husbands would fight over their babies.

You can't miss what you don't know exists I guess and it sounds like your women have been subjugated for so long that they haven't a clue - just like it was here in the old days.

Families standing up for each other and blood being important is all great - except it's only the male blood that seems to count.

The women have to stay sexless - from what I know about women in general I HIGHLY doubt that they all want to or that they don't have needs or desires - it's just that in your culture no one cares about them. They make the best of what they have available to them.

It's a big double standard - or you might otherwise have achieved something like what Sabertooth is aspiring to with his wife.

I still feel very sorry for your women after all that you said. Ignorance is not bliss.

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #119 on: July 03, 2012, 12:29:47 am »
I have a lot barriers up and have been single most of my life, I have worked hard to own my place, started my business to protect myself from the whims of other people...

I picked a girl who my mate took  party a year ago. Nothing happened with them, we went out.

I don't know about having more than one partner, I woud be happy for me to have more than one partner not her.

Thanks Wodg.

Do you mean that you would be open to having more than one partner as long as it wasn't her or do you mean that she wouldn't want to have another partner involved?

Are you still with this woman?

Having place and work settled is important. Like what GS was talking about - Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Hard to really think too much about general societal trends or even others much when you don't have your own basic needs of shelter, food and safety handled.

With that set, do you feel like you're ready to start letting down some of the barriers yet?

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #120 on: July 03, 2012, 01:51:13 pm »
You can't miss what you don't know exists I guess and it sounds like your women have been subjugated for so long that they haven't a clue - just like it was here in the old days.

What do you think Filipino women miss in 2012?

What I know is access to EBT cards / government handouts and student loans... where both men and women miss out.
Many women have more access to education because they can be prostitute scholars... whereas men find a smaller market to prostitute themselves.

Families standing up for each other and blood being important is all great - except it's only the male blood that seems to count.

Not so.  Female blood is deFACTo... A woman's child is definitely her blood and it counts.  Unless she got baby switched at the hospital.

The women have to stay sexless - from what I know about women in general I HIGHLY doubt that they all want to or that they don't have needs or desires - it's just that in your culture no one cares about them. They make the best of what they have available to them.

Women are not sexless in the Philippines.  The example of allegedly sexless women were my wife and Alive's wife.
Many women stop having sex because the appeal of sex has dried up for them.
Sex is a reproductive function, not a pleasure function.

It's a big double standard - or you might otherwise have achieved something like what Sabertooth is aspiring to with his wife.

My wife works in a multinational corporate environment and travels locally and abroad without me.  She has access and time to play around if she wants to.

Women like Sabertooth's wife wanting to breed with many men is uber common in the Philippines.  It's a good strategy to be a professional mistress and have multiple voluntary child support.  There are model type beautiful women who do this.   And there are those who do not need child support who do this... one such high profile sperm collector and celebrity endorser / oprah type host is Kris Aquino, sister of the current President and daughter of the late Female President... she gets sperm from each targeted man to make her babies and discards the men afterwards.

If an example of poor women, there was my old company driver's wife who dumped her husband and 4 children in favor of her Korean lover.  Driver hooked up with former wife's sister.  Funny and true.

And how about our old security guard who was not able to conceive with his wife for 2 years, requested to get a babymaker woman, he found one willing.  He got the babymaker pregnant.  And a few weeks later, his wife was pregnant too.  Our guard wound up asking my dad for paternity leave twice in a space of 2 weeks.

Or how about my good lady friend who was getting married.  Her mom was crying.  Not because she was pregnant.  But because they didn't know which of her 3 boyfriends that kid was. 

Then 12 years later this lady friend kept a diary of all her exploits and boyfriends.  Husband found out.  Asked anullment, got custody of what he thinks is "his" boy.  Grandmother of the mother takes the kid to the USA for a tour and kidnaps the boy, while mother is waiting in the USA with her new boyfriend.  Husband gets goons to chase mother and son and lover throughout the USA.  But the last trump card was if he ever caught up... is he your son?  Now that the boy is 21, he looks like the other boyfriend who migrated to Australia.

Or how about our female sales lady who had 3 children with her husband construction foreman.  She got her assigned driver as his cuckolder / bull and she had a 4th child.  That driver even became the godparent to his own kid.  Dang little girl looks like bio dad without the mustache.

