Author Topic: How to tell family and friends about your diet?  (Read 11879 times)

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Re: How to tell family and friends about your diet?
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2012, 11:33:37 pm »
Suiren - just wanted to say that your avatar of your family is beautiful!

You will have to do some soul searching - but I'm sure you will be able to figure out ways for your child to go to school if that what you want for him in terms of diet. The good thing is that a raw paleo diet is more than just raw meat and most of the time the child will be eating at home. If he is fed something that is bad for him occasionally it might not out-weigh the benefits of a school for you all and he will be so incredibly strong from his good diet that you won't have much to worry about physically. If he throws up bad foods immediately that will be all the more reason for you to send good foods with him and the teachers will understand. I would just not go around trying to convince others at the school of the benefits of eating raw meat. I would just say that the boy does best with a lunch of fruit or whatever more socially acceptable foods he can take with him. That's all. I would make the decision of whether or not he goes to school based on other the other factors you mentioned and others regarding his education. You will be able to control his diet well-enough when you feed him at home and what you send to school with him. Just play it smart and I'm sure you will be ok.

Does anyone else here have children that they feed raw paleo diets to and that go to school?

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Re: How to tell family and friends about your diet?
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2012, 03:32:35 am »
Suiren, that is fantastic that you managed to cure all these diseases. I have hashimoto and having trouble with bad sleep and constipation. Im new to raw so could you describe how you eat,  do you eat only meat or veggies as well? what medication did you use t4, t3 or NTH?


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Re: How to tell family and friends about your diet?
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2012, 04:33:05 am »
Suiren, that is fantastic that you managed to cure all these diseases. I have hashimoto and having trouble with bad sleep and constipation. Im new to raw so could you describe how you eat,  do you eat only meat or veggies as well? what medication did you use t4, t3 or NTH?


Hi Christofer. I think my medication was not the t3 and t4 kind, since my levels for that were not too bad? I never really got too informed about it. But I was on Synthroid, so synthetic thyroid hormone, 50 mcg once a day (+ cabergoline varying doses).

My first test results were like this:
Anti Tg  871.4
Anti Tpo 314.3
Free T3  3.250
Free T4  1.510
TSH  3.080

Prolactin 29.6

I think most concerning were my anti bodies and the prolactin. Cabergoline lowered the prolactin and my thyroid levels bettered slightly, at first I did not want to take synthroid, so the doctor gave me hald year to see if things better. I then started on synthroid and started experiencing strong symptoms of Hashimoto's. But my levels were fine after.

At some point my TSH went up to 8 too...:/

My diet was not even great yet when it bettered, but I basically ate Paleo for the most part, a lot of cooked foods still, but avoiding Pasta, Gluten or basically grain products, nad later rice, corn, dairy and now potatoes.
I also ate/ eat very high fat, raw butter is the only "dairy" product I still eat until I can transition to suet. Raw butter does not have a lot of the bad things dairy has and it does not give me problems, or at least nothing noticeable.
I eat a few veggies during the day, very little fruit, mostly berries, and a large amount of meat, sometimes raw sometimes cooked. We can not afford to buy grasfed meat all the time so I cook grainfed meat or even resort to organic lunch meats.

I used to eat a lot of Pasta, rice, bread before raw paleo, so I think that really shot my health to hell.

I hope your Hashimoto's will better, you can certainly learn a lot here!
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Re: How to tell family and friends about your diet?
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2012, 07:47:55 am »
> Does anyone else here have children that they feed raw paleo diets to and that go to school?

When my 11 year old was still very sick last year we did.  And we briefed the teacher.

These days he's on cooked paleo diet.
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Re: How to tell family and friends about your diet?
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2012, 12:44:05 pm »
Thank you very much for your answer. I have never heard of cabergoline but it will read into this

I havent been eating grains for 6 months. I just started eating beef raw still eat chicken cooked

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Re: How to tell family and friends about your diet?
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2012, 02:34:20 pm »
Burten and Suiren, how do you sleep? It may be completely unrelated, but I just read your post soon after reading this article about segmented sleep and it's effect on prolactin regulation.

I am sure raw foods will be much more of a cure than sleep though, as food alters homeostasis in an open system, rather than a closed system like sleep does.

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Re: How to tell family and friends about your diet?
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2012, 09:48:48 pm »
That is very interesting! My prolactin levels have been fine since spring and I have not been on meds since August 2011 so I would be able to breastfeed.
After my pregnancy, my hormones had trouble settling down and my prolactin would not go down. This caused me a very severe version of a post partum sheds, with bald spots and all. I was breastfeeding at the time and offered meds, which would have meant that I could not nurse anymore. But I continued breastfeeding and it normalized on its own! My body was eventually able to do it and ever since I have had no problems. My hair has been growing back too.

Right now I wake 1-2 times a night because my son needs to nurse. I don't have to get up since he is in bed, so I pretty much just latch him and doze back of (dreamfeed). Not sure if that counts as segmented sleep?
I sleep 6-8 hours atm...mostly less than 8.

Before pregnancy and all I used to sleep without ever waking really 8-10 hours straight. On a standard diet I was always tired though.

cabergoline is a drug given to lower prolactin levels and control pituitary tumors. I used to have one of these thingies.
How long have you had Hashimoto's? If you have had it for a while I imagine it can take your body a while to bounce back.
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Offline berten76

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Re: How to tell family and friends about your diet?
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2012, 01:00:50 am »
Very interesting, i have never heard of prolactin, and i haven't tested my levels of it. My sleep is very segmented. I go to bed 10:30 fall asleep very fast, wake up between 1-3, than it is very difficult to get back do sleep, then my sleep is very shallow  until 5-6 when i cant sleep anymore. The article actually make seance, the few time i actually go up it is easier to go back to sleep especially if i have sex.

I was diagnosed with hashimoto 2007, it was a rutine control so i never notice any symptoms. I'm a diabetic typ 1 so i go on regular controls. I haven't had any symptoms until feb 2011, when my sleep get bad and I got constipated. I noticed my t3 leveles where low, but my doctor said that that doesn't matter, so it isn't until now i have started to suspect it is my hashimoto that is causing me problems.


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