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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #150 on: November 22, 2012, 06:56:52 pm »
lol! when you said it tastes a little salty i knew what your conclusion about what else it tastes like would be ;)

.. ;) ...  (women's secrets.. :-* I can tell you since eating the raw balls I have had the weirdest cravings.. just to do with this particular stuff..huh!)

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #151 on: November 22, 2012, 07:01:49 pm »
Haha, this is so cool. You need a nice shiny new camera so we can have "Inger eating testicles in full glorious HD" (:

You know.. I am quite happy the quality is that I am not so hot about being known as the girl eating raw balls huh! So I would actually prefer not to be acknowledged at all.. -X
« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 04:22:47 am by TylerDurden »

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #152 on: November 22, 2012, 07:05:40 pm »
Nice, I could watch you eat testicles all day.  Just don't bite me.

Haha.. I was thinking it might be almost "painful" for guys to watch for sure. I am sorry I had no intentions to cause any traumas for sure.. I can tell it wasn't easy for me to cut the balls either. I had quite the mental blockage. Because I could not ever hurt a man.. I love men!
« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 04:23:15 am by TylerDurden »

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #153 on: November 22, 2012, 07:11:47 pm »
inger, thanks you so much for posting these little videos. i was really inspired by you and ate raw deer brains today!  in a weird stroke of luck the dogs ended up dragging the hide with the skull attached the deer we shot a few days ago down near one of the farm buildings i was working in earlier. they ate almost everything off of the skull(eyes, tounge..etc.) but couldnt get to the brain.  i was caught off guard and too busy to figure anything else out so i used an axe to crack the skull in different places, it came out mostly intact.   wow, really tasty, i feel very fortunate!  i ate about a 4th of the little thing and am saving the rest for my thanks giving feast :)

Jessica, that is just great! Wow.. so happy I got you to try brains! What a great thanksgiving feast!! They truly are delicious, something of the best tasting I have ever had when it comes to raw animal food. I will get brains only in fall, just a few, this year I got 2. I ate them both in 2 days. Next year I will hopefully get 6, if our sheeps get that many babys. We'll see. I get brains from no where else here, only from own animals. They are not allowed by law to be sold at all in this country.
But good is I get fish brains as much as I want year round..YAY..!! They save me totally. Fishhead smoothies are my substitute for brains. :) But sure lambs brain taste better to me. ;)

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #154 on: November 22, 2012, 07:18:40 pm »
I can tell the raw labs testicle do are working somehow...  l) I better save the details for myself. -X
I had the weirdest smoothie. Lambs testicle, moose kidney, water. That was yucky for sure. I drank it fast and hold my nose.
I had one yesterday and one today. I am planning on having one of these every day until the balls are gone. Even if they have some quite noticable effect that is maybe not too pleasant to experience without a partner I am not going to throw them away..

I am very happy about the smoothie thing. Makes it easy to ingest the weirdest things for sure!  :)
I always reward myself with something delish after having a yucky smoothie. Like a nice carpaccio, or a 40 degree C coffee with cardamom, raw coconut oil and a raw eggyolk, made into a foamy cafe latte..mmm.

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #155 on: November 27, 2012, 04:35:08 am »
HI Inger,
 Is there any ocean fish whose head you wouldn't eat? I think the fish market would save me more, they would freeze them, what do you think of frozen? Would/have you eat(ten) the bellies of any fish besides mackerel. The Mackerel felt great, but I wasn't wanting to venture past your experience.
   When I had raw testicle, the taste wasn't bad, but I had a huge urge to vomit after 3-4bites, so I stopped. Then, experienced a powerful surge in energy, not sexual, but that could have been due to complex factors, I ran fast. I seemed to need to and I was restless, jumpy after and had trouble sleeping. The energy felt out of sync with me, like it was male and it unbalanced me. Your experience was so positive, maybe I'll try it again. I think the lambs are all gone now, but I'll check.
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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #156 on: December 08, 2012, 03:18:21 pm »
Adora, sorry for replying so late! I had so much work there was no time for much else...huh
Fishheads.. IDK I guess I would eat any fishhead but because I am doing the smoothie thing I can only use heads that are so soft they get crushed in my mixer. I have done Baltic herring head smoothies too and other fishes that are small. From a big head like cod, I would just make broth.. But that would be a no go if one is 100% raw for sure.