Or another good lady friend who's husband has a daughter with a previous girlfriend who left the child with him.  Then he married this lady who cuckolded him and bore a fair skinned daughter.  Then the next child was the husband's biological little boy.  So it is obvious with the 3 children that the middle child is not of the husband's family.  Sure, the grandmother and grandfather are pissed off and do not attend to the odd fair skinned child.  But the lady just chugs along and tries to make a living not dependent on her husband and in laws... she's provincial.  Yet husband accepts it as it is.  Rainbow family.

Life is all colorful.  As I said... women are uber powerful in my country.  The cuckolded may get angry at a sperm collecting woman, but she will always have her family backing her up.

I still feel very sorry for your women after all that you said. Ignorance is not bliss.

Ignorance to what?
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 02:00:13 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #121 on: July 04, 2012, 12:59:16 am »
@GS  I read the beginning of your post but don't have the emotional energy to make it all the way through right now and respond to you fully. Maybe later. It's because you don't seem to have understood a word I said. You seem to think that money is the number one important thing in life and that women just dry up and sex is just for procreation and nothing more. Women don't just "dry up". You think that because it's how you are interpreting what you see around you in your culture. That can becomes true culturally but it is not a physiological or emotion fact regarding human females. You also take sentences out of what I write and miss the main points I'm trying to make. Going back and forth in such a way I doubt is going to be productive with you so I'll try to keep it more to single points.

Maybe there are some people that only care about money, jobs and procreation but I don't believe that my culture is superficial in that there is openness to relationships based on something different and I don't believe that there is no one in your culture that doesn't feel emotionally and sexually empty with such a setup - especially the women. 

Listen, if you were my husband who I never really loved that I married for your family and I already got the kids I wanted (money and kids and family are all one has to hope for it seems so I did real good for myself from within the cultural bounds) I wouldn't have sex with you either or any other man in a culture like yours for one particularly important reason above the others: I'm obviously intelligent and find fulfillment at my job and with other women and with my family so why would I ever take the chance of getting STDs from a man that goes around exposing himself? You might believe that STD's are not real for a raw paleo dieter, but I don't even as a raw paleo dieter. If my immune system isn't strong enough and you carry something home I could end up dead.

Those prostitutes have nothing to lose. They might be able to get a baby and then have any kind of pull in the world. You are only concerned about spreading your seed - that's it. You didn't understand my point at all about the women's blood not being of the same value. I'm not going to try to explain that again or go back through what you wrote to quote you at this point - but maybe you can understand that in a society where there is no hope for a full loving sexual relationship through life with one person that you love (you said the women dry up yourself GS and the men go off - its' the way it is - mistresses are the norm) then the women are ignorant that they could have a happy fulfilled and safe sexual relationship with just one man that they love and who loves them. The culture negates that possibility - just like our negates the possibilities that Sabertooth is looking to explore.

You refusing to use a condom with women to me says it all that we are on such radically different pages on some real basic human level with being concerned about the health and welfare of others through our actions that all the rest I can't even stand to read at the moment.

Just in case you believe the statistical lies the Philippine government has been disseminating there are many links talking about how the HIV statistics are fabricated.

Chapter by chapter Wilkinson systematically lays bare the bitter truth behind the incredibly low HIV/AIDS figures being dispense by the Philippine government. The 75-years-young author, who has been a crusader for social issues in the Philippines for many years, writes that, "in the investigations, the more questions that were posed, the thicker the blanket of silence came down". But through meticulous research he manages to show that while the government proudly proclaims that the HIV/AIDS epidemic has passed the Philippines by, the scope of the problem is, in fact, much larger than anyone knows. In fact, Wilkinson points out, the Philippines couldn't possibly have such a low HIV/AIDS rate as all the ingredients of an epidemic clearly exist in the country. Instead, he insists, the Philippines is sitting on a social time bomb fueled by utter complacency and denial on the part of the government. And if something isn't done to tackle the problem soon, he says, an entire generation of Filipinos may be unnecessarily decimated.

@ Sabertooth - regarding birth control: There are methods that use only blockage. The woman inserts a device for the sex act and removes it after the sperm would no longer be viable. There are forms of this that use no creams or spermicides that might be absorbed by the woman that can be bought on-line. But........ if I were in your shoes....... unless I knew that the man my wife was having sex with was monogamous with her for sure and got proper testing before sex or used a condom reliably and that she was having sex with no other man either, I would simply not have sex with her without a condom on for my own self protection.

