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Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« on: July 13, 2012, 07:15:35 pm »
Eating mainly RP has been improving my health problems:
+ More stable energy levels, less fatigue, better mood
+ Lower back pain has gone, feeling strong
+ Hardly ever fart now - before I was farting all the time
+ Better tolerance of high and low temperatures
+ Good bowel motions, no constipation, rectal bleeding stopped

Eating some cooked paleo / dairy seems not too bad, but I really need avoid all grains and processed sugars as they have a really bad effect on me the next day - creating fatigue and constipation.

Offline joej627

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2012, 12:47:13 am »
That's awesome.  Yea, it really is a way of life.  It is funny looking at "regular food" anymore.  It's like everything most people eat looks like a cartoon or comic book to me now.  These bags and boxes with funky labeling and chemicals.  Real food just seems right after a while and you wonder how you ever ate otherwise.

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2012, 04:43:11 am »
Yes it feels strange Joe, yesterday I was hunting in the fridge and cupboards for satisfaction / entertainment / relief and it felt strange to look at all those pretty pictures on tins and packets - how do you avoid following this packaging propaganda and stick to eating real food?

Marketing, politics (and religion?) are similar in how they turn the truth on its head.

This high RP diet has also improved my:
+ Knee pain - random internal joint pain gone
+ Dead tooth pain - from root canal removal, ache gone
+ Headaches - former constant background headache reduced
+ Sleeping - former insomnia gone
+ Relaxed jaw - less jaw clenching and tooth grinding (a sign of pain in animals)

Today need to buy more RP supplies - lamb chops, fish, offal, almonds, dates to stock my own RP cupboard and fridge shelves.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 04:50:18 am by alive »

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2012, 04:53:05 am »
Well honestly, I find that the health/performance benefits are reason enough to stay on track usually.  I allow myself to cheat every once in awhile but after eating healthy stuff for a year or two the cravings seem to disappear.  When the body gets everything it needs, it doesn't want much else.  I stick with cheats that aren't so bad.  Just don't fall into the "dogma" or "guru" traps.  Gotta ease into things.  I also think emotional/spiritual work is very important with staying on track.  Once you get a spiritual path going you won't want to clog that vision up with heavy junk food.  Completely shuts it down.  Maybe thats why we have a bunch of people walking around like zombies  ;D

Offline Dorothy

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2012, 05:15:13 am »
Joe, I guess everything is a continuum. I find that other people's definition of good food I often think of as junk food. You cheating so often, if it's not once every few months, I would consider part of my diet. Some things that interfere with my spiritual "work" (or connection or whatever you want to call it) other people think support theirs. Too much fruit or the wrong kind of fruit shuts me down much faster than potato chips for instance. I have met people with all their "lights on" that ate terribly. One of the things that bugged me the most hanging out on that raw site that was mostly vegans was how they would say that they were more spiritually advanced because of the way that they ate. In my experience, you can't make generalizations about others like that and make sense to me. You can say that you yourself shut down or that your spiritual experiences get shut down when eating a certain way - but that's about it. People can become zombies for so many reasons.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 05:51:57 am by Dorothy »

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2012, 07:50:24 am »
Miscommunication I think Dorothy.  I let myself eat junk maybe once a month, but am not too concerned about some cooked potatoes or sushi with rice every now and then.  The spirituality thing is tricky yes.  I don't condone anybody thinking they are more spiritual because of how they eat.  However, I believe the two are related.  People that develop a strong spiritual practice usually don't have the desire for stuff like pizza, chicken wings, garlic bread, etc. as much.  Like in many shamanic traditions they stick to very simple diet, not many spices, etc.  I agree that "one man's meat."  It's really all about what we can individually metabolize.  If i shred through 20 apples in a day and feel amazing, great.  It's when we eat heavy things that are innapropriate for our own bodies and crazy food combinations and 20 things at a time that things get confusing.  I guess this is just my experience.  Whenever doing meditation or shamanic work I try to not eat any super heavy or complex, highly seasoned foods for a few hours before because it interferes for me.  Maybe we are in the wrong forum  ;D

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2012, 07:53:26 am »
I have seen powerful shamans and psychics that eat very heavy foods in an attempt to keep themselves grounded.