About freezing, you need to be careful about fatty fishes. They get rancid fast, also frozen. But just for a weeks or two I guess it is fine! And non fatty fishes a little longer. I have nothing against frozen but sure fresh is always better. :)

The urge to vomit when eating raw testicles was maybe your instinctive stop signal? That you needed not too much of them? Could be just psychological too for sure. This is always hard to know..
I ate both balls in  just a few days and I never got an urge to vomit. Maybe I need some man Yeah.. sure. I am under some quite strong pressure right now but I fight like a lion. I am so much more able now to fight for my own well-being. It gets better day by day. It is like starting to love oneself for real.. it is beautiful. I need to explore this.. I know I am onto something huge... what amazing things are the dark and cold + amazing foods doing...huh
I even cheated at work with cream and almonds again but I still felt great! Now I have days off and home I never cheat. It is a challenge for me to not munch on the almonds at work. They do me no good for sure! But hey, every day is a new, beautiful day and I tell myself every morning, this day is going to be just great! I am going to make it the most beautiful day ever! And so I always learn new things.. face the challenges and resolve them step by step.. life is just amazing!
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 04:09:54 pm by TylerDurden »

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #157 on: December 09, 2012, 07:14:35 am »
I'll see if I can get more fish heads. I only eat the eyes and brain. The rest is just bone and gills. I like the taste of the little brain. Do you think any ocean fish guts would be fine to eat too?
I loved your last post. I'm doing well too. I can't seem to keep the lights off at all. I love the dark and detest artificial light, but It is dark so early and i have so much to do that is fristerating to acomplish without light. Everything else I am doing well with and I feel much better too.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 02:14:23 pm by TylerDurden »
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Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #158 on: December 09, 2012, 12:09:12 pm »
As far as fish heads, a good pair of kitchen scissors can chop even the big ones into blend-able chunks.   I use Cutco scissors, they are expensive, around $95, but they last forever, and they are the best scissors/shears you'll even use, by a lot.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #159 on: December 09, 2012, 09:14:25 pm »
As far as fish heads, a good pair of kitchen scissors can chop even the big ones into blend-able chunks.   I use Cutco scissors, they are expensive, around $95, but they last forever, and they are the best scissors/shears you'll even use, by a lot.

I have them too. They're great. And they have a forever guarantee.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #160 on: February 11, 2013, 12:24:53 am »
How is it going?
Great... :)

I love this protocol! I am enjoying my icebaths practically every day. I do different long dips, in between 30 seconds to 5 minutes. I did 7 minute long dip too but then it felt too much after.. I had to take a long hot shower as it felt like my heart froze to ice huh! l) Today I did 4 minutes.
It is so beautiful here now, it snowed yesterday;

I am eating a lot of raw grassfed heart last two weeks. every day! Raw grassfed beef fat too.. I just LOVE it! Here is a carpaccio with raw beefheart, raw beef fat, raw onions, organic balsamic vinegar from  100% grapes only, and a little seasalt. So yummy..

I order 13 oysters every Friday. More I cannot afford, I would eat this amount every day if I could..

Today I made me a yummy dessert from our own ducks eggs, one yolk and one whole egg, a small teaspoon wild raw honey, and wild Finnish blueberries.. I am not eating this often in winter though, I feel the eggs are not too good for me at this time of the year. It is a occasional treat only;

I eat raw reindeer almost every morning, with the marrow too. The yummyest thing ever.
Reindeer has lots of Q10 too, really important when too little time outside and grounding.. I feel great on those food. 

I just love how sleepy I get at 8-9 PM.. and how I wake up every morning at 5 or 6 PM.. This all feels like pure luxury!  But I have consciously organized my life like this.
I have been reading so much last weeks, about EMF, earthing, electrons.. wow it is all so fascinating! My mood is just high almost all the time, others are complaining about the long and dark winter and when will it finally end, and they are sooo tired all the day.. and I am just so full of energy and feeling so light and happy, it is amazing. I feel no need for this winter to  a living proof that it is not the darkness that makes on depressed, for sure!

Weird how so natural things as having it dark in the evening are starting to feel like a gift.. something special.. something so blessed...

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #161 on: February 11, 2013, 02:05:06 am »
Inger, you are adorable in your icy pool. Is that a fur hat? Did you make it? There is a river by me, but it can be seen by the road, and I haven't gotten up the courage, YET! I'm totally inspired to move forward, thank you, beautiful pioneer woman.
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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #162 on: February 11, 2013, 02:10:07 am »
Do you marinate the onions? I hate onion breath, but I love onions, especially the little red one's. I like them alone like an apple, but my breath is bad for 3 days!!! It is in my lungs, no amount of brushing can control it. What is your experience? Does it stop happening with improved digestion? Or are you just less social for a few days after eating them?
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Offline Löwenherz

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #163 on: February 11, 2013, 07:18:04 pm »
Inger, thanks for sharing your keto experiences!

When I see this ice water hole...   ufff. You are a tough girl.

What is the fat / protein ratio in your diet round about at average?

« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 10:05:22 pm by Löwenherz »

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #164 on: February 11, 2013, 09:42:40 pm »
I struggled getting in the water Yesterday and it was 38 Celsius outside.

But I'm curious about this cold water stuff
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 09:49:14 pm by wodgina »
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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #165 on: February 11, 2013, 10:41:20 pm »
@ Adora,
yes it is a lamb fur I did not made it but it looks quite home made though. I found it in my mom's stuff and nobody uses it so I thought it could be my CT-hat!  :) It works absolutely perfect! I never use any hats or any protection on my head all winter longs except when it is very windy and snowstorm. I do not freeze on my head even if it is very cold. And my brain needs to But when CTing it is great to use a hat! I use gloves too and woolsocks, they get wet but they protect my toes pretty good. Without them I cannot do more than one minute and my toes hurt!

The raw onions do makes me taste them for a while, but not too bad. It is very instinctive, as I sometimes cannot taste them at all and they are way too strong, and other times I just love them! I never realized I stink next day or even later in the day. IDK.. there is no man in my life right now except my ex that sleeps in my bed once in a while as we are still great friends but he has not complained I do not eat onions every day though.

@ Wodgina,
the cold water stuff is... amazing! I promise! It is like recharging your batteries. I mean, really!

@ Löwenherz,
I have no idea what my ratios are.. I do not count. I eat quite much though. I eat very much fat. I can tell what fat I had today;

Reindeer marrow, about 4 tbsp
Grassfed raw butter, 4 tbsp
Raw organic coconut oil 3 tbsp
Raw grassfed beef fat.. a lot! Maybe 200-300 grams?
1 yolk, raw, from own duck
3 tbsp of raw EVOO

For protein I had around (I did not measured but, about..)
200-300 g raw reindeer meat
400 g raw grassfed beef heart
1 duck eggwhite, raw

For carbs 1 tiny teaspoon raw wild honey and maybe 2 tbsp raspberries from own garden, prefrozen, 2 big glasses of seaweed-smoothie (Wakame).

I am going to have 6 raw oysters right now for dinner, and maybe 150 g cooked mussels too.

How does this looks to you? Much fat or too little, in comparison to what you do?

« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 10:47:43 pm by Inger »

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #166 on: February 11, 2013, 10:45:54 pm »
@ Wodgina,
the cold water stuff is... amazing! I promise! It is like recharging your batteries. I mean, really!

It never gets cold in Manila.
Does this work the same if I put ice in my bath tub?

Or that would not be right since I live in a tropical climate?
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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #167 on: February 11, 2013, 10:50:22 pm »
GS, does it gets cold in the night? You could sleep with open windows and little covers?

I bet icebaths in your bathtub would be only great! But you have to try it out and tell us, for sure. :)
You will soon know, by how you feel after... could put ice cubes in your water all th time too!

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #168 on: February 11, 2013, 11:38:18 pm »
@ Löwenherz,
I have no idea what my ratios are.. I do not count. I eat quite much though. I eat very much fat. I can tell what fat I had today;

Reindeer marrow, about 4 tbsp
Grassfed raw butter, 4 tbsp
Raw organic coconut oil 3 tbsp
Raw grassfed beef fat.. a lot! Maybe 200-300 grams?
1 yolk, raw, from own duck
3 tbsp of raw EVOO

For protein I had around (I did not measured but, about..)
200-300 g raw reindeer meat
400 g raw grassfed beef heart
1 duck eggwhite, raw
How does this looks to you? Much fat or too little, in comparison to what you do?

For me, that's A LOT of fat. AFAIK one tablespoon are approximetely 15 grams. You mentioned 14 tablespoons + 1 egg yolk. That alone are round about 225 grams of fat. PLUS the beef fat! Your body is definetely a super fat burner. That's very good.

So far, I do better on lower amounts of fat and higher amounts of protein. A good daily intake during ZC weeks for me looks like 200 grams of protein plus 200 grams of fat (no oils for me).

Have you seen an improvemt of your fat digestion capability over time? Or have you been able to digest high amounts of fat immediately from the very beginning of your keto journey? I'm asking because I observe again and again that my fat digestion capability is limited, unfortunately. And I don't know if it's normal at that level. It improves very slowly on strict zc weeks. But fruits totally destroy my fat digestion. One week with higher fruit intake and I have to start at ground zero.


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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #169 on: February 11, 2013, 11:40:23 pm »
It never gets cold in Manila.
Does this work the same if I put ice in my bath tub?

Or that would not be right since I live in a tropical climate?

For me it would make much more sense to train HEAT resistance in the tropics instead of cold resistance.


