What are you basing that answer on? Has Dr. Amen or anyone else investigated the health effects raw wine?
OK so where is your research done doble blind etc, on how raw wine is inoffensive to the body?
The 'research' to which you alluded was not on raw wine and not on RPDers and I cannot imagine how it was done double blind.
Dr Amen started out as a psychiatrist (clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and brain imaging expert who heads the world-renowned Amen Clinics. This comes from the jacket on his book.) who had the usual SAD diet, no exercise and worked his *ss off. Typical modern person.
At some point he had some issues which led to him changing directions in life, exploring diets, exercise, etc, probably like most people on this site.
Can't recall exactly at what point he discovered : "single photon emission computed tomography, (SPECT) a nuclear medicine study that looks at blood flow and activity patterns. It looks at how the brain works.
It is different from computerized axial tomography (CAT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans which are anatomical scans that show what the brain physically looks like. SPECT shows how the brain functions. Over the last 22 years, Amen Clinics has built the largest database of brain SPECT, now totalling over seventy thousand scans on patients from 90 different countries.
In his book he shows lots of pics of brain scans of people with healthy brains (smooth, soft curves, lush full appearance) and unhealthy brains ( full of craters, holes, missing sections, bumps, etc depending on the severity of personal abuse)
As far as the studies you mention, that stuff is hogwash. How do you prove how much someone drinks daily. Nobody wants to admit the full extent of the alcohol use/abuse. Generally people underestimate their alcohol use just like people who overeat tend to do. Those studies I saw were that people who 'reported'
drinking such and such.
Since he is a therapist, he interviews people personally and after scanning them talks to them and gets to the truth or at least closer than what a researcher would.
The people who go to his clinic pay for the service and he simply shows them the results and gives recommendations based on what he sees and from understanding;
brain physiology and
seeing how when people change habits and the effect it garners
he indicates a course of action for them.
I think he is Jewish but I am not positive. I think that Jews are not prohibited from alcohol use.
He says in some places in his book (essentially) for people to eliminate or seriously cut down on alcohol use.
Alcohol is not the only thing that he mentions. Recreation and allopathic drugs, brain injury are biggies and he has some football players who have gone to him for treatment and have given up lucrative careers because of his showing them what the results of football are. He is really down on allopathic drugs and discusses at length why psychiatrists prescribe them and why they are generally useless, counterproductive and addictive.
He sells various things for brain health including supplements, but he also suggests it is best to get them naturally. Some extreme cases he would point people towards supplements. However this has nothing to do with alcohol consumption or this conversation.
Our bodies are capable of handling various and sundry types of abuse and surviving and he shows lots of case histories of people who mended their ways and saw dramatic changes in brain health.
You are free to believe what you want about alcohol BTW, but bear one thing in mind, what you have told me so far is your 'belief', AND what I have given is my 'belief' based on a loose bit of the evidence from his scans. Loose because it is not a RPDer consuming raw wine.
In Ayurveda alcohol is considered to be a super-sweet taste and it is a substitute for love, in the same way that sugar in general is.
I agree with your discussion about high meat etc. and I know people who ate their own version of raw meat as a large staple part of their diet, but what my statement was/is that drinking any more than a small amount of raw alcohol periodically, is not a health inducing habit.
BTW he mentions nothing about our diet and if I had the money to throw around I would find it fascinating for someone who is a long-time hard core RPDer to have a scan to see what there is to see. I think we'd come up smelling roses.