@ Adora,
yes it is a lamb fur hat..lol I did not made it but it looks quite home made though. I found it in my mom's stuff and nobody uses it so I thought it could be my CT-hat!

It works absolutely perfect! I never use any hats or any protection on my head all winter longs except when it is very windy and snowstorm. I do not freeze on my head even if it is very cold. And my brain needs to heal..lol. But when CTing it is great to use a hat! I use gloves too and woolsocks, they get wet but they protect my toes pretty good. Without them I cannot do more than one minute and my toes hurt!
The raw onions do makes me taste them for a while, but not too bad. It is very instinctive, as I sometimes cannot taste them at all and they are way too strong, and other times I just love them! I never realized I stink next day or even later in the day. IDK.. there is no man in my life right now except my ex that sleeps in my bed once in a while as we are still great friends but he has not complained yet..lol I do not eat onions every day though.
@ Wodgina,
the cold water stuff is... amazing! I promise! It is like recharging your batteries. I mean, really!
@ Löwenherz,
I have no idea what my ratios are.. I do not count. I eat quite much though. I eat very much fat. I can tell what fat I had today;
Reindeer marrow, about 4 tbsp
Grassfed raw butter, 4 tbsp
Raw organic coconut oil 3 tbsp
Raw grassfed beef fat.. a lot! Maybe 200-300 grams?
1 yolk, raw, from own duck
3 tbsp of raw EVOO
For protein I had around (I did not measured but, about..)
200-300 g raw reindeer meat
400 g raw grassfed beef heart
1 duck eggwhite, raw
For carbs 1 tiny teaspoon raw wild honey and maybe 2 tbsp raspberries from own garden, prefrozen, 2 big glasses of seaweed-smoothie (Wakame).
I am going to have 6 raw oysters right now for dinner, and maybe 150 g cooked mussels too.
How does this looks to you? Much fat or too little, in comparison to what you do?