There are STDs that can be carried that might not produce symptoms in the person at the moment and might not produce symptoms in the sexual partner that might end up in you. Even you might not get symptoms as a raw paleo dieter but any woman that you have sex with that might have a weaker immune system could get a serious illness.

The only way to be responsible with multiple partners is to use proper protection. I don't know how that statement can be logically argued against. I remember years ago they were coming out with condoms that a woman could insert inside herself for protection. I didn't keep up watching if it came out or not - but if I were your wife that's what I would use to protect myself and you if her partner has ever had unprotected sex without testing and if he doesn't use a condom presently. If she wants to have a baby with him - I would sit down and have a real talk with him because it's not only your wife that can be affected. I would call him up and ask him how many partners he has had, whether he got tested for STD's and if he is going to be only having sex with your wife while trying to conceive. Then you have to talk about who is going to be responsible for such a child. I would also have that talk with your wife because if she wants a baby with him and is responsible for the birth control she might subconsciously mess up on the birth control even if she says consciously she will do it properly. If you're going to have an open marriage with open communication then if I were in your shoes I would have totally open conversations with any adult involved and insist on testing and proper protection and figure out everything in advance about possible baby issues regarding insemination, diseases, financial responsibilities and who is going to be responsible for raising them - including visitation and other rights.

This is the new millenium and in the US at least everyone should know the basics of protected sex and STDs when the information is so readily available and involves a life or death decision. If you want to debate whether it's life or death for a raw paleo dieter I won't do that because I haven't a clue really (and neither do you)  since there has been no testing on the subject so it would be hubris to make a stance on that - but you surely can't argue that you having unprotected sex would be ok for your multiple partners that are not raw paleo.

Monogamy is one way of dealing with STDs and proper protection is another. The thing that makes polyamory a healthy possibility are the advances in protection regarding STDs and in the US there can be open conversations and contracts written up that protect all parties.

Hope some of those ideas are helpful to you Sabertooth.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 01:06:08 am by Dorothy »

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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #122 on: July 04, 2012, 06:55:48 am »
@GS  I read the beginning of your post but don't have the emotional energy to make it all the way through right now and respond to you fully. Maybe later. It's because you don't seem to have understood a word I said.

Notice how far away we live from one another.  There is always some misunderstanding.  And notice that we are just typing.  So there are a myriad of things not transmitted.  But we try.

You seem to think that money is the number one important thing in life

For most Filipinos, lack of money is the number one thing.

and that women just dry up and sex is just for procreation and nothing more.

On a biological level observing the function of sex on most of the sexual animal kingdom... it seems so most of the time.

Women don't just "dry up". You think that because it's how you are interpreting what you see around you in your culture. That can becomes true culturally but it is not a physiological or emotion fact regarding human females.

I agree on the emotional portion.  I have a 70 year old male friend and his wife is 72 and they are very sexual seniors.  Once a week at least.  But it does not stop from suspecting her senior husband's sexcapades when he travels to the Philippines allegedly for business... because she knows he can physiologically needs sex once a week.  But they are happy together and that is their standing joke / argument / loving swipes.

You also take sentences out of what I write and miss the main points I'm trying to make. Going back and forth in such a way I doubt is going to be productive with you so I'll try to keep it more to single points.

I try to keep abreast of your multiple ideas.

Maybe there are some people that only care about money, jobs and procreation but I don't believe that my culture is superficial in that there is openness to relationships based on something different and I don't believe that there is no one in your culture that doesn't feel emotionally and sexually empty with such a setup - especially the women. 

I try to write down my observations as a dispassionate social scientist.

My co-parent is a producer / director / writer for the biggest tv network here and her latest current shoots are about a new telenovela that the masses like.  About a married man falling in love with a poorer woman and virgin while they were shipwrecked on an island and eventually goes back to mainland with his wife.  But of course the mistressing goes on and the conflict continues.

Her research in a nutshell says that men are just polygamous and that women fall in love and do not care what the background of the man is. 

This concept was epitomized a long time ago in a very popular movie: "I love you, whoever you are or may be."