It's a slippery slope when one says that their diet, whether lighter, less karmically damaging or whatever is better spiritually. When it comes to diet and spirituality or emotional reactions - I just speak for myself.

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2012, 01:28:18 am »
I am not suggesting that any diet makes better spirituality.  Rather, what works for your own unique body and situation.  Grounding is one thing, but bogging the body up with food it can't handle is a completely different thing.  I think everybody has to find what their own unique system needs at any given moment.  This may change depending on the weather, seasons, activity levels, age, etc.

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2012, 04:56:06 am »
I think everybody has to find what their own unique system needs at any given moment.

That part I totally agree with! I just won't judge at this point what people feel they have to do/eat to keep things going or even to stay on the planet. I've gone through that phase and it's really constricting and damaging to the people I have met that I might have had a better relationship with if I wasn't judging them. I wasn't born as powerful and connected so I can't ever really know what it is like.

I can't eat a lot of fruit or even certain fruits even though that is as light and wholesome as you can get and stay grounded. It took me a long time to stay grounded in a healthy diet. I used to use dense foods to help me. I wasn't less connected, just less skilled and practiced.

Even a subtle judgment of the kind that has been alluded to can be damaging when you are dealing with people that are powerful sensitives. I lost a lot of opportunities from judging - even ever so slightly. Just because I need cleaner and cleaner, better and better food - doesn't mean that everyone does. Some people are already far beyond anything I can hope to attain and have to reel it in. If they do it with sweets and fried foods - it's at least better than them not being here at all. It's taken me decades to really learn this and drop my judgments regarding food and spirituality and I still catch myself. 

I hope I'm not beating a dead horse - it's just a big subject for me that I've thought long and hard on. I realize that you are firmly on a spiritual path so you are someone here with whom I can discuss such things.

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2012, 05:41:08 am »
Thanks, yea well i am very new at all of it as well.  It takes quite a while.  I "thought" i knew a lot of stuff.  It seems like these days I just try to let go a lot more.  Allow if you will.  Allowing seems to lead us to our own unique needs instead of forcing things or trying to follow guidelines set up by others.  We are all unique "snow flakes" as you will.

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2012, 07:50:37 am »
No many how many decades I'm at it, the more I learn, the more I realize how vast the horizon.   :o

Allowing seems to lead us to our own unique needs instead of forcing things or trying to follow guidelines set up by others.  We are all unique "snow flakes" as you will.

Pretty wise for a guy who's very new at it all. ;)

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2012, 11:58:23 am »
No many how many decades I'm at it, the more I learn, the more I realize how vast the horizon.   :o
So true, Dorothy. When I was younger there where times when I thought there wasn't much more to learn, but such silly presumptions passed pretty quickly.

Now a miracle has happened that just shows how much there is to learn and experience. I have had a banjaxed hip for half my life. The pain has, at times been excruciating, almost to tears as how I would suffer trying to get it out of that old Beretta, so low slung, I suffered with at the turn of the century. Then I went on Dr D'Adamo's blood type diet and  gave up any scent of wheat. Shortly I was able to walk without pain and my mobility improved continuously over a nine month period.

But I was never completely free of pain. That was in 2000ish. Now I have been on a mostly raw diet for about three weeks, and the past week or so I have been so free of pain for the first times since I did the damage in or around 1981, that I have been morosely waiting for it to return. Then yesterday, my brother & cousin were in from Edmonton and came to sport me to a meal. I acquiesced at the mention of sushi. We got Bento boxed lunches which were not raw, though we added (Japanese fancy name for) raw farmed salmon.