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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #170 on: February 12, 2013, 12:20:15 am »
Löwenherz, how do I know if I have good fat digestion? I dunno. I can eat huge amounts of fat and I feel great after.. My stool does float sometimes. Is that bad? But I am very regular and I am not too thin or to thick I could be a tiny bit thinner but I am fine with my weight as it is now in winter. Absolutely. I feel light. I do not weigh at all.

I crave fat(or protein) not KH. I never eat much of them. If, it is very small amounts and I had enough. Like 1 teaspoon honey, raw and wild, mixed in my food for sweetness like salmon tartare.. Or a few spoons wild berries, they have very little KHs. I never eat fruit. Maybe in summer but even then not really.

I guess my fat digestion was always pretty good? Hmmm.. I do not remember so well as I have eaten like this for years. But I cannot really remember any issues. It does varyes though. There can be days with much protein and not so much fat. I do very much how I feel like, I do not make up any ratios.. I am not rigid like that.. it always

Haha.. heat for adding resistance..? You know heat makes us get old sooner and shorten our life spans?  ;) So it would not make sense, would it?
I have heard from many that do heavy CT that their heat resistance get better too! So it would make sense!

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #171 on: February 12, 2013, 12:52:27 am »
Löwenherz, how do I know if I have good fat digestion? I dunno. I can eat huge amounts of fat and I feel great after.. My stool does float sometimes. Is that bad?

I would say if you can eat huge amounts of fat without any discomfort your fat digestion is excellent. Floating stools indicate undigested fat. But as long as you don't get diarrhea like fatty stools, I guess there are no problems.

Why do you think that heat shortens our life span? My friends in Sweden are convinced that their saunas are good for rejuvenation.

And what do you think about the theory that a high caloric intake shortens our life span?


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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #172 on: February 12, 2013, 01:42:26 am »
I would say if you can eat huge amounts of fat without any discomfort your fat digestion is excellent. Floating stools indicate undigested fat. But as long as you don't get diarrhea like fatty stools, I guess there are no problems.

Oh that is great. I do not get diarrhea, so then it must be fine!

Why do you think that heat shortens our life span? My friends in Sweden are convinced that their saunas are good for rejuvenation.

And what do you think about the theory that a high caloric intake shortens our life span?


That heat shortens life span is a scientific fact, that is too why people around the equator live shorter than people in colder climates.. Cold preserves. It makes the electron charge keep longer in our bodies.. it is important for less inflammation.. cold helps keeping inflammation low too. Inflammatiuon is the source of about all neolithic deseases me thinks..

Saunas are good because they are short duration exercise and are very relaxing and you use them with cold dips or showers. But heat is not good long term.

I think high calorie might well shorten life span. It is actually a fact I guess already. Overfeed at least is not good for longevity. IDK if it is in the ketose path too... it might be a difference when fatburning mode. To use fat for fuel instead of CH is absolutely better for longevity! A fat molecule is way more efficient fuel than a carbohydrate and creates less oxidation...

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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #173 on: February 13, 2013, 12:16:01 am »
To use fat for fuel instead of CH is absolutely better for longevity!

That's my belief, too, judging from my own body, AS long as we use saturated fats. I'm sure that unsaturated, high pufa fats (even raw) are much more damaging than sugars.

Nonetheless high carb doesn't always mean short lifespan. There are a lot of very old high carb low fat dieters in the media. Think of Charlotte Gerson and others. We can't find many very old and healthy low carbers, at least in the media. One reason may be that most of them eat cooked animal foods. Cooked fats are toxic. I can't eat them anymore..


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Re: Inger's healing journey
« Reply #174 on: February 13, 2013, 12:27:48 am »
I have no idea what my ratios are.. I do not count. I eat quite much though. I eat very much fat. I can tell what fat I had today;

Reindeer marrow, about 4 tbsp
Grassfed raw butter, 4 tbsp
Raw organic coconut oil 3 tbsp
Raw grassfed beef fat.. a lot! Maybe 200-300 grams?
1 yolk, raw, from own duck
3 tbsp of raw EVOO
For protein I had around (I did not measured but, about..)
200-300 g raw reindeer meat
400 g raw grassfed beef heart
1 duck eggwhite, raw
For carbs 1 tiny teaspoon raw wild honey and maybe 2 tbsp raspberries from own garden, prefrozen, 2 big glasses of seaweed-smoothie (Wakame).
I am going to have 6 raw oysters right now for dinner, and maybe 150 g cooked mussels too.

Roughly estimated, the above listed foods supply 4.000 to 5.000 calories!!

That's huge. Is this really a typical daily food intake in your diet?

I wonder why you are still so thin with such excessive amounts of calories. For comparison: Angelika Fischer claims that she eats round about 1.500 calories per day on her mixed diet and she has relatively high body fat levels.

I noticed that I need more food/calories on a ZC diet but I think I never exceeded 3.000 calories per day.



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