Huh, thanks a lot for your advise, that's nice
goodsamaritan, I did not do a lot with Cheyenne yet, do you mean I should sprinkle it on my food like this or drink it or so?
Joe, yes, herbs are certainly very helpfull, I used a lot of ginger today. With garlic I'm not so sure, because it also lowers blood pressure and my blood pressure is already quite low. cinnamon is a good Idea also, even thou I don't do a lot of food preparation at the moment because I want to be more in tune with what I'm eating
Head and neck massage sounds good, I'm going to try this as well
I always try to eat warm food, cold food totally turns me off
The thing with the thermometer is cool. I just took my temp., it is 95,3.
My goal should be 98,6. OK
I think I have to eat a lot of red meat and Cheyenne
I'm going to take my temp the next days like you said before and after I eat, that could be very interesting. Often I feel how the food affects me but this will be objective.
Did you use this method already and did you learn something?
I would love to get my body temp up, I admire people with a warm strong body.
Mild exercises I do already.
Sure I have a lot of detox to do. But at the moment my focus is more stabilising and gaining strength. The last weeks I lost some of my hard gained weight because I felt the need to clear my system, I just stooped ove rating and late night eating and mixing so much. I feel better now but I start being skinny again
bachcole, I studied Ayurveda a lot and love it. I'm very much a Vata person and I try to live accordingly.
I take niacin already as a B vit group suppl.
Raw all, honey does not agree with me but Vata tee I will try. Triphala, is it not a herb for constipation or more for detox? I will look into it. Do you take it, you have a lot of Vata yourself
I still eat to much food with cold rough dry light character. But I eat it warm
. Sure I have to reduce all this raw vegetable stuff, it takes so much energy to digest and makes me cold, especially the greeeens. On the other hand sides it feels clean and easy and it clears my system, I love it.
Dairy I don't want any more in my diet. I experimented a lot with it the last years, after some times it always makes me sick.
Eggs I'm not sure about, if I eat them I have a clogged nose the next day, sometimes small inflammations and candida symptoms???
There is not so much fat my body likes. Olive Oil and Coconut oil makes me sick, the back fat and fat around the kidneys from beef and lamb I find hard to digest as well. I eat a lot of coconut every day and some avocado, both are not very warming foods I guess.
Fasting I don't do of course. I try to eat already before I leave the house. Vor a couple of days I try to eat a bit later, do some exercises like swimming on an empty stomach and eat my proteins later, inspired by Dr Mercola, but I instantly lost weight -XNot cool
Wodgina, of curse you are right, it is very much psychosomatic as well, I'm super anxious and scared of live itself I guess. I do a lot of energies work already and also I supplement things like magnesium and tryphtophan and gaba to calm me down
Jessica, kelp is your solution for everything
I don't have kelp but nori and dulse and I use them a lot because they are so good for me also.
My hormones are totally mixed up. I think it has a lot to do with my weight. My hormone status is very low.
That is not healthy at all, I already have signs of osteoporosis, umpf.