Within the hour my pain was back as I was hobbling along in a huge mall to the Apple Store — no joy. And gas, if I could have bagged that stuff we could have motored home on it. First time since early January when I first started my quest with a ketogenic diet (after seeing "First Do No Harm" avec the great Meryl Steep).
By evening time the pain was gone and today I wasn't quite able to add jogging to my walks but the pain was again made myth.

I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that over the past three weeks I have shucked five years of perpetual tiredness. What lies ahead brings a broad grin to my being. I am going to read again, "My Side of the Mountain" my all time favourite childhood book just to revel in the joys of youth I feel in my bones.

Have done some great reads on Paleo in the news. It's really taking off. Here's an interesting one from the Vancouver Sun—look for blather from a nut called Jenkins. Naysayers brought Galileo down and they're raging amongst us still. Time to get out the stake and kindling.
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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2012, 03:39:51 am »
WooHOO Michael!

What a fantastic success story.

And gas, if I could have bagged that stuff we could have motored home on it.

That's the thing about eating well - when I eat something not so great I get gas almost instantly - and the smelly poops that come out are so quick - along with any other reaction - that it almost goes against logic. My body is so fast to protest and does it with so much energy that if only we could harness that energy made from raw foods in the human body we could end the energy crisis! ;)

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2012, 12:48:21 pm »
Dorothy, I have always been aware of my body and its reaction to foods, and to some external reactions as well. I do not like to touch plastic and certain cloths. I had a chiropractor who tested my arm strength to things such as tobacco (I was a smoker), chemicals of sorts, some plastic, and other bad and good things I can't remember. They were in small vials and she held them close to my upper chest, the thymus maybe but I thought it was the thyroid? My outstretched arm became weak with some and stayed firm with others. Now that would be an interesting test to do with foods, eh.

I am noting that my meditation sessions are more focused since I have gone 99% raw (I cook my garlic or use powder) and beer and occasional chocolate are strong opponents.

My experience with cooked food that day has so reinforced my desire to only eat raw. My hip continues to be very pain free and my sense of peace is on the upswing, though the incessant yipping of a small dog outside the window while I was trying to concentrate on a YouTub video, Cancer the Forbidden Cures, eventually sent me into a rage I had not experience for years. (I'm trying to collect info for a friend whose dad's pancreatic cancer has migrated to his liver- he had chemo, not sure of radiation. My friend is coming round to the idea of diet for his dad with the info his aunt and I are finding for him.) Back to topic.  The rage was a good thing, strangely. I have never come to terms with this side of my nature as I am usually such an even tempered person (as the family peace keeper I learned early to bottle up). For the first time I came to terms with the rage with both myself and my victims. Before, I just ignored it.

The raw experience is wholly encompassing, so freeing and energising. For all my food addictions I have always been able to give up what I found to be harmful (except beer,  ice cream and chocolate. Ice cream is gone and chocolate almost. At the moment I do the backwards miracle trick turning beer into water.)

The step into raw was the missing link.
• When I find time to rewrite the laws of physics there will finally be some changes made round here.
• The stupid are cocksure; the intelligent are full of doubt. Bertrand Russell
• However the dice be tossed, we are ultimately responsible for our own death, unless that preverbal piano hammers us on the head.

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2012, 11:52:10 pm »
Michel, I get more serious problems with my joints. Raw paleo helped but not too much. After reading of Dr.Cruse site and studying his ideas I have shifted my meals accordingly. I used to eat first time near noon or even wait till the evening. But one day I felt on the information about the importance of the morning meal right after waking-up (30 min). It was the information from two absolutely different source from opposite sides of the world. I was convinced and decided to try. After the week of water fast I made the big change in my schedule: loaded protein-fat breakfast 7-8 am, mostly fish + coco oil around noon (if I want to) and last meal 5-6 pm again protein-fat. I am on the end of second week of such try. It looks good. I can feel some tension in the joints after wake-up, but it's gone immediately after the first meal. (the food blocks morning realease of cortisol by theory).
It is not dramatic change for the people. Even with IF it is not big deal: one just eats in the morning and fasts till next morning. But there is no snacks btw the meals and the last one must be 4-5 hrs before the bed (I try to do it btw 5-6 pm).
Try it and observe if there is any difference in yr condition.