Listen, if you were my husband who I never really loved that I married for your family and I already got the kids I wanted (money and kids and family are all one has to hope for it seems so I did real good for myself from within the cultural bounds) I wouldn't have sex with you either or any other man in a culture like yours for one particularly important reason above the others: I'm obviously intelligent and find fulfillment at my job and with other women and with my family so why would I ever take the chance of getting STDs from a man that goes around exposing himself? You might believe that STD's are not real for a raw paleo dieter, but I don't even as a raw paleo dieter. If my immune system isn't strong enough and you carry something home I could end up dead.

I hear you.  Some people are deathly afraid of the STD and especially AIDS scare. 

My best friend is afraid of STDs.  So he remains loyal.

Which his loyalty is not rewarded because his 46 year old wife is having an affair and suggested that if her husband has a problem with it, that he should get a mistress too.  The difference with Sabertooth's case is my friend's wife has already been hysterectomied.

Those prostitutes have nothing to lose. They might be able to get a baby and then have any kind of pull in the world.

Yet we should all recognize them as real people as you and me.  I have no doubt some of my ancestors may have been.

You are only concerned about spreading your seed - that's it.

The way nature understands it is it is ruthless when it comes to extinction. 

You didn't understand my point at all about the women's blood not being of the same value.

Then maybe in your culture "blood" means something else?

I'm not going to try to explain that again or go back through what you wrote to quote you at this point - but maybe you can understand that in a society where there is no hope for a full loving sexual relationship through life with one person that you love (you said the women dry up yourself GS and the men go off - its' the way it is - mistresses are the norm) then the women are ignorant that they could have a happy fulfilled and safe sexual relationship with just one man that they love and who loves them.

Maybe this is why it is seldom that an American white woman will marry a Filipino man?

And maybe this is why there are a lot of American / Canadian / British / Australian white males who marry Filipino women?

Check this out:

Maybe that is also why Filipino women aged past the calendar (past 30) cannot get a Filipino man, but has better prospects at getting a white foreigner!

The culture negates that possibility - just like our negates the possibilities that Sabertooth is looking to explore.

Yes, most clans here are not going to be happy with what Sabertooth's wife is trying to explore.

You refusing to use a condom with women to me says it all that we are on such radically different pages on some real basic human level with being concerned about the health and welfare of others through our actions that all the rest I can't even stand to read at the moment.

Of course we are different.  No condoms is natural and "paleo"... and disgustingly "pro-life".

Just in case you believe the statistical lies the Philippine government has been disseminating there are many links talking about how the HIV statistics are fabricated.

The entire HIV / AIDS is a completely fabricated myth.
Something you and I can disagree on in another thread.
HIV tests are mostly fraud.
AIDS diagnosis is again mostly fraud.
Just as a lot of Cancer diagnosis is fraud.

There are other STDs that are real out there, but HIV/AIDS is not one of them.
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #123 on: July 04, 2012, 07:00:37 am »
STDs wont be an issue with my wife's boyfriend because he has been celibate for many years and  is extremely STD phobic himself. He doesn't want to have intercourse without using a condom. Its my wife that wants the all natural encounter. She does not want to use condoms at all and is certain she is safe from STDs with him.

I would want them to use condoms to prevent pregnancy, the only problem is finding one that fits. He has a monster that measures over ten inches, they have been looking for something that fit, Magnums are too tight and fall right off. I guess we will have to special order some online.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 07:07:34 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Vitalis on monogamy vs. polyamory
« Reply #124 on: July 04, 2012, 07:16:27 am »
STDs wont be an issue with my wife's boyfriend because he has been celibate for many years and  is extremely STD phobic himself. He doesn't want to have intercourse without using a condom. Its my wife that wants the all natural encounter. She does not want to use condoms at all and is certain she is safe from STDs with him.

I would want them to use condoms to prevent pregnancy, the only problem is finding one that fits. He has a monster that measures over ten inches, they have been looking for something that fit, Magnums are too tight and fall right off. I guess we will have to special order some online.

If STD's are not an issue Sabertooth and just prevention of pregnancy then they have many more options of course. If he trusts your wife to handle the contraception then the cervical cap might be her best option.

But what happens if she does get pregnant anyway Sabertooth? No contraceptive technique is 100% reliable. Have you talked about contingency plans with her and her boyfriend?


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