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2012, 12:31:25 am »
Dorothy, I have always been aware of my body and its reaction to foods, and to some external reactions as well. I do not like to touch plastic and certain cloths. I had a chiropractor who tested my arm strength to things such as tobacco (I was a smoker), chemicals of sorts, some plastic, and other bad and good things I can't remember. They were in small vials and she held them close to my upper chest, the thymus maybe but I thought it was the thyroid? My outstretched arm became weak with some and stayed firm with others. Now that would be an interesting test to do with foods, eh.

I am noting that my meditation sessions are more focused since I have gone 99% raw (I cook my garlic or use powder) and beer and occasional chocolate are strong opponents.

My experience with cooked food that day has so reinforced my desire to only eat raw. My hip continues to be very pain free and my sense of peace is on the upswing, though the incessant yipping of a small dog outside the window while I was trying to concentrate on a YouTub video, Cancer the Forbidden Cures, eventually sent me into a rage I had not experience for years. (I'm trying to collect info for a friend whose dad's pancreatic cancer has migrated to his liver- he had chemo, not sure of radiation. My friend is coming round to the idea of diet for his dad with the info his aunt and I are finding for him.) Back to topic.  The rage was a good thing, strangely. I have never come to terms with this side of my nature as I am usually such an even tempered person (as the family peace keeper I learned early to bottle up). For the first time I came to terms with the rage with both myself and my victims. Before, I just ignored it.

The raw experience is wholly encompassing, so freeing and energising. For all my food addictions I have always been able to give up what I found to be harmful (except beer,  ice cream and chocolate. Ice cream is gone and chocolate almost. At the moment I do the backwards miracle trick turning beer into water.)

The step into raw was the missing link.

Muscle testing is the best and YES - do it with foods! It will be an eye-opener!

Your friend's Dad with pancreatic/liver cancer that has gone through chemotherapy has a very short time to live unless dramatic actions are taken quickly. I bet even his doctors will tell him that. Diet alone will do little to stop it.

Only one cure (and I tried hundreds) was able to completely eradicate the tumor in my Mom's pancreas - dmso mixed with colloidal silver applied to the skin. It is one of the few things that will work fast enough and not make for massive die off. I've talked about it at length in other threads. The only other one that has a chance of saving him knowing what I know about pancreatic cancer would be cesium but it might create die off so can't be done as quickly. Al and GS and some others have been telling me of miracles of Rife and cancer. I don't know about it with pancreatic cancer though as I have not heard of a case. I do however have direct experience with pancreatic cancer and dmso/colloidal silver.

If his organs are already destroyed from the chemotherapy the dmso and cs will at the very least take away the pain. Dying from pancreatic cancer is one of the worst ways to die. That treatment can at the very least make his passing a better experience.

I spent 5 years on the internet doing research pretty much full time and experimenting. Hopefully I can help to shorten the learning curve for you and your friend.

Btw, dmso/colloidal silver is not tested anywhere - but it also has no dangerous side affects at all and works really fast - which is quite amazing - so there is no harm in trying it.

As for you Michael - lucky you releasing liver stuff! Not fun huh. But as my beloved mother used to say, "Better out than in!" :D

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2012, 09:11:23 am »
I was having lots of stomach pain and digestive problems and also headaches, back, hand and foot pain. I had this problem for many years and they were affecting my life because I could not eat, I was anti social at work, I was depressed, nervous and I had no energy to do anything.

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Re: Health improvements to energy, back pain, and digestion
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2012, 07:33:50 pm »
How are you now chinkygirl? What do you like to eat?


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